Signed. The comments on the petition are great. Well done mate, you’ve really struck a chord with this.
Thanks mate. It’s a whole new industry potentially being introduced for me, the biggest job providers are Doxford and Nissan at the moment and this is totally different from those jobs.
You gave me a canny idea. I fed the comments into a little word cloud to give a representation and it’s makes ya proud what comes out the most please log in to view this image
Trying to turn this into a statement if could look like this, the words in capitals are taken from the most prominent in the word picture, lower case words are used only to link these into something resembling a sentence. SUNDERLAND CITY AREA NEEDS, JOBS and INVESTMENT in the GREAT NORTH EAST REGION and PEOPLE bringing EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES . The wisdom of the crowd can be very powerful.
That is powerful! My conundrum at the moment is it’s just little old me putting this message out there.
Links to the Sunderland Echo article came up on my MSN feed this morning so if that is repeated across the area should get a wide airing. Good Luck.
Done and shared. This has got to happen. Would be a fantastic boost to the local and regionally economy.
Trying my hand at getting the chronicle and Journal onboard (this might be a bit trickier) I’ve also tried emailing look north as well so ya never know. up to 1730 signatures now, not too bad for something started just this week !
Well done for trying mate. This is a massive opportunity, not just for Sunderland. If those outlets have any sense then they should be all over backing this. Not holding my breath though.
Mental note, I must not get drawn into debates on Facebook ! there’s been folk making snidey remarks saying there are much more worthy causes and then went on to make the wrong assumption of what the petition is for I’ve quietened him by saying yep I agree there are arguabley worthier causes but that doesn’t make this one invalid. The lad is proceeding to use his own rope to hang himself. that’s it though I’m going to ignore further attempts cos some just like being contrarians cos they are bored on Facebook.
I find that the best thing to do is to ignore the negative posts and encourage the positive. A bit like life really
Updates time ! nearly 2500 signatures 1 high roller has donated 500 dollars to the petition (this is automatically used by promoting the petition and purchased views) The chronicle has covered !