Why are people in blocks 1-3 getting to pick where they want to go before people with existing tickets in the Northam?
I'd take a punt and say it's because the fans in blocks 1-3 are the ones who the club are (a) most hoping to attract into the Northam, and (b) most concerned that they might follow the away fans. This whole redesign relies on filling out the Northam. So get as many of block 1-3 in there, as soon as possible. And it's not like they can buy the seats of anyone already in the Northam - those ST holders will still have their seats reserved, for when it it their turn second. Just a guess.
Don’t get it either, don’t know why they didn’t just give 2/3 days priority for those already in Northam and who have their seat taken by the move, and then have them on sale for every remaining ST holder. Can any kind soul who is in those blocks give an indication as to how many have sold out? Me and my mate would love to get some but we’re in the last release block and concerned they’ll mostly be gone by then.
I’ve moved from block 42 to 43 today and there were loads in 43. Problem if you want to go in the current northam home fan area is that they will be reserved until end of deadline for current holders.
Getting my head around this. Basically if you can’t renew in your current seat and want any form of early bird price you have to renew in the new standing area? Because the only options I’m seeing are ‘renew your seat’ which I can’t do, or ‘purchase Blocks 40-46’. Am I being thick?
Correct. Only Northam renewals or New Northam customers can take advantage of the early bird prices. Think I read somewhere that there will probably be an increase for season ticket holders in other parts of the stadium?
I think allowing people with current seats outside of the safe standing zone to renew where they are, but forcing displaced STs to go to safe standing or suck it is taking this piss really. I go with my Dad who is just shy of 70 and has a dodgy knee, standing isn’t really an option, so we can get ****ed I suppose? I get the club wants to funnel people into the home end, but it’s not really an option for some of us, if all seated areas are going to be more than £499 (already a £140 increase for me) with no renewal discount then no chance of renewing our end, wonder how quickly the club will find a lot of other people choosing the same. Their sales strategy is very heavily relying on us getting promoted imo, it will fail big time if we are in the Championship next season. My Maths says cheapest new seat for a displaced season ticket holder next season will be £549 at best, so that would be a £190 increase for me. This is based on the cheapest remaining seats being £499 + 10% and rounded up. I know we were lucky to be in the cheap section this season, but that is absolutely ridiculous. /rant.
I am in the same boat, have to move because my current seat is now in the new Family Zone but I don't really want to move to safe standing. The best info I can find on it is either this: or this so can only assume that at the end of the season we will be given a short period to move to another area of the ground at some kind of reduced rate.....
I think that depends on whether we win the playoffs or not. The club can’t expect fans to put up with a hefty price rise if we don’t.
They have kind of sewn their colours to the mast now though haven’t they? Already priced the ‘early bird’ standing tics at £499, in theory they can’t run any tickets for cheaper than that now, unless they retroactively lower those prices with people having already purchased? Said before but I think it’s an active gamble on promotion this season, if we are in the Champ again next St Mary’s is going to look like Swiss cheese. Which ultimately means they will make no more money for the higher pricing and will haemorrhage attendance.
It's written somewhere that there will be all of June to renew current ticket at a discount renewal price before it goes on sale. I'm assuming people who have to relocate will get the same priority as current seat renewals