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The (Sir) Alwaysright Gordon Road Stand Thread

Discussion in 'Gillingham' started by brb, Nov 16, 2012.

  1. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Well done....Maidstone - on their FA Cup win at Ipswich

    edit - I hope Sam Corne gets over his injury for Round 5....... according to his team mate, Corne has broken his ar.se when he scored the winner !
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2024
    brb likes this.
  2. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    Amazing win. unreal, so pleased for them.
    Resurgam likes this.
  3. Resurgam

    Resurgam Top Analyst
    Staff Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Not as pleased as I am though mate
    brb likes this.
  4. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    A message to brb – this is not a popularity contest !

    - Don’t be afraid to give your ‘honest’ opinion about Gills players for fear of upsetting the people who read this forum. … You ‘held back’ in the transfer thread – because you didn’t want to bore people- be honest to yourself !…. I have no problem with ‘boring’ anyone with my honesty !

    Recently, I watched (& quite enjoyed), The Traitors on BBC. Sadly, it trivialised an unfortunate trait in society – where there is little respect for loyalty……but – that might be a topic too heavy to discuss in a few words.

    I wouldn’t have made a ‘good’ contestant on the show…I really don’t feel comfortable with treachery. Obviously, I like to win – but- not at any cost or by ‘cheating’…. And, if I was a ‘Faithful’, I would have been ‘banished’ very quickly – because my honesty wouldn’t have been appreciated (( as is often the case in my life. ))

    I have very few dear friends, and a loving family ( thank you Mrs. A ) They give me all the love I desire. I don’t need millions of ‘followers’ etc….. These people, close to me, know they can count on my honesty, integrity, loyalty and undying love….very little else matters to me.

    I do extend my virtuosity to other areas of life – I am an honest person…However, I will always ‘qualify’ my honesty with ‘evidence’ to back my argument – because my honesty can sometimes be mistaken for rudeness. I will often tell people that I may respect them as a human being – but their viewpoint is wrong…and because the truth can be painful, nobody wants to hear it. Actually, it’s not my honesty that is painful for others- but their own guilty conscience causing them hurt…however, society has gone a long way from being worried about what its’ conscience tells them.

    So – it can be very easy to be labelled a ‘Miserableoldsod.’ It’s said that ‘’ Misery likes company,’’ – but – conversely, ‘Company does not like misery.’ I have no problem in not being in the ‘ company ‘ of a lot of people… I have no desire to associate with ‘traitors & treachery.’ – but their displeasure of my integrity will not prevent me from being an honest person – and if that makes me a ‘Miserableoldsod’ – at least I know (( and so do you )), that I am an honest miserableoldsod.
  5. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    You misunderstand what I meant, I'm not concerned about people like you and me that read this forum, I'm referring to the players themselves...

    I said from the off I wasn't convinced about Tom Nichols, he's like a D grade if not worse of a Cody McDonald, in fact he's nothing like Cody, the guy can't poach (I'm not referring to the illegal tapping up for clarity) - In short he was absolute dog poo. Now you can blame the manager, the team, fans booing, whatever you like, but for me he offered nothing.

    Next up Bonne, I believe in a thing called Fate, I genuinely do, fate warned us it was going to be a car crash and we should have heeded the signs. Again blame what you want for his contribution, but if that was the best we had (as per some fans), then we really were in trouble.

    I'm sure you all watched Hutton yesterday get the crowd going, all he had to do to get that cheer was run - I've a simple message for all the other players on the back of this, if you can't be arsed, get out of my team, do not pick up your wage, do not pass go....just f off.

    My target for Harris and now Clemence was play-offs, not autos, I'm a realistic sort of guy. I've no problem if you fail, IF you tried! I feel more sorry for the owners, spending their hard earned cash on our poxy little club to be served up dross.....

    I don't boo, I've never booed, I don't ask for much, and I only rant like this when I think people are taking the p, just sort it out!

