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The Manager

Discussion in 'Manchester United' started by Treble, Feb 2, 2022.

  1. Treble

    Treble Keyser Söze

    Feb 5, 2011
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    I think it's worth considering the likely possibility Ten Hag will be sacked sooner rather than later. If not now then when Ratcliffe takes over the football side of things.

    Easier said than done as that means actually considering who else is out there, good enough, to make us play like a team challenging for the league and other silverware.

    Anyone want to put someone forward?
    cytrax and Diego like this.
  2. glazerfodder

    glazerfodder Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Ole's available
    cytrax likes this.
  3. Treble

    Treble Keyser Söze

    Feb 5, 2011
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    Ok you've convinced me let's keep Ten Hag <laugh>

    No need to go from the frying pan into the fire.
    Diego likes this.
  4. glazerfodder

    glazerfodder Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2011
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    I think that one of the biggest problems with the senior management, indeed, the prevalent culture at the club, is the sense of entitlement, as if a tweak here and there will right all the wrongs - it won't. Everyone in post is there because of promotion within, we have no external expertise, and so they all buy into the thinking that if we just keep going, somehow it will all click back into place, but it won't.

    The best thing that will come from JR's investment is a cold hard look at every aspect of the club's operations, not just the playing squad, and at the moment I think ETH is very much at risk. You can't keep doing the same thing, week in, week out and expect a different outcome. his judgement is now being called into question, case in point substituting Mainoo at the very moment in the game when we needed to consolidate our defensive midfield, that, and a number of other reactive, rather than proactive swaps and changes on the field were at the root of our defeat today. We need a manager who can think on their feet, react to matchplay situations rather than someone who fronts up the post-match interviews and spouts the same **** week after week. Good try ETH, but times up.
    cytrax likes this.
  5. Chief

    Chief Northern Simpleton
    Forum Moderator

    May 17, 2011
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    Well no, not really.

    The point I've been trying to make for quite some time.

    Who does anything with this lot? Mid season? No ****ing one, that's who.

    And Ancelotti just signed a new contract btw, so he's out.

    They should be recruiting for a successor for next season, and carrying out due diligence in that recruitment.

    Which the Glazers have never once properly done. Ever.

    The idea that no one would come is utter ****ing bollocks, it just needs to be done correctly.

    Sacking ten Hag now and appointing someone because they are available is exactly what they've done wrong the last decade.
    Diego and glazerfodder like this.
  6. glazerfodder

    glazerfodder Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Go get Jose back - Ole.
  7. Chief

    Chief Northern Simpleton
    Forum Moderator

    May 17, 2011
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    We should have never got rid of him.

    He told too many truth bombs though.

    And guess what, the 'fans' fell for the narrative, and it was him that was sacked.
    While the actual guilty parties just moved onto the next stooge. Like they will this time.
    glazerfodder likes this.
  8. glazerfodder

    glazerfodder Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2011
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    I can't help but feel, that under anyone but the Glazers, he could have built another decade of success. Might he come back.....
  9. Mark Blow

    Mark Blow Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Apparently you played 28 matches in all competitions so far and lost 14 of them, so half. You have no European football during the rest of the season, and at this moment you’re not looking like you’ll get any form of European competition next season due to your league position. For what ever reason things are not improving and how long will Ineos / the glazers take to decide ETG hasn’t got what it takes. Other premier league managers have lost their jobs for less.
  10. glazerfodder

    glazerfodder Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Because of the protracted 'takeover' there has been a collective wringing of the hands, there has been no decision making, any important issues have been put on the back burner - 'nothing to do with us'.....an absolute **** show, the Glazers have taken the money and will dump the **** that they left behind on JR. This will take two years to sort out.

  11. Diego

    Diego Lone Ranger

    Jun 29, 2011
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    Now might be a good time to point out that Sir Jim has stated catagorically that no decision on the manager will be made without his full backing and involvement in selecting a replacement.
    I would imagine he has a very firm view on the future and if Ten Hag is to go he will already have a replacement in hand.
    Makemstine Roger likes this.
  12. Treble

    Treble Keyser Söze

    Feb 5, 2011
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    Tbf we probably shouldn't have got rid of Moyes either. We were naive thinking that the season he was having was a disaster considering everything that's happened since.

    And even though the football under LVG was dire and I wouldn't want him back he was also dropping truth bombs about what the club had become and the fact we were no longer interested in actually being a football club but a commercial business.

    Jose was right also but tbh I wouldn't want him back. He was toxic.

