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Off Topic GE ++++ JULY 4th 2024 ++++ 83 DAY'S OF RECKONING

Discussion in 'Bristol City' started by realred1952, May 22, 2024.

  1. Redprintt

    Redprintt Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Ed Milliband...........honestly, wtf is happening.
  2. AshtonRed

    AshtonRed Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2017
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    My concern would be more for the jobs, all sides suggest they will be retrained for new renewable energy jobs, as long as it’s done in a way this happens smoothly without incurring job losses I wouldn’t be too bothered personally.
  3. Angelicnumber16

    Angelicnumber16 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Well I would
    There is probably tens of billions of pounds in Gas and Oil under the North Sea
    Whether people like it or not, oil and Gas will be around for decades to come and long after we’re gone
    So for a country that’s teetering on the edge of financial meltdown, why would we not want to take advantage of it ?
    It’s the same with coal and steel
    We rush to want to be Carbon neutral and tell the world how virtuous we are, so we are shutting down steel production with the loss of thousands of jobs in South Wales, and have have previously shut virtually all coal mines anyway, so we end up importing both commodities with a huge carbon footprint when we already had them in this country.
    It’s utter madness, and for what ?
  4. AshtonRed

    AshtonRed Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2017
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    Maggie shut the coal mines, apparently it was more expensive to dig our own, than to import cheap foreign coal. We are an island with unlimited resources of renewable energy, wind, solar and tidal. That’s even if you don’t believe burning fossil fuels will choke the planet.
  5. RedorDead

    RedorDead Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2011
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    Think you will find it was the Tories who sold off British Steel, and started that downfall.
  6. realred1952

    realred1952 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    you have this incorrect Angelic ... its measured in trillions!
    Makes for interesting reading... as the money gained from these licences is a staple and stable part of our economy in May 2024....................

    31 licences have been offered in the third tranche of the NSTA’s 33rd licensing round after rigorous environmental checks. This is important news for people across the industry and its supply chains, which support over 200,000 jobs up and down the UK. 
    A total of 82 offers to 50 companies have now been made in the round which attracted 115 bids from 76 companies across 257 blocks and part-blocks. The licences offered in the round have the potential to add an estimated 600 million barrels of oil equivalent (mmboe) up to 2060, or 545 mmboe by 2050. 

    Offshore Energies UK’s CEO David Whitehouse comments:

    “New oil and gas licences benefit every sector in the UK. They will help to bring secure supplies of homegrown gas into our grid, reducing our reliance on more carbon intensive imports from overseas. These licences will help to protect jobs and power and heat the nation’s firms and homes as we build the next generation of low carbon infrastructure here in the UK.  
    “In this general election year, we face a choice: we can build a homegrown energy transition and kickstart economic growth by backing our people, our offshore firms and our world class supply chain, or we can import even more energy and fail to grow our new wind, hydrogen and carbon capture industries. Our energy security, economic growth, and thousands of jobs in almost every parliamentary constituency up and down the UK are at stake.  

    Kamikaze Starmer has got a lot of back tracking to do and a lot of of holes to fill in the next couple of years.... the UK COULD GO BANKRUPT IN 3 YEARS and inflation reach 15% interest go to 12% and mortgages will be un afordable to the mindset of the modern younger generation < 40 years old who value holidays and luxury above rooves over their head and food on the table!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. realred1952

    realred1952 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    to be fair our steel industry needed ore / coal / and efficiency but never kept up with the need to replace technology. it suffered at the hands of all .gov's for the past 50 /60 years.
  8. realred1952

    realred1952 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    We had a choice of Realistic Sunak or Kamikaze Starmer ... USA has a choice of Bumbling Biden or Truthless Trump.... IMHO I was a Biden supporter, [ until around easter time ] of the best of a sad pairing... Trump cant be trusted is verging on being a criminal, and is clever at putting others in the firing to act out his wish's . he doesnt like losing be it at anything .... hence his face in the front of the news for many devious acts!!!
    Joe must go, I have seen the same progression with a number of people my mum and friends that start off as he is .. degenerative cognition, few errors to start .. periods and moments of pure normality then a minute later lost, slurred speech loss of thought train longer periods between comments ... searching for the words ............... it can go on like this for about a year 2 ...3... 4.... and it can also go into a rapid descent [ maybe a year building up ?] that takes month's to become enshrined then have to live with it for ages ............

