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Dear Not 606 people (beware its politics).

Discussion in 'Bristol City' started by Red Alert, Sep 7, 2021.

  1. BCFCRob

    BCFCRob Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I mean this isn't even close to being true.

    I don't see how these 2 are linked in any way.

    And yet if he'd refused to be coached by Terry, you'd accuse him of being a baby and of constant cancel culture, etc. Truth is, if we all refused to work with people we disagreed with, there would be no one in a job.

    The papers have managed to get a whole generation by the balls, fuming over things that are complete fantasy.
  2. BCFCRob

    BCFCRob Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2011
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    How many of them do you think became alcoholics or suffered mental health problems as a result of that?

    Are we really saying that younger kids today should have to go through the same **** you did just because you guys had to do so?

    @oneforthebristolcity says that everybody just accepted each other. Really? So the awful racism in that time didn't exist? You would have had an easy life if you were gay? Nonsense.

    You're painting a rose-tinted view of the past, which I myself saw a bit of, albeit I'm likely slightly younger than most of you.

    That link I posted earlier on snowflakes:
    "However, in the largest ever narcissism study, the results show a trend most would not expect. The research shows that despite popular belief, the baby boomer generation is typically more sensitive than millennials."

    Narcissism = inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others.

    We really do see that occurring time and time again.
  3. Red Alert

    Red Alert Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Terrys supposed to be a racist. Truth is most wouldn't work with people who are and amongst that most are those who would take it in to their own by sorting it 1 on 1.
  4. BCFCRob

    BCFCRob Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I see, I'd forgotten about his racism accusations to be fair. Regardless, what point is being proven? That Tyrone Mings maybe sorted it out internally? In which case good on him. I don't get the point scoring here. Should Tyrone Mings not be angry at other racists just because he was once coached by (not his choice by the way) a possible racist? Nonsense.
  5. Red Alert

    Red Alert Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2012
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    we've a poster who might be able answer that as he works with alcoholics and people with mental health problems.might be interesting.

    Guess or not that it shows some people .lot of noise made but if it affects the ££££ they swallow it.
  6. BCFCRob

    BCFCRob Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2011
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    What is it with you lot and making up fantasy situations in your head to try and prove your point?
  7. Jiffie

    Jiffie Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2020
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    Maybe check your facts?

    Last edited: Sep 9, 2021
  8. Angelicnumber16

    Angelicnumber16 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    None. Why would either occur ? And I am still in touch with the majority of them today, see them regularly and go out for days and weekends with them.
    Trust me it wasn't all sweetness and light by any means. They were tough economic times to start with, people were harder and less understanding, and life was just different.
    We didn't have the myriad of different things to do with leisure time back then that younger people have today, and life held few grey areas. You were either male or female, or you were gay. You were either white, or black or Asian. That hasn't changed. What has changed is people who want to be all biological types at once, and that's their choice of course, but really the only person they are trying to fool is themselves. The others of course want to shout from the rooftops that they are gay and go on to show off and behave like idiots.

    I was unfortunate enough to be staying in Lincoln a few years ago where the foyer of our hotel was used as a meeting point for Lincoln Pride. I found it deeply disturbing to see girls of 11 years old or so coated in make up, with signs around their necks offering 'Free Hugs'
    Anyone with any sense could see this as a *****philes dream to easily capture, or lure away or molest these stupid children and their bad (and absent or unknowing) parents, but of course the Pride attendees are all about peace and love and nothing bad can happen. Can it ?

    If heterosexual people behaved like this the gay community would be up in arms. Different times and all that.....

    There are more single (1 in 35 people in the UK is single and live alone as of today) and lonely people these days who just have crap like social media to keep them company, because the art of making life long friends seems to have largely disappeared. Either that or people want technical company, not another human being.

    Life was basically work, home life, pub, football, and the occasional holiday.

    Mobile phones didn't exist, social media and trolling hadn't been invented, no shopping malls, no huge variety of restaurants, especially fast food, existed, no one had personal computers, cars were very unreliable and were always breaking down, winters seemed colder, summers didn't seem to be so oppressive/humid as these days, and the only threats of harm or terrorism came from Northern Ireland or abroad like Baeder Meinhof. Smoking was the norm, even in work. People didn't rabidly follow celebrities, because there was no way of doing so etc etc.

