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Off Topic Death and Beyond

Discussion in 'Liverpool' started by Sauerkraut Inia, Nov 4, 2021.

  1. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    yes that's what i meant.

    the commonality between an atheist and an fundamentalist (of any religion) is the surety that they and nobody else are right.

    If find it nice to find common ground between people :)
    Diego, THE FOOL and Sauerkraut Inia like this.
  2. saintPort&Ginger

    May 31, 2011
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    Erm, since when?
    Must have missed that - I certainly don't believe that we are visited by extraterrestrials. If you mean UFO as in "unidentified" then yes, some things do lack an obvious explanation - but that doesn't mean there isn't a mundane one.
    Not knowing the cause of something is no reason to leap to implausible conclusions.

    And no, science doesn't always have the answer. "Science" doesn't claim to - it is an ongoing investigative procedure that constantly changes as new evidence comes to light.
  3. Gerrardsitchyear

    Gerrardsitchyear Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2021
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    I must have missed this. Where have they said UFOs officially exist?

    I think statistically, it's likely there are alien lifeforms elsewhere in the universe, its unlikely they've visited just because, well the vastness of space and the inability to travel faster than light.
  4. saintPort&Ginger

    May 31, 2011
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    We should be clear about definitions. Although some claiming to be atheists may aggressively deny the existence of a deity, that isn't the meaning of the word and that description would upset many atheists. It simply means that you don't believe in any god or gods, because you find no compelling evidence for their existence - not that you think you "know" that there aren't any.
    Oddball? and Sauerkraut Inia like this.
  5. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    well they sure as hell act like it whenever i see them on tv and that. they love to throw insults at others. If they get all upset it just proves the point doesn't it?

    If they simply don't care they'd shrug their shoulders and say whatevs.
    Sauerkraut Inia and Treble like this.
  6. saintPort&Ginger

    May 31, 2011
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    People on telly don't necessarily represent the whole group in all sorts of disciplines, and zealots come in all forms.
    Although I would never saddle myself with a tag in that way, I could be accused of atheism in that I do not follow any deity. I don't claim to know there isn't one - the non-existence of something is unfalsifiable therefore such a claim is unscientific and illogical - but I find no evidence for any.
    There are so many different religions all claiming to be the right one, it's as logical to think they are all wrong as to believe only one of them is true.
    I will say that supernatural explanations have long been given for things we didn't understand - the God of the gaps - but the more we learn the fewer those gaps. As we now have explanations for so many things that used to be attributed to deities, it's reasonable to assume that there are similarly mundane explanations waiting to be found for things that are still unknown.
    Sauerkraut Inia likes this.
  7. Gerrardsitchyear

    Gerrardsitchyear Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2021
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    This is pretty much me. It's not like i go around telling people a) that i'm atheist or b) that their gods don't exist, I'm not evangelical.

    It's a bit flippant, but I don't see any more concrete evidence for a deity than i do for unicorns, dragons or Loch Ness monsters so i don't spend a lot of time mulling it over.

    People can believe what they like, what does bother me is when someone thinks their religion should dictate what I can or can't do, say or think.
    Sauerkraut Inia likes this.
  8. Treble

    Treble Keyser Söze

    Feb 5, 2011
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    Science explains the 'how', very rarely if ever, the 'why'.
    Sauerkraut Inia likes this.
  9. Red Hadron Collider

    Red Hadron Collider The Hammerhead

    Mar 2, 2011
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    Does there need to be a 'why?' ?
    Gerrardsitchyear likes this.
  10. Turbia Milk

    Turbia Milk Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2021
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    UFOs exist... Of course. Lots of things can't be identified easily.

    But ones piloted by space aliens or an alien technology... That's where you lose me.

    I'm not saying other sentient beings HAVEN'T examined earth, but there is no evidence.

    Anal probes and saucers with bright flashing coloured lights make no sense. Bright flashing coloured lights would only make sense if the desire was to communicate. If they wanted to communicate, they wouldn't be going around in secret flying around to remote places to anal probe drunk people at night.

    So, I don't believe the drunks with sore anuses... But I don't think the possibility that extra teresteial intelligence has examined earth can be completely ruled out... Honestly, if they didn't want to make contact they would examine us from deep space. No need to enter our atmosphere. No need to get their probes stained. We would never know we had been visited unless they wanted us to know.
    Sauerkraut Inia likes this.

