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Off Topic Hypocrisy of this government

Discussion in 'Sunderland' started by flandersmackem, Jun 23, 2021.

  1. flandersmackem

    flandersmackem Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    As a few on here know that I am an expat currently living and working in the Middle East.

    This pandemic lost me the opportunity to return to the UK last March (I had job arranged) which means that I haven't been back to the UK now for 16 months and stops me seeing my kids and grandkids.

    I now read that the government are allowing 60,000 fans to attend football matches at Wembley, which includes over 2500 officials and sponsors who can fly into the UK but will not be subject to any kind of quarantine.

    There are literally tens of thousands of expats spread all over the world who haven't seen their families or been able attend weddings, christenings, funerals etc etc because of the ridiculous arbitrary and draconian quarantine rules, despite the vast majority of expats having been vaccinated. Its OK for a football match, though...where is the rational or justification behind this?
  2. Vincemac

    Vincemac Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Yeah and to sweeten the population they're talking about putting some countries in to green
    However, that doesn't help you, or infact help any one cause we will see if anything happens
    Gil T Azell likes this.
  3. gelders pie

    gelders pie Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    And you tell 2500 that they are exempt from one rule , they then think they’re so special that they are exempt from every rule . I see Merkel has condemned the decision - interesting to see if Germany get through will she keep her German travel ban to UK ?
    Makemstine Roger likes this.
  4. Yep,you have my sympathies mate. I've generally been supportive of the decisions they've taken over the last 16 months or so,until the last couple of months,where I'm seeing some real confusion and lack of common sense. The lunatics are definately in charge of the asylum at the minute.
    I don't know which country you're in,but I do hope you are able to get home to see your family soonest.
  5. Brian Storm

    Brian Storm Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    It's been hypocrisy from start to finish. Indefensible
    Gil T Azell, halfman, DH4 and 3 others like this.
  6. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I returned to the UK a few weeks ago and it was an absolute nightmare.

    I can't go into detail, but if I'd followed the rules it wouldn't have been possible.

    At the same time I was having to show proof of double jabs, negative tests, proof of 2nd and 8th day tests, etc. people were flying in and out for 'special reasons'. I was returning to my own country and was treat like a criminal.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2021
    Gil T Azell and DH4 like this.
  7. Dancingstripes

    Dancingstripes Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2019
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    Travel is virtually impossible, and will be for some years to come.

    Until this virus is accepted as part of society, like cancer, heart disease and the many other diseases, sadly life won’t resume to normality.

    Why is the world prioritising one disease? Many will die of cancer and other diseases through missed appointments, and fear of hospitals.

    We have the vaccine, so the death rate will steady. We now have to accept it and move on, otherwise the longer it goes on, there won’t be much to move on with.
    Gil T Azell, Nig and robinoz like this.
  8. Nig

    Nig Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2019
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    Probably one reason is they can use it as a tool to shìt on the populous through fear.
    Gil T Azell and flandersmackem like this.
  9. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    The worst aspect of this pandemic is the Boris Johnson elbow bump.

    It starts with a little girly run up, accompanied by a daft grin and a dip, then a totally exaggerated bump. It's like the start of some weird mating ritual.

    If that's not cringy enough it's also idiotic as it automatically brings strangers within a metre of each other ...

    ... he seems particularly keen to inflict it on bemused manual workers, just stop ffs.
    DH4, Dancingstripes and Nig like this.
  10. flandersmackem

    flandersmackem Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I watch the UK news every day and sadly the situation for expats trying to get home simply isn't news worthy....I suppose we left the country, pay no taxes doesn't help us gain any sympathy but its still a human story....Tens of thousands people want to return and see family for a load of reasons, I personally know many people who just want to go back home permanently....... Its a sad situation, I reckon I won't see my family in the UK till early next year at the soonest, but it is what it is...
    Gil T Azell and Smug in Boots like this.