    But football violence and injuries or deaths from it was raging through the country in those decades, whether it was Manchester United yobs smashing up Coronation Road in 1972 after losing down here 1-0 to City, Millwall fans ripping out seats, or crowd crushes at Ibrox, Heysel, Hillsborough and the awful fire at Bradford City etc

    Life was far less demanding and was much simpler yet more dangerous in lots of respects, especially safety wise.

    And yes, maybe my view is rose tinted to a degree, but I can assure you that I preferred life back then, and for all sorts of other reasons that I won't go into here.

    But we also respected history and learnt from it (as mankind has largely done), and more importantly we were taught it from starting school until the end of education in various guises. We didn't tear it down or burn it because it didn't suit our view of the world or because it was someone else's agenda.

    Ramble over
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2021
    oneforthebristolcity likes this.
  9. Red Alert

    Red Alert Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2012
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    whose you lot? next world cups in ?? check their record out. real form for racism that lot. my mrs is mixed race anybody coats her off and im up their garden path to sort it .that is our normal and most don't have any tolerance for racists. I wouldn't work with one and where I they would be dragged out of the shop floor by their eyes. no fantasy that's how it is for some of us.
  10. Jiffie

    Jiffie Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2020
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    So give somebody like a captain of his club and country a free pass on the assumption that he might have changed/apologised/explained himself but according to Mings, Southgate and Lineker, anybody who boos players taking the knee are full blown racists, who should be banned for life?

    Another hypocrisy maybe?
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2021

  11. Jiffie

    Jiffie Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2020
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    Quite right and the self righteous virtue signalling gravy train will be leaving platform 1 with Lineker as the guard, whilst the millionaire footballers will be lining their pockets and advertising sweat shop made sports gear, but taking the knee along with the cash.

    Another hypocrisy?
    Angelicnumber16 likes this.
  12. realred1952

    realred1952 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    Some very disturbing angles of opinions in these past 2 pages. What we need to realise is the past 2 years are unique. A lot of people are adverse to change they are in their own little bubble and do not want the hassle of changing it. They also harbour fear because they do not fully understand what is going on around them, be it race/creed/health/future problems/ need to push "hold button" make a cup of tea and stop and think.

    BLAME the .GOV !!!!…. hey hang on Ive been through LOADS OF GOVERNMENTS 75 years plus of them ………………. and even more PM's!

    As a nation we got bullied by the EU and people got woken up to do something, after much "dithering, got no plan PM's " alight appeared in the darkness of decades of mis managed .gov a vast proportion emanating from the TONY BLIAR win.
    He promised us the world, of course with £tn of oil revenue on the horizon was a pretty good bet he may succeed … got re elected as £tn's poured into treasury … but where did it all go? we ended up worse off than before with a massive deficit massive borrowing and that little note.
    for the umpteenth time the tories managed to "upset" us all by getting the deep RED balance sheet back to black. The dying faint glimmer for our society shed a little more light.

    Brexit dithering in the face of a monster ditherer needed some help … and the country could see hope was on the horizon and voted in Boris … kicked the EU into touch started rebuilding the NHS, re populating the police and taking back our own destiny. FINANCIAL FORCASTS were positive, countries growth assured, unemployment down more jobs and DISASTER …covid 19 an entity so small you would need trillions on a pin head to see without a magnifier ……
    In the positive corner was BORIS …. the peoples champion v in the negative corner Capn "dithering" HINDSIGHT. ………… AND THE WINNER IS?????????? well depends on your belief on whether you think it could have been dealt with any better.
    I mean Boris had a job to do on many fronts …… sort Brexit, keep people safe and protect jobs build up a very over worked NHS, keep building the police force, look for protection for us via "the jab" and a myriad of other things … in the other corner Capn Hindsight had a terrible job, agreeing the .gov methodology and then knocking it down as a massive failure.. and then to boot [ which is what should be done to him ] failed miserably with a solution [ workable one that is ] to do a better job ………….

    OK Covid is not gone, Boris et al has done a lot to control it and protect lives and jobs. Lets be honest with ourselves Covid is not going away any time soon, it is like AIDS, tetanus, small pox, SARS, flu, hepatitis B, Spanish flu and Ebola we live with them, have vaccines and actions to combat them when they try a come back! we live our lives as normal with these things containable!. In July we were set free, MILLIONS have done "staycations" and some reports are that hospitality around the coasts have made up for lost time. ALBEIT a 2 week stay on a campsite was up to 40% more, HOLIDAY CAMP / caravan /chalet 50% or more … beer was + 20% more and a £2 icecream for the kids was £3 ….. etc etc …..
    the number of cases rose [ bearing in mind of 37,000 daily probably as many more have but not declared tested ] but hospitals coping as only unjabbedf [ 90% ] taking up beds.