    Now I'm going to copy and paste this to the star player thread lol.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2024
    alwaysright likes this.
  6. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    brb - I understand what you're saying - I wasn't expecting that you feared upsetting the players - -I would expect the team and Clemence to read some social media site or other - and all they'll see is the same criticism regarding negativity etc etc - that the manager's tactics attract every bloody week.
    None of us profess to being experts when it comes to tactics - but - every fan can see that the current tactics do not work ---- as you say, I don't mind failure - but - it's how you fail ( or win ) that will have fans giving praise.......... If I was a Walsall fan, I would have been disappointed not to have won yesterday's game - but - I would have gone back to the Midlands being really pleased at how the team played.

    ..... I don't do it often - but - when their No.23 ( I think his name was Farl ), was subbed, I actually applauded him - for the effort he made.... I was thinking that Ehmer gave a sigh of relief - little did he realise their No. 9 was just as good....as was the No.18 --- apart from Hawkins, and a promising cameo from Hurtado, I would struggle to be so full of praise for Gills players.


    - I am sure Mr. Clemence is a nice chap - but - with my honesty - I have to say it exactly how it is.
  7. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    brb – this is how you do ‘ miserableoldsod

    There’s little to entertain me at Priestfield these days…and plenty to irritate me !.. Sadly, this includes the utterly useless ballboys/girls/transgenders/trees etc (( see- I can do Woke ! ))

    These people -- for argument’s sake – we can assume they are all humans – but- studying them throughout the game, I am not so sure that they are just dummies.

    Virtually EVERY time the ball went out of play – the little people would simply sit on their stools and do nothing to use the replacement balls in their possession !.... The actual game time is pathetically slow enough, without the (non) help from these little seated statues !

    Obviously, common-sense is not a requirement for the job – otherwise they would immediately offer the replacement ball and retrieve the original one to be retained as the next replacement ball….. or are they under orders from Clemence not to move the bloody ball with any progressive intent.

    ps - Before you all blast me for my 'attack' of innocent children -- I blame my ' misery ' on the team's performances on the pitch - causing me to pay more attention off the pitch, and deflecting my anger away from the person(s) responsible for the tactics that cause me my most misery.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2024
  8. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Here's so more from 'Miserableoldsod.'
    Whenever you see an ' Awards' ceremony -- Oscars / Baftas / Grammys etc, there is always several women 'performers' who feel it necessary to be clothed (( in the loosest possible term )), with as little clothing as they think decency will allow -- and often, I don't think that there is any consideration for public decency !

    I am not saying that these women are unattractive - although some are well past their 'sell-by-date.'.. and - I am not against the visual 'attraction' of the female form (( note to Mrs.A -- you're beautiful - inside and externally. )), but - in my opinion, there is a limit as to how much flesh is exposed, before the person has achieved the look of a ' tart. '....... and on such occasions the expression of ' less-is-more ' is proved beyond doubt.

    Just because these women shamelessly expose their bodies -- often with huge backsides and bulges which are not flattering, does not mean they can act / sing - or whatever form of 'entertainment' they claim to bring, any better than a woman wearing a burqa ! ( and, quite honestly, plenty of them should be so attired. )

    The latest female 'celebrity' to incur my wardrobe displeasure is Taylor Swift.....She is not an unattractive young woman - but seems to not possess any clothing other than what resembles a swimsuit ....It doesn't make her a better singer - and, quite frankly, I'm not sure it makes her a singer !.. I can only assume that the outfit that she - and other female ' performers ' wear, are designed to be a visual distraction from their mediocre ability to entertain. I have given credit for her physical attributes - but - beyond that - I'm unimpressed.

    And - just for the record -- I'm very hetrosexual (( I have stopped watching Countdown because Mrs A alleges that I am not looking at Rachel Riley's hand as she picks up the letters. ) - so I do not want The Gills players starting to do a 'Full Monty' on the pitch to spice up the entertainment.
  9. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    He’s had his chips…………and probably, so too have I !

    Before last night’s game, my sons wanted to get some food at a local kebab shop – not having eaten since noon…The ‘order’ was taken and ‘prepared’…then my older son tried to pay using a phone app.

    The owner of the shop said ‘’Cash.’’ ( no ‘please’ ! ) My son was confused and said ‘’ But, you’ve taken my credit card before.’’… The owner said ‘’ Cash only. ‘’ … I looked up at the menu board – ‘charm’ did not come as an optional extra – at any price !

