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The gossip column ...

Discussion in 'Sunderland' started by Smug in Boots, Feb 17, 2024.

  1. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    ... for all your rumours, transfer speculation and predictions.

    No need for facts, stats of sources ... just whatever you've heard from other forums, social media, anywhere.

    Here's a good one to start, feel free to add your own ...

    Jenson Seelt - Instagram

    Just posted a pic of himself looking despondent and emojis of someone speaking out and a timer.

    What’s he saying?
    Young Ted likes this.
  2. Bob the Mackem

    Bob the Mackem Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2019
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    i was at the services on A1 there had been a bit carry on between SAFC lads and others dont know who yet.
    On Patto, summit has defo changed in his attitude and his confidence.
  3. Hudson92

    Hudson92 Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2021
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    Patto is one of our most replaceable assets for me, hasn’t kicked on as we’d hoped I’d rather lose him than a Neil or Ballard (resigned to Clarke being away now)
    Young Ted, Billy Batts, Iain and 4 others like this.
  4. young2077

    young2077 Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2020
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    Not saying if it now better or worse?
  5. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Once any player shows signs of going we should cash in and replace ...

    ... we've held onto players too often, in the past, and they've left anyway when their form and value has dipped.

    If Clarke wants to go let's get the bidding war started.

    There's no such thing as a selling club, players move around at all clubs.
    Young Ted and Hudson92 like this.
  6. Hudson92

    Hudson92 Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2021
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    Agreed mate, club comes first always
    gillmackem likes this.
  7. Chunksafc

    Chunksafc Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2023
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    I'm not convinced Clarke wants to go as much as Ian Harte wants him to go tbh
    Young Ted, TopCat_, ISOE II and 15 others like this.
  8. Robertson

    Robertson Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2019
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    Clarke seems like a very level-headed lad and I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s not bothered at all about Harte’s words in the press. Who knows what happens in the summer - we might be in a position to offer him a more impressive, improved contract.
    Gil T Azell likes this.
  9. Chunksafc

    Chunksafc Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2023
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    I do think his time at spurs will see him have a different view, really nieve of me I know and money talks with most footballers, but these lads seem to want to play week after week and it's not like they are on minimum wage
    SnakeEyes and Robertson like this.
  10. rooch 3

    rooch 3 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Clark’s agent on the news this morning saying he could be going in the summer.

  11. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    If that's right I'd avoid any of his players in future and announce the fact on the news.
  12. Nads

    Nads Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Clarke is 4 years on from Spurs now, that isn’t gonna be a barrier to him trying again

    Lads nudging 24 now it’s about time he went PL we have to accept that.
  13. Chunksafc

    Chunksafc Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2023
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    Don't get me wrong, if he goes he goes with my thanks and I wouldn't dream of holding it against him.

    As for his agent, that's a different matter
  14. Nads

    Nads Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Aye Harte can **** clean off.

    The lad doesn’t need sharked if he moves his stats earned it, nowt Harte done.
  15. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Here's a good one.

    Another massive argument built on supposition, nonsense and, of course, the BCB to gain support and likes.

    The argument seems to be that SAFC is just a money making outfit for KLD. This is 'proven' by the facts apparently. Those facts are that he's buying dross, appointing useless managers and happy to limp along in mid-table. It seems that's the best shop window to display and cash in on the players <doh>

    And if you don't agree you need to wake up!

    "Hopefully more and more people will now start to wake up to what’s going on.

    KLD did NOT want to be a majority owner of this club and he plainly has no intention of investing a meaningful sum of money in to it. It’s going to be run as an asset trading house.

    He bought a minority stake, and an elaborate offshore web of companies and ownership structures was then put in place to mask the fact that - contrary to what he and Donald etc told the fans - he didn’t actually have a “controlling stake”. In short, they went to great lengths to construct and conceal a lie.

    Only when that lie was exposed in the press, was he forced to increase his stake; and even then, he increased it to the absolute bare minimum of a majority - 51%.

    Every single thing this club has done since, has been first and foremost about minimising spend and/or maximising profit above all else. Both on and off the pitch.

    The club shop fiasco, the kit supplier fiasco, the ticket office fiasco, the lack of any regard whatsoever for, or concrete action to protect, the safety of supporters in the North Stand, rolling out the red carpet for the mags - all are indicative of industrialised penny pinching and short term profiteering. They dress it up in the language of “sustainability”, “project” and “custodians” - and a certain cross-section of our support just laps it up and nods along.

    On the pitch, the “model” is designed to turn a profit on players first and foremost - NOT to build a balanced squad. There’s no inherent problem at all with the first aim, obviously - but it can’t be at the expense and disregard of the latter. If it is, then we’re all being asked to support a profit centre, not a football team.

    That’s why we have more cheap foreign attacking midfielders than we know what to do with, but no experience in key areas and - for example - no competent forwards with any track record, and no cover whatsoever in the middle of the pitch.

    Have they signed some good players? Yes. Have they also signed plenty of dross? Yes. LOTS. Just like any club. However they’ve been doing it at a level which lends itself to penny pinching so far, and they’re running out of that rope as the club now gets back nearer to where it naturally should be. Don’t suppose anyone will be finding the Stewart, Lihadji and Gooch money down the back of a sofa any time soon. It certainly wasn’t anywhere to be seen in January - a third consecutive window in which the supporters have been short changed and Speakman/KLD have arrogantly ignored the glaring, obvious needs of the squad in favour of signing more cheap, foreign, “assets”.

    This Michael Beale appointment is just the next chapter of that increasingly obvious trend. Cheap? Tick. You’re top of the list pal. That’s four managers now appointed by KLD. Every single one of them out of work and cheap. Coincidence? Of course not.

    This is why I laugh every time some knacker tags me in to a match thread if we win a game, as if that proves me - and an increasing number of others - wrong. It doesn’t. My concerns are based on the big picture and the mounting pile of evidence as to where the club will be going in the medium/long term, if it’s continuously going to be run on the bread line. That’s fine for limping out of League One on the back of a fifth-place third tier finish, but it’s going to butter fewer and fewer parsnips as we try to get back to where we should be."
  16. Hudson92

    Hudson92 Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2021
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    Why would he, a man who doesn’t need to work buy a 3rd division football club to just let it rot in the 2nd division :emoticon-0102-bigsm Convinced some would rather we were **** just so they could say ‘told you’
  17. Chunksafc

    Chunksafc Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2023
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    I've posted on that thread otr, it's an interesting read (not my posts they are the usual bollocks)
    ISOE II and rooch 3 like this.
  18. young2077

    young2077 Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2020
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    Bloke is a billionaire there is 100% easier ways to make cash when you have that kind of money! Not forgetting he doesn't need to make a penny ever!
    Kemer Rouge and Hudson92 like this.
  19. The Norton Cat

    The Norton Cat Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2015
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    People love a conspiracy theory.
    John 11:35, robinoz, Roppa and 2 others like this.
  20. Roppa

    Roppa Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2019
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    They do, but if it fits with another agenda, ie a wum, a mag, someone who’s been slighted by the club, etc etc, then the conspiracy theory can take on a whole new appearance.

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