    SOCIAL CARE .. LOADS OF GOVERNMENTS …. HAVE BOOTED THIS INTO TOUCH . .. Tony Bliar, with £tn's of oil revenue could have set up a plan for the future … first 4 year wit oil flowing and a feel good factor who would have noticed with wages going up [ when mortgage rates went up in 70'80'90's we absorbed it after a while melted into budget, my mortgage started at 6% went to 16% ! tough first few month's ]

    Stand up BORIS
    SO A social care premium, tough WELL DONE BORIS for tackling it, the first for over 70 years .. bring it on. I hope that GOVERNMENT RUN CARE HOMES will cater for the non contributors … basic facilities .. room +3 meals plus relevant healthcare, shared copy of the daily paper and £10 a week pocket money based on 1 hour of minimum wage …… !

    July 2021 started a new chapter in the history and lifestyle of the UK [and eventually the world ] Boris is leading us into it so lets back him and see where it brings us ….

    NOTE as for that slimy SNP BOD Scotland heath service is in a massive mess we bail them out …. so as a uk citizen pay your way as ENGLISH citizens our taxes pay to fund to bail Scotland out …………….
  13. Cliftonville

    Cliftonville Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2012
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    That is my field of employment and here is a respectful answer with some degree of knowledge behind it. The answer is none. The poster was referring to normal social interactions. You are posting about a differing thing – bullying.

    Define what you refer to. Social contract is respectful.

    Racism was/is not typical. Nobody(?) has stated that racism and prejudice did not exist previously or now.

    That is incorrect. The links refers to the Chopik and Grimm study. Its findings -

    By studying a sample of 747 participants from different generations ranging in age from 13 to 77 over an extended time frame, the researchers were able to identify that regardless of what generation someone belongs to, adolescents tend to display more narcissistic traits than older adults.

    The main takeaway of this research is that narcissistic traits typically decline over time and with age, regardless of which decade someone was born in.

    I could have quoted more but it would highlight whoever wrote the piece you linked to has not read the research summary dilligently. It also is not official as the link stated. It is two peoples (pyschologists) and a universities research v official accepted standards.

    Your use of you lot displays a sweeping lack of empathy for the views of others.
  14. BCFCRob

    BCFCRob Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2011
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    Ah see, unfortunately I'm the one who checked more facts than yourself.

    1) This originally comes from the Daily Mail, which we all know loves to ignore facts and whip up hatred.
    2) From the limited information available, that link conveniently fails to mention the prior harassment that the victim had endured, so it is not as simple as getting a criminal record for whistling Bob the Builder. There were multiple incidents leading up to this, which were not mentioned.
    2) Bedfordshire Police confirmed he did not receive a criminal record.

    My word what a paragraph this is. How on earth does *****philia even enter your mind at this? I don't mean that offensively, it just shows we're very different people and generations. To be fair you make a decent post and I completely get some (maybe most?) of it. The idea that life was simpler and definitely more black and white, I'm not as young as some on here have suggested and I'm definitely old enough to have known life far before the Internet era. But I think there is a clear difference in attitudes and opinions towards certain subjects.

    I know you guys see the young as complaining, entitled, whatever adjective you want to use. But I genuinely think the younger ones empathise more, they're less likely to just roll over at authority and they actually give a **** about social injustices. So when you mention at the end about respecting history and learning from it - that's exactly what the kids are doing today. They make history, they consign the bad bits to the books, rather than celebrating them, and replace it with the new. You can't have this idea that the kids do sod all but play PlayStation, when they're also out there causing pandemonium everywhere. You can't have it both ways so which is it? In reality they are the ones trying to make the change that their parents never did.

    (I don't necessarily mean you specifically by the way there, it's just what we're told by certain outlets all the time)....

    Anyone who continues to boo footballers for kneeling, after being told time and time again that it has nothing to do with the violent aspects of the BLM movement in the US, is either wilfully ignorant or totally stupid.

    This notion is absolutely bizarre to me. The idea that you can't do a good thing because there's another bad thing going on. It's reductionist and it's complete and utter whataboutery. It's not an argument.

    I actually think footballers could and definitely should do more with regard to sponsoring companies that have questionable morals. Can't disagree on that one bit. Does that mean they can't do other good things? Is that really what you're saying? Footballers should not be allowed to do anything good just because they also do one thing that is questionable?