    My son said ‘’ I’m sorry, I hardly ever carry cash – everywhere only takes a credit card or phone app.’’.. The shop owner just stood there – with my sons’ food getting ‘colder ’ – (( although – not as cold as was going to be my intervention ! ))…. My son turned to me and asked if I had enough cash to pay.

    At this point I spoke to Mr. Charmlife – I asked (rhetorically), ‘’ What sort of business refuses to take instant electronic payment into their bank account ? – everyone’s going cashless – it’s quicker, safer and less work for you – I know you take credit card – so why risk losing a sale – that’s not very good business – if we can’t or won’t pay with cash, you’ll lose our ‘sale’ and money because the food will be wasted – if you was on The Apprentice, you’d be ’Fired’. ’’

    My Alan Sugar impression didn’t impress the ‘apprentice’ wannabe in front of me…and I think I had begun to irritate him. He pointed at some small print at the bottom of his menu board – denoting ‘ cash only.’ …At this point I would have walked out and stepped into the Chinese place next door – where I have been treated as ‘family’ and given complementary items as repayment for any delay in service ! – but – not wanting to see my sons starve, I relented and took out my wallet – thinking that the nonsense would soon be over…. Not a bit of it – even before the fiasco of the disallowed goal !

    I asked ‘’ How much do you need?’’ Shop owner replied ‘’ 21’’ [[ No, he didn’t say ‘’ £21 please’’ ]]….. I took out 2 x £10 notes, and 1 x £5 from my wallet and placed it on the counter… Shop owner instantly said ….. (( wait for it –no, he didn’t say ‘thank you’ )) – he said ‘’ Have you got pound ? ’’ (( not a £, he was too lazy to grunt properly. )) .

    It was my turn to be [ more ] irritated – I said ‘’ You are joking. You cause yourself more work by refusing instant payment into your bank account – and expect me to provide numerous forms of denomination of currency for your convenience – surely with all the cash you are demanding as payment, your pockets must be full of £1 coins which you can use to give change – unless, of course, you’d like to give me all your bank details - because I will accept electronic ‘change’ – leaving you to fumble in your pockets to pleasure yourself by caressing your cash - or any other round objects in there !''

    My younger son then produced a £1 coin.. He gave it to the shop owner and retrieved the £5 note and handed it to me… son probably realised that if things continued something was going to end up getting battered – and probably not the fish !

    I thanked my son – but said – ‘’ You won’t get a discount for doing his job .’’ .. Before leaving I couldn’t resist one last ‘swipe’ at the entrepreneur …. ‘’ Would you like me to go to the bank for you – to deposit all the cash you take. – you can hardly take the money out of your pockets to pay the Taxman – he only accepts electronic payment – but you might not know that’’ ?

    ….then we ventured onto Priestfield….. I shan’t visit the kebab shop again – lest my food might be served up with some dubious ‘ special sauce ‘ !

    …… and the stupid part in all of this is - I tend to avoid places where they refuse to accept payment in cash !
  10. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    What is the point ?............ Ben Shepherd's at it again today!

    You don't need much brainpower to be a contestant on most daytime quiz shows - but - you don't need an idiot like Ben Shepherd to make you look even more stupid than you've already shown on National television !

    Shepherd has a habit of repeating a question after the contestant's time has finished - if - the contestant has 'passed' or answered incorrectly, and if Shepherd thinks that the player should have known the 'obvious' answer...for example ;
    Q '' How many sides has an obelisk with a square base got '' (( poor grammar on his part ! )).. The contestant 'passed' [[ the answer is 4. ]].. At the end of the allocated time, Mr. Knowall decided to belittle and embarrass the poor contestant - by repeating the question and answer in a very condescending manner...You could see the player wishing for a hole to open up before them - as they visibly cringed in the shame of their ignorance...... and their shame wasn't helped by Shepherd praising the contestant for getting right the answer to a question involving Kermit the frog !

    In the later round in the program, Shepherd forces the contestant to supply a 'credible' answer - He will not allow them to simply say ; ''Pass'' - or ''I'm sorry, Ben - I haven't got a clue... is the answer 'Kermit-the-frog'?''.... These poor people just want to run away from the glare of the camera - but- NO - Shepherd won't let go -- he might as well call them 'thickos'.

