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Off Topic The Migrant Crisis

Discussion in 'Bristol City' started by Angelicnumber16, Jul 22, 2021.

  1. Angelicnumber16

    Angelicnumber16 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    So Priti Patel has given the French another huge chunk of UK Tax Payers money (£54m) to do a job that they should already be doing and that we shouldn't be paying for.

    When is this going to turn from being a polite request for these people not to come to the UK, unless formally applying for political asylum by arriving by air, and we get the Royal Navy to forcibly intercept and tow all boats back to where they came from whether that's France, Belgium or Holland ?

    After several warnings not to come, the Australians did it with Indonesian migrants in 2012, and faced international condemnation when they got their own navy to tow all boats back to Indonesia, but frankly who cares ? It did the trick.

    This country is not a free for all, and I don't pay my taxes to house, clothe and feed people who are not refugees but who are economic migrants, who can afford the £10k crossing fare for the English Channel, and who all seem to be in possession of mobile phones. A genuine refugee has no money or possessions and is fleeing persecution, not seeking a cosy existence. Didn't we vote for Brexit to control our own borders, and on our terms ?

    Since the year 2000, the population of the UK has risen by over 9m people, and over 80% of that increase is due to immigration/migration, some legal, some illegal. That's basically the population of greater London as 'extras' in 21 years !!

    So because of this we have to build more houses, dig up more greenfield and brownfield sites, endure far more crowded roads, shops, public transport, put up with increased waiting times for council and medical services etc because the whole country is over populated already, and at 8,000 new and illegal arrivals per month of migrants it's going to get worse and worse and worse, unless someone in government gets a proper handle on it. The French must be laughing out loud at us. We look pathetic.

    I'd like to point out that I am not against genuine refugees, or unaccompanied children being offered safety here, but swarms of fit, healthy young men (and where are the majority of their women and children btw?) smiling and knowing they've beaten the system when they arrive on a Kent beach really pisses me off. The French navy who escort these boats into British waters are also absurd and they need a good kick in the shins to remind them of it.

    According to international law, genuine refugees can seek political asylum in the first safe country they land in. Therefore if they've come across the Med to Spain, Italy, or Greece than those countries should be handling these people or sending them back. And bear in mind that there are a multitude of countries between the med and the coast of Normandy that these people could ask for shelter in. But they don't, because they've heard it's far easier to come here.
    That's even assuming they've come from war torn countries like Afghanistan or Syria. But a lot of the migrants we see are coming from west and north Africa.

    I'm sick of the Government not doing anything like enough to sort this situation out once and for all, and even more so hearing the likes of Amnesty saying we must do our duty as a nation. No we don't. We've done 9m worth of duty over the last 21 years and plenty before that too.

    Enough !!
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2021
  2. Redprintt

    Redprintt Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Don't you just love the BBC.

    Last night's news was all about the awful living conditions now these migrants are here.
    No balance whatsoever telling the complete story.

    I say f**k the migrants and the BBC.

    Until our useless Home Office doesn't send them back to the first 'safe country' they will keep coming here in their droves.

    Don't start me on the French.
    Angelicnumber16 likes this.
  3. Angelicnumber16

    Angelicnumber16 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Last night's news was all about the awful living conditions now these migrants are here.

    I've got a great idea - DON'T COME HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE !

    We've not been able to travel much for 18 months, but illegals can come here, unvaccinated, and unrestricted. And that's without whatever their religious or political views might be...…...
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2021
  4. bcfcredandwhite

    bcfcredandwhite Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    I didn’t watch the BBC report so can’t comment directly on it, but one thing I’ve noticed in nearly all the news reports about the migrants is that they are almost ALL male between the age of 12 upwards. There are very few women or small children.
    Not really sure where I’m going with this except perhaps they’ve either deserted their women and children and left them to face the ‘horror’ of what they’ve left behind in their own countries, or their intention is to get work and/or benefits and send money home to them.
  5. Red Alert

    Red Alert Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2012
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    but we are a systemically racist country and nobody wants to come here but then they come through lovely EU non racist europe to get here!!! put the money saved on foreign aid into protecting the sea and land border.
    Angelicnumber16 and Redprintt like this.
  6. Redprintt

    Redprintt Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    R&W - 'not really sure where I'm going with all this'

    I've been a bit bit vexed to say what I really think up till now.
    How my kids keep telling me I can't say this or that, or 'that joke is not funny Dad'.
    Christian Horner described Lewis Hamilton's driving a disgrace, and that a world champion should know better.
    An understandable reaction from the Red Bull boss. Others can argue Lewis drove a fair manoeuvre, fair enough.