    Democrats have to say Joe ... you have achieved a lot a fantastic 4 years DO NOT commit political suicide and spoil your place in history .................
  9. AshtonRed

    AshtonRed Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2017
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    They left behind a complete mess, right across the board. Only time will tell if Labour can clear it up, but leaving the Tories in charge would have been madness. Thankfully the general public could see that even if you couldn’t.
    Hilts24 likes this.
  10. realred1952

    realred1952 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    there is going to be a period where it might be dumb to think that booting out the Tories was a bad idea! ... ON THE FACE OF IT so far all the actions taken are negative ones in the wider picture .......
    cancelling Rwanda loss to date around £400,000,000 ...cancelling oil /gas licences... potentially £??, 000,000,000 bn's [over next 5 years ]

    The Q is why cancel the licences? well they wish to start up GBE = COST £8bn? ... but have nothing to earn from it, they expect to get into bed with a mix of private sector for wind turbines and create x number of jobs... but will that happen in the next year ...NO in 2 years unlikely... 3 years possibly have something in place but cost to that date will be in excess of what they stated it being funded by. [ already a number of NOM DOM targets have flown the cooop!
    There will be a tipping point where chasing nom dom's will cost more than its actually going to pay!

    so far and for the next 3-5 month's they will be living of the momentum generated by the last .gov. It is a no brainer that the BOE didnt reduce interest rate in June they needed to see what would happen to the economy and initial actions of what the next .gov would be doing! If they dont reduce the interest rate by at least .5% in next 4 month's [ 2 opportunities ] they are ensuring they prop up the Labour .gov before it goes into melt down!

    Another Q is how long if it goes Tits up! will Kamikaze wish to head the demise? or capitulate like Bliar did!

  11. Redprintt

    Redprintt Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Very early days for the new Labour government.
    Hopefully Streeting is on the right lines with trying to reform the NHS.
    It's correct but also extrene hypocrisy. If the last lot tried this Streeting would have been screaming against 'Private' involvement in the NHS.
    Reeves has changed her mind big time and Raynor led marches in her constituency only a few years ago against building on green land. Now it's a free for all.
    And don't forget Ed Milliband, Lammy and Diane and their ridiculous views on everything.
    Opposition is easy, it'll be fun for the majority of voters watching these nutters run the country.
    33% voted for Starmer - 2 million less than voted for Corbyn.....You can't make it up.
  12. AshtonRed

    AshtonRed Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2017
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    That’s a bit rich, it wasn’t cancelling Rwanda that cost hundreds of millions, setting it up in the first place was the problem. To continue it would have been throwing good money after bad.

    NHS waiting lists are horrendous, the prisons are at breaking point. The water boards are spewing sewage everywhere, those are a few issues that immediately spring to mind. Everything is broken, so in answer to your question we are already in ‘melt down’. Things have already gone ‘tits up’. We have to find a way to invest in our services and infrastructure because not doing so is why we’re in the position we now find ourselves, in the long run it’s a false economy.
  13. Angelicnumber16

    Angelicnumber16 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I lnow Maggie shut the mines
    As for choking the planet it’s all alarmist nonsense set up by people making money out of it. Greta should get a proper job
    King Charles told us all the glaciers would be all gone by the year 2000
    Are they gone ? No
    The Vikings discovered Greenland and Iceland 1000 years ago when the sea ice retreated. What were they driving back then to make that happen ?
    How is excessive taxation on the average person helping any of this
    Is the climate changing ? Yes
    Is it all man made ? I really don’t think so although chopping down huge tracts of the Amazon jungle isn’t helping. Trees are good for the planet, plastic isn’t
    I want a cleaner planet like most people but I also believe we’re not being told the truth
    Only 52% of the UK electorate bothered to vote, that sums up the apathy the Tories and Labour generate
    Labour want to lower the voting age to 16 to try and attract the youngsters who might be too stupid to know what they’re doing
  14. AshtonRed

    AshtonRed Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2017
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    I know you don’t think we are responsible for global warming. I disagree, as most respected scientists say we are. But putting that to one side, it’s true we are very well placed as an island to capitalise on producing renewable energy. Why would we not take advantage of that?. There is no dispute that extracting oil and gas from the North Sea is very expensive and is finite. Once we’ve built the capability and infrastructure renewable energy is less expensive to produce and most importantly is infinite, the sun isn’t going to stop shining, the wind and waves are going to keep coming. Therefore phasing out oil and gas and transferring to renewable is definitely the.answer, it also means we’ll be able to be energy self sufficient so we aren’t reliant on international markets. As a bonus we should be attempting to get to the forefront of producing the equipment, to sell to the rest of the world .
  15. AshtonRed

