The only gammons are the lefty loonies, in a permanent rage at everything Even the lefty loony Muzzies are targeting their own lefty loony humanoid biologically challenged MP's for ****s sake The irony is ****ing hilarious.
Eat out to help out was an epic scheme . Know a few guys who own pubs , cafes etc who said that along with insurance and Covid support saved their business however , it’s should never have been needed in first place . Lockdowns where a massive mistake that tanked the economy
Sir Rodney was calling for lockdowns to last longer & harder, now he criticises the Tory’s for doing what he demanded at the time Such a slippery lawyer
FGS, if you want to know more about lockdowns and the vacillating, dithering, press-driven methodology applied to them due to pressure from 'think tanks' and media moguls - Patrick Vallance is giving evidence now to the Covid Enquiry (recorded, objective evidence, not ****e from the Mail and Brietbart, FFS). The only sheeple on here on the divvies that swallowed the alt-right, Murdoch, Tufton St tinfoil bollocks from start to finish.
Well that’s not actually true, he requested earlier, anything from that was reacting to the conservative decisions. If a lockdown had started earlier we have no way of knowing what would have happened positive or negative.
That's what Soros and Bill Gates want you to think. STOP BEING A SHEEPLE AND DO SOME RESEARCH!!1!1!+!
Not following it , mainly because it will be full of bluster, bullshit and folk trying to save themselves . However, is Professor Ferguson due for questioning?
The vaccines wiped your memory ? Keir Starmer Starmer condemns ‘reckless’ decision to lift Covid restrictions in England Reopening when ‘Johnson variant is already out of control risks a summer of chaos’, says Labour leader SUMMER OF CHAOS Labour would support Government in imposing tougher Covid restrictions, Keir Starmer says Keir Starmer has told LBC he supports vaccine passports for large-scale events but says they should not be used on an "everyday basis" We know what would have happened if we didn't lock down, wear masks or take the shots pretty much the same outcome as Sweden . The Microsoft co-founder and billionaire and Sir Keir discussed a range of issues including climate change and global health. Mr Gates, whose Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is one of the largest philanthropic bodies of its kind, led a global funding drive in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. He has also been vocal in his concerns about climate change. George Soros, the man who 'broke the Bank of England', backing secret plot to thwart Brexit The Hungarian-American billionaire George Soros has said he is proud to have given £400,000 to an anti-Brexit campaign, saying it was his affection for the UK that prompted his decision