  11. Sauerkraut Inia

    Sauerkraut Inia Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2011
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    Can’t do links
    But if interested all information has been declassified in US
    They even have a new term for them
    Happened couple of years back I think
    Not that interested
    I love Dara O B he is very pro science sometimes I think he is a little wrong too
    Only opinions
  12. Sauerkraut Inia

    Sauerkraut Inia Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2011
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    I also did say I wasn’t saying where they were from
    Just that the information is now in the public domain and UFOs officially exist
    I didn’t mention aliens - not commenting on what I believe just saying there are objects quantified now as UFOs
    So yes I think you missed it
    As I said from the bits of information I have seen the Philadelphia lights seemed to be the catalyst

    puma punka (?) is amazing too !
    Diego likes this.
  13. Sauerkraut Inia

    Sauerkraut Inia Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2011
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    Yes same as how imho
  14. saintPort&Ginger

    May 31, 2011
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    "Why" implies purpose - what if there isn't any?
    Diego likes this.
  15. saintPort&Ginger

    May 31, 2011
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    UFO means aliens in the simplistic minds of most people who want to believe in them. In reality the term simply means there are sightings which haven't been identified. So what? No-one has ever claimed otherwise.
    Just because no definitive explanation has been offered doesn't warrant jumping to extraordinary conclusions.
    What are these "Philadelphia Lights" of which you speak, btw? I've heard of the Phoenix Lights, there are several explanations for them that make more sense than the paranormal ones.
  16. Sauerkraut Inia

    Sauerkraut Inia Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2011
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    UFO doesn’t mean aliens it just means unidentified
    The objects could be high level tech from another nation
    My point was for a long time the US denied the existence of UFOs
    The US have now declassified all the documentation they had and acknowledged UFOs existence
    They have even given them another name (three initials can’t remember them though)
    As I said before this is not something I am deeply into - I have my thoughts and that is that
    The main point is
    For years army denied killing their own in the trenches in the war
    In the 90s (?) army acknowledges they did indeed kill their own
    For years people have been derided for claiming to have seen UFOs (not aliens) - government denied their existence so in answer yes many have said UFOs don’t exist
    Recently US declassify information and acknowledge existence of UAPs (that’s the letters lol even the changing of the letters is probably deliberate)
    Then there is the Phoebe example
    People said the atom was the smallest we could go and guess what
    People said Earth was flat and people were derided to believe otherwise then guess what

    Science and scientists to me are very good at saying what is not the case until they find evidence - which is fine
    But what I feel science should remember is that a LOT of what gets derided socially usually turns out to be accurate

    which goes back to my OP - I really really want Science to prove the existence of a God
    Personally I think that would be beautiful

    until that day I am completely open minded and not choosing a side lol
    saintPort&Ginger likes this.
  17. Sauerkraut Inia

    Sauerkraut Inia Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2011
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    Going deep again lmao
    saintPort&Ginger likes this.
  18. saintPort&Ginger

    May 31, 2011
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    I think the problem here is what one reads. As you know, I'm knocking on a bit - never in my lifetime do I remember a reputable source claiming that there are no such things as unidentified flying objects - only that there's no evidence of their extraterrestrial origin. Media writers will sensationalise things though, in order to sell their product.
    Which brings me to this:
    Science is about drawing conclusions from the evidence, so if there isn't any then you're right, nothing is accepted until there is sound evidence to support it. But absence of evidence is not evidence of absence and no scientist would claim it was, neither would any philosopher. It's an open-ended investigation into our reality.
    Science writers however, are frequently journalists with an interest in science, and very often it's the journalism that prevails over the science. If there's something one is interested in it's best to read a scientific paper on it - or at least an abstract - rather than rely completely on the accuracy of a science article in a paper or whatever.
    Academic studies are usually dry and difficult to digest though, and journalists are always likely to pep them up a bit.
    I might add that the word "science" derives from the Latin for "knowledge", and when I use the word that's what I mean - the sum total of human knowledge to date. Too many people think of it in terms of lab coats and technology, but that's only a part of it.
    As for science proving the existence of God, I hope he/she/it/they are a little less vindictive than the one organised religions seem to favour. I'm not sure I want a god that is prepared to condemn us to eternal torture for not constantly praising him/her/it/them. :)
    Sauerkraut Inia likes this.
  19. saintPort&Ginger

    May 31, 2011
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    I always go deep. :)
    Sauerkraut Inia likes this.
  20. saintPort&Ginger

    May 31, 2011
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    I should add that the secrecy surrounding UFO reports in the mid to late C20th was a military decision rather than a scientific one. There was a lot of suspicion that sightings were of top-secret experimental aircraft.
    Sauerkraut Inia likes this.

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