    ......but - these thickos don't have the luxury of having information pumped into an earpiece !
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2024

  11. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    brb likes this.
  12. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Would you like to hear about my recent abdominal surgery ?..................
    No ! Not interested ?-- I didn't think so.... So, here's a photo of me and Mrs alwaysright instead. ........ (( I promise it hasn't been digitally edited - you can't see my fingers - they're 'crossed.'))

  13. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    That wasn't really a photo of me - I'm old, grey, fat and ugly --- but -- HONEST ............ too bloody honest for the good of my sanity!

    Yesterday, I updated my online PAYE details for the new Tax year starting in a couple of weeks..... The online system doesn't have the facility to give the details of the interest you receive on savings (( as any interest above £1000 has to be taxed......... as if the same money hasn't been taxed on enough occasions before you dare to try to save a bit ! ))

    At this point you are compelled to phone the Taxman ................ I swear you are kept on hold long enough to be in danger of dying before being connected - (( still - the taxman can then get more tax out of you before you're even cold in your wooden box. ))

    YES - OF COURSE, I was waiting forever to be answered.... I gave up after one hour (( I even took the phone to the loo whilst I was waiting ))..... I've never understood why the taxman won't ever accept a bag of my excrement as payment of my dues -- he seems to want to take much urine out of me !

    Later in the day, I again phoned the Tax office.... and should have been grateful for only a 45 minute waste of my life before.............. being answered by a girl who sounded as if she was only 13 or 14 years old............

    I explained the reason for my call... and was asked to wait as she checked my 'account.' (no problem for me .) ..... A few seconds later the girl started to mention details of savings relating to this year (ending 5April .)..... I interrupted and said '' None of the savings accounts for this year are applicable for the total of interest I will receive in the next tax year - please remove them, and I will give you the valid details for the 12 months beginning 6th April.''

    At this stage, I realised that I was talking to the twin sister of the bank official to whom my brand of English was akin to a language on another planet.... The 'girl' seemed, somehow to not understand me ! ..I had to repeat myself - with not much luck of comprehension.... Eventually she asked me '' Do you want me to take away the savings you got this year?''... With some relief I said '' Yes - I've already been taxed on the interest I have received - but I don't suppose that it would prevent you from trying to get the last drop of blood from me !''

    The 'girl' then asked me to 'hold' for a while........ No explanation given - maybe she needed a break! - but - I guessed she was updating my 'account.' ....A few minutes later she returned... and asked me for (( part)) details of the 1st savings account I was declaring - which I duly complied..... She then asked me to 'Hold'....... and the line went blank again - for 3 minutes - before she returned.

    The 'girl' then asked me for details of my 2nd savings account.......I could see what was going to happen - I feared that by the time I had to give details of my 6th savings account, I would have celebrated my next birthday -but- what could I do to shorten the process - rather than my life expectancy ? ... I asked if I could give details of ALL of the savings at the same time ?(( at least I could have gone and had a three-course meal while I waited for my 'account' to be updated ! ))..... 'No, I'm sorry, I can't do that - I have to take each one separately.'' (( not all women can multi-task.))...................... So - I was forced to provide the information in drips - and put on 'Hold' for several minutes on each occasion.

    At the end of the process (( by which time a full football match - plus added on time could have been played )), I asked the 'girl' for my new Tax Code...... She said '' Your new tax code is K ( followed by a number .) '' ...I hadn't got a clue what K meant - so I asked.... The girl said '' K is the tax code for you, and you will pay tax on that amount. ''........... is that any clearer for you ? - No, I didn't think so..... Her explanation didn't really help... It didn't tell me what ( if any ) tax-free amount I would be allowed against my income........ but - by now, I was actually fearing my imminent death (and subsequent Death Duties) - and decided that it must be getting close to the 'girl's bedtime, and didn't want to confuse her by asking a simple question - - like--'' where's the log out icon ?''..... I thanked the girl for 'help' and said ''goodbye.''