    There is not a single perfect person to have ever walked this earth. By your logic (which has clearly been taught through years of tabloid manipulation, whether you believe that you're above it or not), no good thing can ever be done without criticism. Because none of us are perfect.
  15. Red Alert

    Red Alert Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2012
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    what good thing? taking a knee which does nada then going to a world cup taking the £££ and supporting what the Qatar government do. anybody who doesnt get how two faced that is meets your their either wilfully ignorant or totally stupid or dont care really about what the kneeling is supposed to be about this week. the kneeling footballers are going to do their trade
    in Qatar and thats one big **** off mark against any argument.
  16. Angelicnumber16

    Angelicnumber16 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    In an age where child abduction, child molestation, child abuse and rape and child murder are fairly frequent occurrences, if I had an 11 year daughter that I saw with a sign around her neck offering free hugs to strangers she would be grounded until she was 18. End of

    Do you really not see the potentially huge amount of danger in what these children were doing, or is it really just my advancing years ?
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2021
  17. Red Alert

    Red Alert Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2012
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    how do you get a record without a crime???
  18. Jiffie

    Jiffie Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2020
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    What is the good thing about playing a world cup in Qatar? When as a profession you are trying to eliminate racism from the game? all it will do is legitimise the Qatari regime to carry on with it's institutional racism, slave labour, financial support of terrorism (think about that the next time we have terrorist attack in the UK, which is more imminent by the day), anti female agenda and it's treatment of gay people, exactly what will it achieve? it is an argument because the whole awarding of the world cup to Qatar is wrong, what next let's give to the Taliban led Afghanistan (as long as the brown envelopes are big enough?) As Ricky Gervais said the last time he hosted the golden globes "if ISIS had a streaming service, most of you lot would work for them" this is hypocrisy beyond belief and shows that their politics can be pushed to one side when it benefits their already bulging bank balances.

    Marcus Rashford has been inspirational, that is without doubt but then signs a multi million £ deal with Nike, don't you find that bizarre?

    And please keep your arrogant comments about tabloid manipulation to yourself, you don't know me and maybe had you had to do some of things that I had to do to earn a living then maybe just maybe you would understand more about the real world.

    PS:- 'whataboutery' is just a modern way of giving hypocrites a get out jail free card.
    For instance I recently questioned Saint Gary Lineker over 2 tweets about global warming, preaching that we all needed to do more, so I asked him in light of the fact that he had recently bought a new gas guzzling car and had signed a contract to co host la liga for Spanish TV football (thus significantly increasing his carbon footprint) what was his contribution to his latest virtue signalling tweets or was it just us Plebs who need to change our ways, so as millionaire luvvies can use up our good deeds for their pleasure and greed. Apparently that's 'virtue signalling".
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2021
    Angelicnumber16 likes this.
  19. Cliftonville

    Cliftonville Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2012
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    The poster (Jiffie) provided a link. The link refers to non-crime hate incidents. That was a fact.

    The points made can be cross referenced via the college of policing here - https://www.app.college.police.uk/a...crime/responding-to-non-crime-hate-incidents/

    The college of policing provide the facts regarding non-crime hate incidents. After reading the facts contained in the college of policing guidance, its a fact that non-crime hate incidents are recorded and individuals thus have a police record.
    Angelicnumber16 and Jiffie like this.
  20. realred1952

    realred1952 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    Sorry, …. cant agree with this statement. most everyone including all posters on this thread have said we all have a right to express are feelings simple form you clap or boo [ occasionally whistle but tends tobe more of impatience ] Poland game last night some english knelt, some didn't no polish did, but camera flashed around players after maybe 1 sec as they knelt … the expessions on the polish players were " of disbelief / amusement " whats going on? " ]
    the most powerful statement against racism is not kneeling, it is actually fighting it. The kneel served its purpose, the perpetrator is in jail and there is a solid statement regarding police brutality. In America everyday criminals are stopped fight back and forced to ground cuffed and arrested ..1 cop took it to far! got his just deserts did the cop.
    unfortunately knife and gun crime is rife in USA … Statisically more non whites % wise are involved. and more issues are highlighted when the victim is non white. police face gun toting individuals everyday [ whether real gun /loaded or not ]
    go into a store and say hand me the contents of your till or I will punch you is never going to work show a gun real or toy or replica do you take a chance and say FO SAME FOR A POLICEMAN loads of police get shot in the line of duty .. so can never take a chance …….. Black white or grey have a gun knife or pretend bomb and expect the worst if you do not put your hands up!

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