    Not Lord Hain, he thought Horner's comments would stir racial tension. Ffs.
    I ask you, nobody can say anything today with out being called out as racist.

    It's about time this woke culture is called out for what it is.

  7. Angelicnumber16

    Angelicnumber16 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Well if that is the case, that they've left behind the most vulnerable and I doubt it, then all the more reason to send them packing.

    And also no to even jailing people who come here illegally for up to 4 years, which will attract all the scum lawyers telling us what an awful country we are and getting them off scot free.
    It's still taxpayers money that will be expected to fund it. This government is slowly sinking, and their continued lack of control and poor judgement over literally everything has me seriously worried and that's coming from a true blue.
    They talk about raising taxes to help offset the cost of the pandemic. Well here's a novel idea, don't pay the French nearly £100m in total to do a job they have no intention of doing, letting alone properly, and don't allow migrants into this country at all. In this era of unprecedented technical breakthroughs, deploy the Army, Air Force, Navy on boats throughout the English Channel, and then all the hundreds of millions of pounds that are saved on Immigration, and looking after these people. will lessen the burden on us, the taxpayer in time.
    Then I'll say that our government are doing their job.
  8. wizered

    wizered Ol' Mucker
    Staff Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Is it impossible to put a fixed barrier across territorial water bounderies with contolled exit and enter gateways, if they get stuck on them they will either turn around and go back or the French will have to rescue them.

    International shipping can still power through either way, ferries can travel through the controlled zones, we sealed off ports, harbours and security areas with mines in the war from Scapa Flow down to the South coast, if they can't get through they will stop trying, it's time to stop being pushed around and react, we are looking stupid and helpless.

    Look at all of these windfarms around the coast and oil rigs in the North Sea, we can build and supply these what is the problem?
    Angelicnumber16 likes this.
  9. AshtonRed

    AshtonRed Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2017
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    Surely putting mines around our coast is going a bit far?
  10. wizered

    wizered Ol' Mucker
    Staff Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Mines are not needed and not even suggesting we use them, just pointing out we coped in the war, controlled sea barriers must be possible , 20 yards wide so boats can't squeeze through, UK border force operated gateways for entry and exit, once they realise there is no way through and they have to deal with the French they will soon stop coming, nothing to be gained.
    Angelicnumber16 likes this.

  11. Red Alert

    Red Alert Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2012
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    GB news and Farage are out in the channel and finding boats of illegals and that is what they are illegal. And the French navy are escorting boats into British waters!!! As Farage points out we have just given France fifty million quid to act as fkning taxi service.
    Angelicnumber16 likes this.
  12. Angelicnumber16

    Angelicnumber16 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Bring in the armed forces and ask for our £100m back too.
    It's not like the Army, Navy and Air Force have anything better to do at the moment.
  13. AshtonRed

    AshtonRed Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2017
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    If the french are escorting them that’s a whole different issue, if they are in their “custody”, obviously they should be escorting them back to France not to our waters. There has to be some legal action we can take to ensure they do just that.
  14. Angelicnumber16

    Angelicnumber16 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    The French are escorting the boats to ensure they are safe (apparently) once they are spotted by Police/Coast Guard, and as soon as they see someone on our side who will take over once they've reached our sovereign waters, they turn back to port and have a laugh at our expense. Literally !
  15. Red Alert

    Red Alert Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2012
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    The French navy are escorting illegals in boats into British waters and leaving them there. GB news watched them do and the French navy left a boat with wait for it GB NEWS!!!

    On GB news you could see who was on the boats. NO FEMALES not one.
  16. Oldsparkey

    Oldsparkey Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 27, 2011
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    It's an extremely serious subject, but FFS it's like Dad's Army on here - "Pay attention Wilson".........<laugh>

    Where's "Pikey Rob" when you need a response in support of the "other side" argument. No doubt keeping his head down in case they come up the Bristol Channel and invade Weston.