  11. Nig

    Nig Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2019
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    Down here during one lockdown bullshìt two counties were locked and you couldn't venture more than a mile or some shìtcrap unless work etc.
    Flintshire in north east Wales on the border with England and the next one Denbighshire.
    But Caernarvonshire wasn't restricted.
    If you lived in Flintshire or Denbighshire you couldn't travel to Caernarvonshire to visit family etc but scousers etc could travel through Flintshire and Denbighshire to get to their caravans in Caernarvonshire.
    Mark drakeford, gething and them other labour south walian bastards need to fook right off the useless cùnts.
    Money for old rope.
    Boris and his blithering tory bellends aren't much better and the lot need shot with shìt.
    By christ people put up with shìt these days.
    It's like going back to Dickensian times.
    Useless wánkers and they get away with it.
    Rant over :D
    Gil T Azell, DH4 and Pure River Slut like this.
  12. flandersmackem

    flandersmackem Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I feel your pain mate
  13. Draig

    Draig Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2019
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    When the Wembley crowd limits were raised it was said that the 2500 delegates/VIPs would still be subject to quarantine. Although UEFA are still trying to negotiate about this I have seen nothing about any quarantine relaxation being agreed.
  14. polyphemus

    polyphemus Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    Which bit is hypocrisy?

    Letting too many people in, or keeping too many out?

    Firstly, I've had my jabs and consider myself as protected as I can be.

    But my thoughts are on those who are not protected fully. Some partial, some not at all.
    And I question whether it is worth taking risks at this late stage.
    We believe that Europe in general is rather behind UK in the vaccination stakes.
    So who benefits from encouraging 20,000 or whatever many people to visit for a football match?

    From what I've seen on TV, social distancing is a bit of a joke as far as most continental countries are concerned.

    IF the influx of European Fans causes a spike in cases that further delays a return to normality, wil the UK population in general take a laid back view and say, it was worth it.
    Or will the government get blamed for not closing the borders.
    However IF they close the borders, will the population in general cry out very loudly, 'Killjoys'.
    And IF it was to be a spike that caused more deaths, who gets blamed then?

    But it is reasonable to raise the questions before the event rather than rely on wisdom through hindsight.

    Personaly I'd rather the games be played in empty stadia if that's the safest option.
    Bat as with everything to do with Covid, I'm no expert.
  15. TopCat_

    TopCat_ Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2019
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  16. Brian Storm

    Brian Storm Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    Which bit? Every step of our country's dealing with the pandemic, repeated examples of one rule for one and one for another, bending rules and breaking laws to do it.

    The Tores are at it, the media are it. Quick example relating to the thread, Summer Solstice has caused a media frenzy when a few hundred went to ****ing stonehenge of all places, pile of stones in he middle of nowhere! Shame on them! But 60k at Wembley slap bang in the capital! It's coming home! You know what I mean?

    No we shouldn't be letting 60k of mixed nationalities congregate in the capital if you can't get back into your our country without extrotionate costs and quarantine but the international VIPs can just waltz in and out imo. Christ you can't even stand up in a pub and have a dance at the moment cause of guidelines that will kill businesses dead if they're broken. But anything to make us look like a peacock or stimulate the London Economy they bend over backwards. It's ether ok to relax guidelines or it's not.

    Less hypocrisy, less double standards, less picking out special cases for covid privilege and consistency across the board is needed imo.
  17. Dancingstripes

    Dancingstripes Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2019
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    How long can you be cautious for though?

    Businesses are going bust and people are losing their jobs.

    Cars kill thousands on the roads every year, should we stop driving?

    Booze kills thousands of people every year, should we stop drinking?

    Covid is just another thing that kills people, we have had the jab to minimise death, TIME TO MOVE ON!

    You’ll never get the world completely ‘safe’ and I don’t know where the obsession has come to do so. We are waisting years of our lives, to prioritise a disease with a 1% death rate and a vaccine that’s countering it.

    It’s becoming cringey.
  18. Brian Storm

    Brian Storm Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    Two words mate. Social control. Or just one, Conformity
    Gil T Azell, Dancingstripes and DH4 like this.
  19. vinkel

    vinkel Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2018
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    This hypocrisy thing being debated, the government is there to run the country and to be shot at and quite a lot of us are good at doing that. The reasoning that we should have closed the border with India sooner, would it have really made a big difference. I think it would just have slowed things down by a few days, it would have gotten into this country by other routes.And are the people who were shouting for that to happen are they the same ones that are not happy that more countries were not included on the green list for travel. Hypocrisy is also rife.
  20. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    If that's true there's no point having travel restrictions at all.
    Nig and Brian Storm like this.

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