Odious little man. He's had plenty to say about player power at Chelsea and lying about players getting managers sacked etc but notably nothing about United players doing the same when there is actual proof.
I was watching `Ref Watch` on Scouse Sports this morning, and they all came to the conclusion Fabinho`s elbow on Son was only worthy of a yellow card. Now, I know all the pundits are expected to pander to Varpool at all times, but this is taking the p*ss. Of course, they failed to mention the 3 other cynical fouls by Fabinho that went unpunished, it is a shame the referee did not do his job properly, against 10 men it would have given us a better chance of a deserved win.
Did they mention the 3 unpunished fouls by romero in the 1st half? And anything about holbergs play acting?
Tbh I don't mind it being deemed a yellow. What I mind is the media crying like they did after the kane tackle and then barely mention this incident. I expect Klopp to be a twat about it and their fans...Conte and us did show biase cos it's our team...but the media are supposed to be impartial and consistent yet never are. The BBC, Guardian, Observer and MOTD never mention or showed the incident let alone criticised the decision not to even book him yet compare that to the media hysteria over the kane tackle a couple of months ago.
Give him the timeline book of Mouser pundits 1991-2014. He can then work out what he should be saying at this moment in time (relative to May 2013) .
10 unpunished fouls by one Liverpool player not being mentioned kinda makes it hard to mention 3 unpunished fouls by a spurs player. As for a spurs player play acting... WTF they gonna mention that when they have spent years justifying Salah going down at the slightest touch? Either get therapy or give your head a wobble mate...you're not coping with drawing with us...I get it...but let it go... You still got 2 cup finals to come
None of the highlight vids from the usual suspects show it either. I will be charitable, and put it down to being hurt by the fact that the Poool attack was so meh in attack (so mentioning it could have been 10 vs 11 for the final quarter would have compounded their pain) .
Im coping fine with you lot celebrating a draw that ****ed your cl spot And i will enjoy the other two finals were in thanks mate
The majority of Varpool fans are all the same, a different breed, they are glory supporters and as a result, expectant and entitled. Hence why they struggle when things don`t go their way and bleat like a spoilt child, Norbert is exactly the same and mirrors their fan base perfectly. I see Pep has spoken about the favouritism Pool enjoy across the board, it is good that other managers are now prepared to speak out, Lampard has and Mourinho also hinted at it previously.
i can't find the stat for Fabhino fouls against you but i have some doubts about your figure of 10 as we only committed 12 in the match which means the rest of the team were positively angelic .
You mean you were only penalised for 12.There were at least six that went unpunished by your extra man, so not so angelic after all,