    AshtonRed Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2017
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    Trump has just been shot at. It seems he was hit in the ear. Regardless of your political view violence is totally unacceptable.
    Our own election was very polarised and at times the election campaign was very aggressive, too much so for my liking. One thing that made me extremely proud though was how readily everyone accepted the result, I have to say my respect for Rishi grew due to his response to the loss. He acted with great dignity. It made me proud to be British.
    Redprintt and Angelicnumber16 like this.
  16. Angelicnumber16

    Angelicnumber16 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I agree that the supply isn’t going to last forever but in my humble opinion Nuclesr is the long term answer to our energy needs
    Solar and wind are somewhat limited
  17. Angelicnumber16

    Angelicnumber16 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Sounds like Trump is going to be ok which is good.
    What went on here with people throwing milkshake at Nigel Farage could set a dangerous precedent and make politicians think twice about public appearances and holding surgeries, especially after the murders of Sir David Ames and Jo Cox

    America right now is a very polarised and divided country
    Immigration is very high on average Americans list of concerns like it is here
    The Democrats have let in 9,000,000 undocumented illegals which is just ridiculous and is asking for trouble
    I have friends in Delaware, Joe Bidens home state who are staunch Democrat supporters and even they are sick of what’s going on, including the lawlessness in certain major cities after Police forces were slashed thanks to the likes of BLM and Antifa
    There were 96 shootings in New York last week alone
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2024
  18. Hilts24

    Hilts24 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2011
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    9m undocumented illegals. <laugh><laugh><laugh>

    You believe that and don't think 16 year olds are fit to vote.

    Trumps wall couldn't have done the job.
  19. bcfcredandwhite

    bcfcredandwhite Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    Maggie was - and still is a very divisive figure even now. Good and bad in equal measure.
    She got elected because the country was crippled by the unions - British industry was being strangled. She cut them down to size - which absolutely needed to be done, but she introduced a very ‘short-termist’ culture. She put making a quick buck above long-term sustainability - and definitely before any social obligations. Closing the mines may have been the right thing to do in the short term, but it created a dependency on foreign imports - which could be turned off at any point if we fell out with our supply countries.
    She allowed our manufacturing sector to wither and die. In 1955 two thirds of the world’s motor vehicles were built by British owned companies. That’s the WORLD. Today we don’t have ANY car companies that are UK owned.
    Her obsession with beating the unions led her to sacrifice entire industries - which today will be nigh on impossible to rebuild. She should have mothballed them but not destroy/sell them. Again - short sighted. Our economy is almost entirely dependent upon foreign cooperation and treaties. If we ever became isolated - like in WW2 - we simply couldn’t cope. This is a big factor (not the main) in my preference for us to have stayed part of the EU.
    She presided over the selling off of our Utility and transport systems - and we are feeling the fallout now - in particular with regards to our water companies - very little investment in infrastructure since privatisation because any profit is being creamed off to pay the shareholders. That’s why we have sewage in our rivers again - like a 3rd world country.
    The water companies is a good example where free market capitalism simply cannot work. There is no competition to keep them in check. If I’m pissed off with Thames Water I can’t do anything about it - I can’t simply go to Wessex Water - I just have to grumble and keep paying the bills - which go to shareholders instead of repairing end-of-life infrastructure. That’s what is known as a Monopoly - not free market capitalism.
    We are a RICH country - but you wouldn’t know it from the terrible decay that has been allowed to take hold. It’ll take £billions to fix years of neglect - by successive governments.
    We can’t fix our roads, hospitals or water supplies - but as soon as there’s a sniff of a war somewhere money seems to be no object.
    I’m not saying Labour will fix things - in fact they probably won’t - but I’m mightily pissed off at the deterioration I’ve witnessed over the past 20 or so years and for me it’s ‘if you always do what you’ve always done then you’ll get what you’ve always got’ …. Rot and decay.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2024
  20. AshtonRed

    AshtonRed Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2017
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    The trouble with Nuclear is its inherent danger and also what happens to the waste? Solar and wind isn’t limited, it’s limitless it’s not going to stop is it.

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