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Off Topic Migrant crisis

Discussion in 'Charlton' started by Ubedizzy, Nov 23, 2021.

  1. lardiman

    lardiman My only desire
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 6, 2016
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    I hear one arrival across the Channel yesterday afternoon is not short of a bob or two by all accounts <whistle>
    Though his wife wasn't paying all her taxes until quite recently.
    The Penguin likes this.
  2. Ubedizzy2

    Ubedizzy2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2023
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    Getting close to a thousand new arrivals by small boat in the last 5 days. Depressing.
  3. A likeable little fella

    A likeable little fella Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2015
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    The country is f*****.
    Smudger603 likes this.
  4. Ubedizzy2

    Ubedizzy2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2023
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    Yep. This issue certainly ain’t gonna get any better when Labour get in.
  5. Ponders Revisited

    Ponders Revisited Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2011
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    The army should be dealing with this national crisis. Internment camps, tents, latrines, soup kitchens and barbed wire fences are the only way to deal with it. Thousands of third world people are strolling around our streets, yet we have no clue who they are or what their intentions are. Many may be perfectly decent folk looking for a new life here, but it's also guaranteed there will be more than a few malefactors who will rape, steal and even murder. In short, the risks are too high. Put them all behind sturdy fencing, then see how many still want to come. In short, what's the point in having an army if not to stop invasions? And yes, this is an invasion.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2024
  6. Ubedizzy2

    Ubedizzy2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2023
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    That’s correct for those that are already here. But of course it won’t happen.

    The bigger problem is the hundreds of thousands who still want to come here.

    That is a job for what’s left of our Navy. Simply stop them from entering UK territory then it’s not our problem. And if we can’t stop a few small boats from crossing the channel then we really are in trouble.
    Ponders Revisited likes this.
  7. Ponders Revisited

    Ponders Revisited Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Trouble is, the gutless, hand-wringing politicians don't want to offend anyone these days. They'd rather risk our national security than face the ire of a few bleeding-heart liberals in the media.

    Each violent crime committed by these so-called refugees is another abject failure by our pathetic government. Blood. On. Their. Hands.
    Smudger603 likes this.
  8. Ubedizzy2

    Ubedizzy2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2023
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    None of the big parties give a sh*t though.

    Labour should be the party that defends the lifestyle of ordinary working class Britains, but they have long since abandoned that traditional role.
  9. The Penguin

    The Penguin Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2020
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    I'd say the ordinary working class Britons abandoned Labour when Mrs T enabled them to buy their own council house, and tradesmen to become self-employed. Prior to that agency workers were known as "lump labour" and were sometimes ostracized on building sites.
  10. lardiman

    lardiman My only desire
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 6, 2016
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    Nigel doesn't care about offending people.

    I'll admit I was not sure his sudden take-over of Reform UK and appearance in the spotlight would have a positive effect on their opinion poll ratings. But I should have known better by now. He is political dynamite right now.

    Identifying and targeting a common enemy is a potent weapon in the arsenal of any outsider hoping to sweep to power.
    It isn't subtle or original, and it never ends well. But historically it is spectacularly successful.

    Those of us who want to see detention camps here in the UK and a wall of barbed wire right along our South Coast, simply follow three easy steps;
    1) Vote Reform UK
    2) Keep voting Reform UK
    3) Wait for the next two or three Parliaments.
    It worked with Brexit.
    Don't see why it won't work with migration.

    The UK is already suffering because we send out a clear message to the rest of the World that we don't want foreigners coming here for any reason other than to photograph Big Ben & Buck Palace, then go home again.
    • Universities that rely on the money from foreign students are going bankrupt.
    • Health and social care are suffering even worse staff shortages than they ever did before.
    • Food will rot in the fields.
    Britain is gaining a reputation as a nasty, insular Country that hates foreigners, and is happy to sink in a cesspit of its own inability to do the unpleasant low wage jobs that its own youngsters aren't interested in doing. A few parliaments from now, that decline will have only got worse.

    I was dismayed at the prospect of the US sinking into Isolationism again under the second coming of Trump.
    That process is already well advanced here in the UK.
    We will pull up our drawbridge and rejoice in a self-imposed siege, and as public services break down one by one we will console ourselves that at least net migration has fallen by a few hundred thousand, while only the richest will still have access to health services and social care that they can afford to pay for. Or the ability to simply go and live somewhere else.

    And by that time the real army-enforced, fenced detention camp - bereft of any optimism, luxury or hope - that none of its poor inmates can escape from, will be the entire United Kingdom.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2024

  11. Ubedizzy2

    Ubedizzy2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2023
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    That’s the spirit. Keep those positive thoughts coming <laugh>
    lardiman likes this.
  12. lardiman

    lardiman My only desire
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 6, 2016
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    It's that kind of subject I'm afraid.
    It shouldn't be. It doesn't have to be.
    But sadly it is.

    We in the UK currently have an addiction to 'cheap' - as in low paid - foreign workers.
    The NHS and Social care would collapse overnight without their contribution.
    I would go so far as to say that the vilification of foreign workers in our current political climate is a bigger threat to the NHS than the Pandemic was.

    But people like Nigel Farage tar all migrants with the 'small boats' brush.
    That's fine by him.
    He wants to relegate the NHS to a triage service for paupers.

    Unless Britain learns to be grateful and welcoming to the millions of nurses and care workers who migrate to the UK, our services will collapse.
    And the suffering, corridor wards and epic waiting lists we have seen so far will look like a picnic.