    Listen guys, there's no doubt we have a moral duty as a free nation, but then no more than the Liberal French who spout their "Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite" claptrap whilst passing the buck when it suits.

    The longer this continues, there'll be more and more coming around to agreeing with Capt Mainwaring and his cohorts.
    smhbcfc likes this.
  17. Jiffie

    Jiffie Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2020
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    I was living in France in 2002, when the burning issue was the Sandgat migrant camp and the UK wanting that camp shut down, which it eventually was and guess what? nearly 20 years on the same **** is happening.

    The then mayor of Sandgat gave a wonderful interview to anybody who would listen and basically he said this.

    The UK has to ask itself and address the issue of why these migrants cross multiple borders of friendly countries who are prepared to give these people asylum, but they ONLY want to go to the UK WHY?

    Well I know why try getting legal aid in any of the other countries whose borders they cross, in the UK there is a huge gravy train of parasite human rights lawyers fuelling their already huge pension pots on lashings of legal aid, defending the rights at times of murderers, rapists and terrorists to remain in the uk. Try just scabbing benefits with no intention of working in these countries, these people leave ****holes and live in ****holes in France but arrive in the UK and our ****holes that are 300% better than anything they have lived in during their journey is not good enough and WHY? I refer you back to the then mayor of Sangat's interview of 2002 and the human rights lawyer gravy train.

    The UK is as soft as ****.

    I have no problem with giving a safe haven to families, women and children but overwhelmingly we are being invaded by young single men and that should have been stopped nearly 20 years ago.

    It is very easy and convenient too blame the French and yes they haven't helped and I am sure the worst than useless Macron has put the word out post Brexit F*** the UK but the problem is, has and always will be ours.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2021
    Redprintt likes this.
  18. invermeremike

    invermeremike Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    The lure of free handouts is one of the key factors in the source of the problem and I remember having a long chat with a restaurant owner in Montpelier who said that all of the migrants roughing it on their streets were just waiting for Jan 1st that specific year so that they could legally arrive on English shores. He said he didn't believe that any of them were heading your way for the weather but rather for the free handouts.

    I have been living in Canada for nearly 50 years and I'm sad to say that on my many return trips to my homeland I have witnessed the loss of rights of the historical population that are being taken over by unfettered immigration. When City went to Wembley for the tin pot cup Ann and I took a limo to the stadium and got a first hand look at where the country has handed over the reins of control to those who truly don't care about what happens to the real locals. I really thought I was visiting a third world country because there was housing that looked like it had never been taken care of and probably close to being unfit for human habitation.

    Reading the BBC News every day highlights the issues being confronted especially the knife crime in the black communities and the violence and fraud carried out by others from the Balkans and Africa. When will the government get a set of balls (not Ed please) and step up and take action to refuse landing rights to these boaters who are fleeing something or another, because the country is being taken to the cleaners believing their supposed attempt to get a better life. The U.K has to step up and tell Europe that they are no longer part of the E.U. and therefore will no longer accept the trash that they deliberately send your way.

    Going back to my restaurant discussions in France all those years ago I clearly remember his final comments when he said that all the unwanted dregs of society from Africa and the Middle-East roaming Europe will eventually end up in England because it is the only country dumb enough, firstly to let them in, and then offer the hand of friendship and sympathy only to get it bitten off at the least hint of racism.

    Wake up Boris and all the rest pandering to people who truly don't care about my birth country because that's why I fell fortunate to live in Canada. My comments are not intended to be controversial but just a heart felt thought about what I see has happened since I left in 1975 and the downward spiral seems to be picking up speed, so do something to stop the rot before it comes down your street.
  19. Redprintt

    Redprintt Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    It is a very serious subject.
    'there's no doubt we have a moral duty as a free nation, but then no more than the Liberal French'

    And the answer is......
  20. Jiffie

    Jiffie Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2020
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    Stop the reasons that these people are prepared to cross multiple borders (contrary to United Nations protocols) with the sole intention of reaching ONLY the UK and nowhere else.

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