Tbh i expect Ossett to go down in the next couple of years after they close the last remaining bank.v
I've found that the many town's that i have visited over the years although they've changed architecturally it's in a lot of cases not the town that's a ****hole but the inhabitants
Everywhere is going down as the druggies /pushers/criminals take over. So happy i lived through better times.
Same here For a few days after I got back from Scarborough last month me and the missus were talking about moving up to that end of the country. I grew up in Wakefield and moved to Northampton and Wolverhampton for University and I'm coming to the conclusion I don't want to raise my kids in Wakefield anymore.
You were on a school trip in 1980? That’s brilliant humour mate it really is. Wait until Wiggy reads that
I always get mistaken between barrow and Place on the Scottish borders that has team that plays in the Scottish Football league.
I once played an away game at Barrow in Furness. When we got back home I informed the club I was leaving because I didn't want to spend my Saturdays travelling to and from places like Barrow in Furness for a measly 40 quid. Grim. Maryport isn't much better but it has a nice pie shop about 10 minutes outside the place so I'll let it off.
Actually did Butlins at Barry a couple of times in the late 70’s when my dad left. Mum was a nurse so could get some overtime in while we were out of the way. Coach was a long old trip and we had to wear bizarre bobble hats all week, Blue and White hoops with an orange bobble. Can’t remember if all the other schools did the same but we were easy to spot I guess.
God Maryport is grim. Went once when I was 19 with my dad. My dad thought it was a good stop off pont between Carlisle and Keswick.
I’ve lived over the wrong side of the Pennines for 24 years now (originally from Leeds) and lots of **** hole towns over here.. Bolton, Rochdale, Wigan, Darwen and also could include Blackburn!