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champions league/play offs

Discussion in 'Sunderland' started by monty987, May 8, 2021.

  1. monty987

    monty987 Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    they could move the play off finals back to accomodate the champions league final at wembley ! it makes sense to play the final in England of course , but why not play the league one play off final at Old trafford or Man c ground ?, no the f a like to be arkward as usual, and make a 500 mile trip for us but a bike ride for Chelsea supporters.
  2. vinkel

    vinkel Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2018
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    If the game is switched to England play it at Villa Park. Leave the playoffs as they are.
    Bank of England 2 likes this.
  3. Daz

    Daz Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2019
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    These are two of the clubs that were about to stick two fingers up at the whole ethos of football as we know it. Let them play at a neutral club venue and leave Wembley for the playoffs.
  4. Dave_39

    Dave_39 Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2019
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    venue expected to be announced tomorrow SSN
  5. Best uncapped Keeper

    Best uncapped Keeper Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2012
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    Whilst not wanting our play off final to be disrupted to be talking about an option to move the final to Portugal when both competing teams are from England seems somewhat perverse.
  6. Draig

    Draig Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2019
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    We've just broken our Wembley jinx so I don't want to play our final elsewhere.

    The Champions league final doesn't have to be in Wembley, what about elsewhere in the UK - like Cardiff?
  7. dred

    dred Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2018
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    Makemstine Roger and Draig like this.
  8. Bank of England 2

    Bank of England 2 Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    This would make sense for both sets of fans too, as Birmingham is not too far for either sets to travel and more than likely they would all just return home after the match instead of lingering in London.
    Makemstine Roger and dred like this.
  9. Dave_39

    Dave_39 Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2019
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    Champions League final between Man City and Chelsea set to be moved to Porto from Istanbul
    UEFA had wanted to move the final to Wembley but there were issues about waiving quarantine rules for staff, sponsors, VIPs and foreign media. Portugal is on the government green list so UK visitors will be able to travel there from Sunday

    By Kaveh Solhekol

    Wednesday 12th May, 2021 19:00, UK

    The Champions League final between Chelsea and Manchester City will be moved to Porto's Estadio do Dragao from Istanbul, UEFA is set to announce.

    UEFA had wanted to move the final to Wembley and was in talks with the UK government, but there was a considerable sticking point about waiving quarantine rules for the 2,000 staff, sponsors, VIPs and foreign media.

    The fixture was due to take place at the Ataturk Stadium on May 29th, but pressure mounted for the venue to be changed after the UK government placed Turkey on its 'red' list of at-risk countries and urged fans not to travel for the fixture. UK citizens returning from red-list countries are required to quarantine at a government-approved hotel for 10 days.

    The capacity at the Estadio do Dragao is 50,000 and UEFA is in talks with the Portuguese government to allow 20,000 to attend the final. That would mean up to 6,000 tickets for fans of each club.

    Fans have not been allowed to attend games in Portugal this season but the Portuguese league announced on Wednesday that they would be able to watch the final round of league games next Wednesday with stadium capacities capped at 10 per cent.

    Portugal is on the government green list so UK visitors will be able to travel there from Sunday. They will not need to quarantine but they will have to take Covid-19 tests before and after they travel.

    It would have been cheaper and easier for UEFA to host the game at Wembley, which already has the infrastructure set up to be a UEFA European Championship venue next month, but the governing body felt that it could not do so without the guarantee of government waivers

    As far as UEFA is concerned, fans would not be able to attend at all if the final had remained in Istanbul, so it believes that it has tried to do the best in difficult circumstances.

    As far as Chelsea and City supporters are concerned, the final should be at Wembley.

    This will be the third final in Portugal in eight years but the first in Porto.
    Draig likes this.
  10. samwise_new

    samwise_new Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2019
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    why do they never choose 2 or 3 possible venues just in case the two teams in the final are from the same country?

    ...and who the feck gives a shiny ****e about those '2,000 staff, sponsors, VIPs and foreign media'...let the real fans in to watch the flaming thing!!!
    Bank of England 2 likes this.

  11. marcusblackcat

    marcusblackcat SAFC Sheriff
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Because it makes perfect sense… And when is the last time UEFA or fifa made a “perfect sense” decision?

    I’m actually glad they aren’t having it here. If I have to quarantine then why the **** shouldn’t they?? Although myDad had a perfect solution. They get to the airport, picked up by bus to go directly to Wembley, then bussed back to the airport post game. No quarantine, just no time to do anything else!

    SAFCDRUM Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Those 2000 'special' cases need to realise what people have sacrificed over the past year and get a ****ing grip. Have the game in the UK for a small number of City and Chelsea fans only.
  13. samwise_new

    samwise_new Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2019
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    because again it makes perfect sense, two teams from the same country...let their supporters enjoy the day with as many there as possible, the rest (if they really are needed) can be ferried in and back out...

    ... but we all know the arse licking contest is what really matters, the sponsors and hanger-ons will HAVE to be mollycoddled and spoilt the whole time so that when their time comes, these arse lickers can look forward to their own anal cleansing.
    marcusblackcat likes this.

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