    I then decided to ask my good friend Google to explain what a K tax code meant - and was mortified to learn that essentially it meant that my taxable savings set out in my tax 'account' by Miss Dippy, was greater than my personal allowance !!
    I might be financially 'comfortable' - but - I can assure you that in the next tax year I will not be achieving anything like £12,570 in interest on my savings.

    I feared that the 'girl' at the Tax Office may have added a 0 or 3 to the actual amount of interest I will get......In a panic I logged into my Tax 'account' - to see what chaos awaited me........ I think that the 'girl' must have decided to take all the numbers I provided and throw them in the air and see how they landed !..... They certainly weren't in the right places - and bore very little resemblance to 'order' of this year's tax profile.... and she even made up some of the details.... There 'was' a bottom-line figure for my tax 'burden' for the year - but - not in the proper place - and in a place that give confusing and conflicting detail in relation to adjacent numbers........... am I frying the brain of anyone still reading this rubbish ?

    I spent the next 30 minutes trying to unpick the tangle of mess on my screen in front of me... My calculator went into meltdown as I frantically tapped its' keys - all the time I was desperate to try to co-relate all the correct information...... I did have my own correct calculation (( unfortunately I was not in charge of applying them against my tax records. )).

    In the end, I managed to distort my brain sufficiently to make some understanding of the mess created by Miss Dippy.... It appears that (( because of the incorrect numbers she has inputted )), I am left with a tax code that undercharges me by £1.60 (( that's correct - less than £2 ))

    I have decided that I cannot be bothered to contact the Taxman to inform him / her of the error.....Since the start of my fiasco with HMRC, I have grown older, greyer, (probably) fatter, (definitely) uglier...... and maybe a little less honest ! ...do you blame me ?
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2024
  14. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    I don't get this alwaysright, do the banks not automatically deduct the tax on interest?

    Or is this because you have multiple accounts with different banks, so they don't know what your total interest would be for a year?
  15. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    brb - the answer to your question is - No. ....For several years the system has changed, It's now down to individual responsibility (( and honesty )) to 'declare' the amount of interest you receive........ and, like an idiot, I'm too honest !
    Personally, I think it's outrageous that any tax has to be paid on 'humble' savings....... You go to work - and your salary is taxed... You take your pay packet home (( when cash was King ) - and pay your Council Tax,... You use your car and pay many forms of tax (on insurance premiums, fuel etc )... You pay VAT on your energy tariff (( and that's just on the bloody extortionate standing charges .)).... and, of course - there's VAT on virtually everything.......

    Then if you dare to save a bit, you get walloped for more tax. .... and to top it all, you lose the shirt off your back to pay for the ridiculous care home fees.

    Is it any wonder that people are not as honest as me - and don't declare the interest they'll receive ? Is it any wonder that people will spend, spend, spend - even money they haven't got ( or ever likely to repay ? ).. Is it any wonder that there's so many 'people' arriving each day on their 'gravy boats '?
    .......and, then I go to Wimbledon and watch a bag of sh.i.t
    brb likes this.
  16. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Have you guessed that I'm feeling a bit disenchanted today..... as swearing isn't permitted, I can't say '' urinated off. ''

    edit - just heard from my younger (( not so young )) son; '' Dad, I really don't want to go to Priestfield on Saturday -- and I'll probably give the rest of the season a miss - there's just so much rubbish I can take....and I am having serious doubts about next year.''

    ... Thanks, GFC - for 'breaking' another fan.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2024
  17. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    How odd, yet the government are or were (who knows) was trying to push through legislation for people on benefits and state pension, yes and state pension, to snoop on people's bank accounts. The idea being that they force the banks, and will hold them accountable to check on people. Now the government state, oh it will only happen in x y z senario, yeah right, then in a few years you will also include the rest of the alphabet.

    I done a random google, I know nothing about the writer of this other than it came top of my search to show you - It's ok for Truss to lose £50BN, but they don't trust the rest of us, and let's not mention covid PPE...

    alwaysright likes this.
  18. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Give me ONE good reason to stay ! …… (( The Kinks needed TWO ! ))

    Very soon, just like The Kinks, I will be living a life of luxury – lazing on a Saturday afternoon. (( I know it’s ‘Sunny’ in the song. ))

    It will definitely be in luxury – because I will be about £200 a month better off !.... That’s roughly what I currently spend on going to see Gills matches, Home & Away each season.