    We must be so careful what we wish for.
    Net zero migration - which Nigel Farage openly craves for - will be an absolute disaster for everyone but the very wealthy.
    He knows it, but he won't admit it.
    In that respect he is just as guilty as Labour or the Conservatives of not being honest with the British People.
  13. Ubedizzy2

    Ubedizzy2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2023
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    It depends whether you look at it short term or long term.

    Short term it would be a negative to have zero net migration.

    But long term it will be an utter disaster if we carry on with the levels we currently have. It is self-perpetuating. The bigger the numbers now, the more you’ll need in the future and on and on it will go.

    We have to wean ourselves off of cheap foreign Labour NOW otherwise it will become irreversible.

    Most of the countries problems in terms of quality of life are inextricably linked to over-population.

    This problem needs long term thinking, not a short term solution to problems. We are failing our future generations.
  14. lardiman

    lardiman My only desire
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 6, 2016
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    When we need people to come to help us, they come.
    The Windrush generation.

    When people have needed shelter, we have given it.
    Refugees from Amin's Uganda.

    Both of these groups of people have enriched this Country in ways that go far beyond economics.
    There are always two sides of the coin on this subject.
    And there are no simple solutions - except those offered by extremists who play on fears and use the politics of hate, to gain power for themselves.
    When those extremists get that power, we have seen what happens. Time and time again.
    There has to be a better way than that.
  15. The Penguin

    The Penguin Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2020
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    We have no control over the situation. I accept it is comforting to believe otherwise, and to rage against those in power.
  16. Ubedizzy2

    Ubedizzy2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2023
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    Do you think that it is literally impossible to have control over the situation or do you think that there is just not the political will to have control over it ?
  17. lardiman

    lardiman My only desire
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 6, 2016
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    We won't have long to wait to see whether or not Keir Starmer has a more effective approach to controlling legal migration than those of Tony Blair. Gordon Brown, David Cameron, Theresa May, Boris Johnson or Rishi Sunak. Frankly I am not hopeful, but you never know.

    Sunak's latest idea - a cap on visas decided each year by Parliament (after consultations with experts) is just another gimmick.
    It gives the illusion that Parliament is in control, but will not work.
    • Parliament decides 300,000 is the cap - bearing in mind that each year the cap will (for political, not pragmatic reasons) have to be lower than it was the previous year.
    • We get to September or October, and the visa numbers hit the cap.
    • Extra nurses or doctors or care workers are needed because of an unanticipated crisis (events fear boy).
    • The Government faces a choice - A) stick to the cap and let the crisis worsen. B) break the cap and apologise / dissemble later.
    So in a nutshell, we would be back to square one.

    I think you are right @Ubedizzy2 the crux of the matter is political will.
    Only Nigel Farage has enough of it in my opinion. But I for one will never be able to support the methods he would use.
    This is why the problem is such a difficult one to address.
  18. The Penguin

    The Penguin Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2020
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    I've anticipated this for decades. Mass migrations northwards (in the northern hemisphere) and the eventual civil disorder are an inevitable result of climate change. The global economy is not immune either, and the old norm of perpetual economic growth no longer applies. The scientific evidence is overwhelming, and has been for decades now. Yet at some point global heating became a political football. All this woke green nonsense. The problem is that it's a slow burner, which has enabled us to pretend that it's not happening. The arrival of Asian hornets is another frightening symptom, it really is bad news, despite the valiant efforts of beekeepers every year to go to Jersey each year and kill the queens.
    I don't really know if it's possible to have any control over migrations from the overheating countries to the more habitable ones, but they aren't going to stop. China gets a lot of the blame, but we keep on buying their stuff, which arrives in huge container ships every day, so we've transferred our CO2 emissions to them. In short the human race is doing everything, including wars, to hasten climate change. When the evidence on this changes I'll change my mind, but not until then, although I promised not to bang on about it.
    Ubedizzy2 and Smudger603 like this.
  19. Ubedizzy2

    Ubedizzy2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2023
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    Mass migration to this country due to rising temperatures elsewhere in the world hasn’t happened yet and isn’t happening now.

    Whether it ever will is a matter for the future. It may happen, it may not. We may find a cleaner way to produce energy. Northern Europe might once again be at war. The UK may be a nuclear wasteland. A new, worse pandemic may wipe out tens or hundreds of millions of humans. We just don’t know.

    But we do have a more immediate and urgent problem, which is happening now. Economic migration. And it is potentially just as devastating as migration due to rising temperatures. And we could do something about it IF we had the political will.

    We have a vast expanse of water surrounding us. We have a navy, a coastguard, a border force, we have the technology to track every boat approaching our waters before they get to them. We have the right to enter French waters to stop boats before they get to our waters and to stop them from entering our waters.

    The only thing missing is the political will. And that is what is so frustrating. Our political leaders are completely failing us and leading this country to eventual civil war and anarchy.

    And if we do accept that rising temperatures will lead to future migrations to the UK, then all the more reason to start putting in place the resources and strategies to deal with it.
  20. Ponders Revisited

    Ponders Revisited Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Stick the illegal migrants in camps, then sort the wheat from the chaff. We don't need criminals from other countries, for we have enough of our own to worry about.

    A proper system run by competent officials would know who has come to work and strive and who has come to ponce off of us taxpayers.

    A shoddy, broken system allows all and sundry to come here unchecked. We can't sustain current levels of migration and nor should we.

    Yes, many come from abroad to work in the NHS etc. We should cherish such individuals. They deserve our gratitude. But never will I accept the dross wandering in to do us harm and drain our resources. Never.
    Smudger603 likes this.

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