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Summer 2024 Transfers and Rumours Thread

Discussion in 'Leeds United' started by Mr Wolves-White, May 29, 2024.

  1. oldschool

    oldschool Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2020
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    Cheeky monkey
    Wakey likes this.
  2. Mr Wolves-White

    Mr Wolves-White Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2012
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    Update on the Mes situation from the Daily Mail the club wants £20 million for him and are looking for a replacement.
  3. milkyboy

    milkyboy Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    we think he’s sh*t… but £20m please.
    Makemstine Roger and NostradEmus like this.
  4. NostradEmus

    NostradEmus Firpo is Shit

    Aug 4, 2019
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    Shhh. Don't tell everyone he's ****.
    Makemstine Roger likes this.
  5. Marcos Barber

    Marcos Barber Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2014
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    Poundland player when he had our shirt on <laugh> Time to go, time to go….
    Makemstine Roger, Wakey and oldschool like this.
  6. Mr Wolves-White

    Mr Wolves-White Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2012
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    Marek Rodak is meant to be lined up as the replacement for Meslier
    Makemstine Roger and ristac like this.
  7. Leedsoflondon

    Leedsoflondon Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2014
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    No idea who he is.
  8. Mr Wolves-White

    Mr Wolves-White Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2012
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    Fulham... I think he was their 2nd choice keeper
  9. Leedsoflondon

    Leedsoflondon Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2014
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    Well that doesn’t sound very inspiring <doh>
  10. oldschool

    oldschool Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2020
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    He was first choice until they signed leno, inspiring enough to replace mes...:emoticon-0148-yes:

  11. SIDDAS

    SIDDAS Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2021
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    Well Ive had a bit of a break and slowly getting back into the Leeds head again. Think the loan market is our key this season. Still a bit wet behind the ears with it. but as of reading this morning there are no limits on the amount of loans a championship club can take. but, only 5 can be registered in a 25 man squad with anyone being under 21 exempt but I'm also reading that's not the case anymore and u21's do have to be registered. you also cant take more than 4 players from one club not as if we will. then there's the faff of a half season loan or a full season loan. any recall clause can only be activated in a full season loan and can only be done in the winter transfer window.
    As on the current squad Get out who we don't want first ie surplus. Then Farke and co get the rest in a room when they come back for training and one on one ask them are you with us this season or you going to turn your head in any interest or you wanting out. it's as simple as that. anyone doubting there position throw them to the side. the squad has to be together side before self is our motto.
    Hand on heart right now I don't care who goes we have a good championship squad end of. we have so called "big players" and potential players yes and these are the ones we need to go one on one with and ask where there head is. We have to start our window earlier and everyone on the same page.
    My thinking is:
    Where's their Heads? Meslier,Gnonto,James,Summerville,Rutter,Ampadu,Gray. out of this lot I can only see the last 2 Ampadu and Gray giving us the 100% nod. Rumours are Meslier is one we want to make some funds with. Gnonto wants out. Summerville no matter what he says the money will talk and a offer will come in we will accept. James-Rutter question Marks on their heads.
    Sales: anyone else in the squad if a good offer comes in I would seriously look into it as personally i think none are Prem standard.
    All the loans out are still a mess and any wanting or coming back will take a big effort to get back on side other than the ones who we let go rather than themselves wanting out ie Aaronson. Harrison signs up for the toffees again Roca leaves the ship and Kristenson, Wober, Llorente unlikely to return.
    Let's get the club back on track shift the surplus and heel diggers and replace them with players who want to wear the shirt.
    A new season a new start release all the negatives and half empty thoughts of players and get the dressing room as one.
    ristac and Whitejock like this.
  12. Gessa

    Gessa Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2018
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  13. Mr Wolves-White

    Mr Wolves-White Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2012
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    Are you ****ing ****ting me..... Are you ****ing ****ting!!!!!!!

    Gray is off to ****ing Brentford for £35 million as reported by every major new outlets.