    I will definitely be ‘ lazing’ – rather than complaining and swearing – at the referee & linesmen….. at least it will only be the taxman that will be cheating me !

    I can afford a yacht – but- I’m afraid of drowning……obviously not in danger of being swamped by a tsunami of Gills goals.

    I won’t care if Mrs, A wants to use my car ( instead of me using it to do my 100 mile trip to Priestfield) – Mrs. A will cost me less……………… and I don’t mean just in terms of hard cash

    And these days, if she dares to run back to her ma and pa to tell tales of woe – they will be about my drunkenness –not because of my misery every Saturday afternoon !....

    …….So – The Kinks needed two good reasons for ‘staying’ – I just would like one good goal ! – and, if I stay ‘away’, not only will I have a lot more money – but – probably more sanity.

    I don’t care if nobody’s read any of the above drivel – I just had to say it !

    Last week, I got ‘distracted’ on the day I intended to renew my season ticket - for what should have been my 61st year of attending Gills games …( note the past tense. )

    I have endured an awful lot of bad results in the last 60 years – but – still returned to support The Gills..I have stated that I only ever expect 100% honest effort.. I have never expected success or an avalanche of goals…….it looks like that I have been richly rewarded in terms of the negative returns in the goals department !

    Even when Gills have lost games, there used to be some fight – some little entertainment for the fans as we hoped for better fortunes - NOT ANY MORE……

    ….For several season ( at least since Covid ), not only has there been FEW goals – but – virtually NO entertainment – and all hope has long gone !

    I have struggled ( and failed ) to justify my blind loyalty to GFC – along with the incredible level of commitment I have shown over the last 60 years….. I have never cared what sensible people thought – it only mattered to me ! – but – I’ve had enough of the sh.it I have endured – with ZERO entertainment... It's nearly always been crap - but at least it was relatively entertaining crap ! These days I get more entertainment from wiping my backside.

    I won’t miss the long journies (just for Home games).. I won’t miss the wet, freezing days AND nights watching crap – instead of being in the warm, with Mrs. A, watching the Champions League… I won’t miss getting up ‘Stupid O’Clock’ for Away games – and often returning home after midnight…. I won’t miss the ££££ thousands I have wasted at Priestfield (( although I expect Mrs. A will give the extra cash a good go! ))

    …… I really can’t think of any reason why I should ‘stay’….. and, I seriously don’t think I’ll bother coming to the last couple of Home games (( the IPL will give me plenty of entertainment – for my £20 a month Sky Sports subscription -- -- that’s £ twenty not £200 for a load of sh.it ))..... now, please excuse me whilst I go and do something useful ( involving a roll of toilet paper and me bending over. )
    brb likes this.
  19. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    I think the cost implications of your comment, the effort in getting to games, the weather conditions throughout the year, ought to be collected by Brad and Shannon and read out to the players - their responses during that reading, their responses on the pitch thereafter, should decide the player future. Ultras do it, maybe we need a similar system, based around some of your words, to drive this message home. In short, turn up or go home and don't collect your pay check. If pay was based on performance, I can only assume after yesterday's result they owe the club money.
    Resurgam and alwaysright like this.
  20. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Mrs A thinks that, for years I've been cheating on her !
    For the 2nd consecutive Gills match, I shall, instead, be spending time with Mrs A. - you'd think she might be glad that she - now, isn't quite the 'football widow' !
    ....But it seems that it is me that is getting the backlash for Gills terrible performances... Mrs A has dared to suggest that I haven't really been travelling to Priestfield ( and all other parts of the country ) every week -but - that it has been me that has been 'playing away.' ..... after all - how can I possibly convince her that I have willingly gone to matches when all she reads about The Gills is the misery that is caused to the fans.

    Mrs A's accusation made me laugh...I told her that I have never been 'offside' in my life, and that there have been only two thing that has had my total loyalty - and that, after last weekend, she has moved up from being 2nd !........ and I reminded Mrs A that she provides me with all the misery I need - I don't have to look for it by 'playing away.' (( I'll let you know if I survive the weekend. ))
    Resurgam likes this.

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