    IF things don't work out for Ten Hag once the injured players return or Ineos decide to sack him regardless, there are other managers out there worth looking at. As Chief says, this idea they wouldn't come is complete bollox.
  13. Diego

    Diego Lone Ranger

    Jun 29, 2011
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    I would'nt bet on that.
    We have had a lot of perceived "failed" managers in the recent past and i'm pretty sure they talk amongst themselves. Imagine the conversation between someone offered the job and those who have had it.
    What am i up against? The dressing room, the owners, reality of expectations, the press, a lot of supporters who demand success etc etc.
    Makemstine Roger likes this.
  14. Chief

    Chief Northern Simpleton
    Forum Moderator

    May 17, 2011
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    Sacking managers mid season -

    Moyes, solved nothing.
    Mourinho, solved nothing.
    Solskjaer, solved nothing.

    They should be starting the recruitment of the next manager now, and if at the end of the season they decided to keep ten Hag then so what?

    At least, for once, they'll have been something other than reactive and employing some bloke who just happened to be available.

    Even after the Rangnick period, they hadn't even got anyone properly lined up at the end of that season. They started to look after Rangnick left, not Ole ffs! They're ****ing idiots.

    Hopefully, Ratcliffe changes that.

  15. Treble

    Treble Keyser Söze

    Feb 5, 2011
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    I mean once Ratcliffe comes in and makes the changes needed in the heirarchy starting with his own Chief Exec (Arnold is gone) and new DOF (Murtough's days are defo numbered so he can fck off). Ratcliffe will also spell out plans to improve the infrastructure including developing and modernising the training facilities.

    Put all of that in front of a quality manager and he will come.

    Who knows, maybe put that in front of Ten Hag and just be patient? I'm just not sure he will ever be an elite manager that's all.
  16. Mark Blow

    Mark Blow Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2011
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    It’s a shame for your club that Ratcliffe couldn’t buy it totally from the Glazers. Yes, he’s a businessman, but unlike the parasites that are the Glazers, he will make sure the club is run properly. A lot of investment is needed, especially where the stadium is concerned.
  17. Diego

    Diego Lone Ranger

    Jun 29, 2011
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    Buying it totally will come eventually. For now he has full control of all football matters so the Glazers should have no say in anything.
    The thing that is not clear is how transfer funds will be decided, yes thwey will be related to the earnings of the club but the Glazers will still be taking their dividends out so how much will be left is anyones guess.
    As for the stadium, Sir Jim is putting just short of 300ml of his own money in to start the refurb with hopefully more to come as needed.
    Makemstine Roger likes this.
  18. Mark Blow

    Mark Blow Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Refurb or rebuild?. The view I’ve been reading online is that it would be more cost effective to build a new Modern stadium due to the cost of carrying out a refurb
  19. Diego

    Diego Lone Ranger

    Jun 29, 2011
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    Refurb is all i have heard so far.
    Makemstine Roger likes this.
  20. Treble

    Treble Keyser Söze

    Feb 5, 2011
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    The stadium isn't as bad as is made out and not really a factor for the mess the club is in.

    The footballing side, that thing that matters the most, was screwed the moment Gill and Fergie left. We had no proper DOF so the way we recruited was either the new CEO Woody buying like a fanboy, or passing the responsibility on to the manager.

    The manager would then be sacked and a new guy comes in. But he'd have the players of the previous manager and the fanboy mercenaries Woody bought. So the new manager was then tasked with finding his own players and Woody would buy a few more fanboy signings.

    The manager was sacked, now the new guy comes in and he has the players personally recruited by the previous two managers who both had different styles of play, along with the mercenaries Woody bought.

    You can see where this is going. This went on and on and we end up with a mish mash of a squad full of players bought by different managers BECAUSE the whole structure of the club is wrong. And because of it, the next manager is doomed to fail.

    I am sure Ten Hag did not want the responsibility of choosing his players. That responsibility was dumped on him. So what's he going to do? He goes with what he knows for the position he needs - Martinez, Antony, Amrabat, Onana are ones he's worked with and knows. Now when some of those don't work out here he gets the blame. He shouldn't.

    The way a good club is run is the CEO and DOF and club overall decide the football ethos, they recruit a manager they feel can deliver that. Then the manager says which positions he needs to fill and the DOF finds the players, and will sometimes overrule the manager if need be on the one to sign.

    I'm pretty sure that's the way it works at Livpl. I bet Klopp says the positions he needs and Schmadtke and Edwards before him gave him the players to choose from. I wouldn't be surprised if they hadn't overruled him on one or two either. Why? Because they're the fcking experts and it's their job to know.

    Our dickheads like Murtough, and Woody before him are on the gravy train. Clueless ****s put in place by tge Glazers to bankroll them and nothing more, quite happy to dump the responsibility onto the manager or give something for the fans to stay happy like signing Pogba, Ronaldo, Di Maria, Sanchez etc. They have poisoned the club.
    Mark Blow and Diego like this.

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