    **** Red Bull and **** the 49ers they only care about profit and not the ****ing club

    Yankee **** bastards!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Eireleeds1 likes this.
  14. ristac

    ristac Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 23, 2011
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    You’re upset then ;)
  15. Whitejock

    Whitejock Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2011
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    I thought he was trying to do a Scots accent! <whistle>
    Makemstine Roger and ristac like this.
  16. Marcos Barber

    Marcos Barber Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2014
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    Leeds, Leeds are falling apart…..

    So Archie could be off to Brentford rather than Dortmund or wherever. Does it really make any difference to me? I guess not, lived this nightmare a thousand times and bizarrely keep coming back for more <doh>

    Of course, effing and jeffing about the 49ers will help some, Eire and Wakey prefer taking the route of blaming Rads for everything from the Cuban missile crisis to Covid but I have a question. Have we ever been a well run club? I mean in the way that Matthew Benham has led Brentford or Tony Bloom at Brighton. Have we ever had a sustained, well thought out plan?

    It always has had the feel of that one pub in town that everyone knows is a potential goldmine if only someone got it right but it’s always one brawl, drugs bust or salacious scandal from having the windows boarded up and the council withdrawing the licence. Somehow, that right person just never arrives, why? Well, because we are Leeds I guess, it’s part of our beautiful tragedy.

    Did the current owners inherit the golden goose from Rads? No, I guess not but then did Rads from Coco or Coco from GFH? GFH from cuddly Ken and so on, and on and on.

    Even Eire can’t blame Rads for selling Frankie Gray, Paul Hart and Sheridan to Clough at Forest or stopping Tommy Wright, Linighan and Irwin from leaving for the Oldham sunshine. What about Becchio, Little Johnny and Snods to Norwich, that was a giggle. David Seaman couldn’t resist the lure of Peterborough and don’t get me started on McQueen (personal favourite at the time, I was heartbroken), Jordan, Smith, the Frenchman and another favourite, Arthur Graham to you know who… Sinisterra and Adams to Bournemouth is almost not embarrassing I am that used to it.

    If it wasn’t for one great manager from the early 60’s until the early 70’s, what would we actually be? Mind you, at least the Don didn’t have to contend with having to sell his best teenagers to stay within the rules of financial cockwomble.

    Not sure what it would take for us all to genuinely not care come August, we all will :emoticon-0148-yes:

    Leeds are falling apart again <whistle>
  17. Mr Wolves-White

    Mr Wolves-White Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2012
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    I'm ****ing ecstatic cos what I've said has come to pass. You all told me to shut up and be positive by I tried to warn you, When we sell Gray, Gnonto, Summerville and Meslier and we bring in frees and cheap nobodies I'll stand on my hill and say I told you so!!!! When Farke fails and I'll remind you that I said Farke was the wrong choice and we should have got Viera.

    The Yankees do not have our best interests at heart they have their pockets and SF 49ers best interest at heart
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2024 at 11:53 PM
    Doc likes this.
  18. Leedsoflondon

    Leedsoflondon Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2014
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    You will more than likely be proved right with much of this except Viera has done nothing in management to suggest he should be our head coach.
    Makemstine Roger, Gessa and Whitejock like this.
  19. milkyboy

    milkyboy Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Guy on JA, whose record is good on such things called this recently. We had to shift a top player by 30 jun for PSR - apparently loads of solid interest in gray but of the clubs he was prepared to go to (he didn't want to go at all) only Brentford could get a deal through in time.

    Deal for Summerville (only other player who could bring that kind of cash in) was too far off. Doesn't necessarily mean a fire sale - if Gray sale goes through the heat is off a bit. Of course that doesn't mean the other 'jewels' won't leave or want to leave, just that we don't HAVE to sell them.
  20. gombawn

    gombawn Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2015
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    I'm too lazy to post very often. Right now I'm 2 sheets to the wind. But Marcos gets it bang on all the time everytime.
    Just 2 last things to say. Bielsa and Revie were the greatest things to walk through the doors of elland road. And wolves white is a 12 year old in a 60 year old body.

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