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Off Topic Striker Debate (RANT)

Discussion in 'Arsenal' started by TheBear, Mar 22, 2024.

  1. TheBear

    TheBear Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    Whenever the subject of Arsenal is brought up by the mainstream media outlets this Season we seem to hear the same thing over and over.

    "Arsenal don't have a real Number 9"

    "Havertz isn't a striker"

    "They need a 25 goals a Season man down the middle"

    Despite the evidence to the contrary. We currently lead the goals scored charts in the the Premierleague.

    Last Season Bayern won the Bundesliga under Nagelsmann without a regular CF. Mane, Coeman, Chipo Mouting and Muller all had gametime down the middle. A year layer Bayern have added arguably the most prolific CF in World Football and currently sit 11pts behind Leverkusen in the League.
    Soo did signing a No.9 make them a better side? ...Perhaps not.
    • In 2012 Spain won the Euros playing Fabregas as a false 9.
    • Barca won multiple League titles and the Champions League with Messi as a false 9.
    • Liverpool won the League and Champions League with Firming playing as a false 9. In fact I don't think it's a stretch to claim that the Mane - Firminho - Salah is FAR more effective than the current side with Nunes up top.
    • In 2018 Ajax won the League and reached the Champions League final playing Tadic as a false 9.
    • Corinthians have won multiple League titles with this system in Brazil. (thought to be the originators of the position)
    I could keep going but you get my point. This whole conversation reeks of old fashioned punditry.
    In many ways, this reminds me of the criticism Wing Forwards used to receive for not defending and whipping in crosses like the Wingers of old. They score ALOT more goals though, pros and cons.

    The false 9 is basically a No.10 but the starting position is a little higher. It's better to think of the position as an extra attacking midfielder. If you have WF's capable of scoring 20+ goals a Season (like a Saka or Salah) a False 9 makes all the sense in the World. Facilitate the wide players and allow the No.10 to make runs into the box.

    Sure Jesus could and should score more goals but I honestly think we have a system that works. No need to break it. If and when we sign a new CF it needs to be someone who actually fits the system.
    straycat_67 likes this.
  2. BrunelGunner

    BrunelGunner Well-Known Member
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    Jul 10, 2020
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    Although I agree with you principally, you even said yourself that we need a top quality striker who fits the system. Not only this, but we need a player who can single-handedly win us games or can create chances out of nothing if the rest of the team are struggling. Jesus is a great player, but his decision-making in the final third does frustrate me a lot. And although other players are all chipping in with goals (which is great), his profligacy in front of goal does bother me.

    There's no question he's elevated our level since joining the club, and he's been superb especially in the Champions League - but I would really like us to get a top-class forward in the Summer to help us win trophies on multiple fronts for the next few years.

    Jesus is a great squad/impact player for a title-winning side, but he himself is not someone that will lead us to a title if he starts every week. We saw that at City and I think we're seeing it now at Arsenal.
  3. TheBear

    TheBear Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    Yeah but I think Arteta was thinking that would come from Saka and Martinelli.

    At 21 Martinelli scored 15 last Season. Soo it's reasonable to think he could get 15-20 this Season. He's only hit 8 soo far as his early Season form was poor.
    Again at 21 Saka scored 15 last Season and is currently on 16 - so he's on course for 20+
    Odegaard also scored 15 last Season but only has soo far 8 this term. Much like Martinelli he underperformed in the first half of this season.
    Trossard has 10 so is probably on course.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2024
  4. BrunelGunner

    BrunelGunner Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jul 10, 2020
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    I just think it'd be an opportunity missed if we let the big-name/marquee centre forwards join other clubs all because we've been in great goalscoring form since the turn of the year. We need to think sensibly and longer-term about improving the squad's depth, quality and variety.
  5. TheBear

    TheBear Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    Yeah but like I said he needs to be the right player for the system.
  6. BrunelGunner

    BrunelGunner Well-Known Member
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    Jul 10, 2020
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    I agree but just out of curiosity, who do you think is the right player for our system?
  7. TheBear

    TheBear Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    I like Isak alot but he's been bit injury prone. Still a quality player and like Jesus can down the middle and wide.
    Šeško from RB Leipzig fits the profile. Only 20 good with his feet, plus he's 6'4 and quick.
  8. BrunelGunner

    BrunelGunner Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jul 10, 2020
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    What about Osimhen, Zirkzee or Gyokeres?
  9. TheBear

    TheBear Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    Gyokeres is really promising. His finishing this Season has been ridiculous. He is more a traditional 9 though so would require a midfield tweak to really make that work.

    Zirkzee is interesting.. skill-wise he's incredible. He's quick and powerful. Plays as a false 9 already but i'm not sure he'd score anymore than Jesus does. Would still have him at Arsenal though.

    I can't see Osimhen working in our system at all though. He just doesn't seem like the right fit.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2024

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