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Gordon Armstrong

Discussion in 'Sunderland' started by Makemstine Roger, Apr 13, 2021.

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  1. Makemstine Roger

    Makemstine Roger Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I have just found out that GA has banned posters for commenting on smugs thread about France without any warning so there are no negative comments on it , i replied to yet another one of Smugs hissy fits made about me just after the match ,the guy has lost the plot but getting his bestie Armstrong to ride shotgun for him again is beyond reproach he has broken rules to privilege his friend and never stepped in to stop threads going off course with personal insults and even altered threads at his request,

    If Armstrong wants to come on and defend himself, for doing that it's up to him but i have proof unless he deletes the thread
    Wolfy likes this.
  2. TopCat_

    TopCat_ Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2019
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    How did you find out?
  3. Makemstine Roger

    Makemstine Roger Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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  4. TopCat_

    TopCat_ Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2019
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    Why you shouting? Who is the site owner?
  5. Makemstine Roger

    Makemstine Roger Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    sorry for caps lock , i would prefer him to come forward first and tell us why he did that so if there are lies he tells i have proof .... that is if he has the balls
  6. TopCat_

    TopCat_ Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2019
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    Seems needlessly convoluted. There is a strong whiff of bullshit to this
  7. Makemstine Roger

    Makemstine Roger Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    just give it time it will come out when he replies i dont do bullshit , but i am not giving him ammunition to delete and alter more threads and ban yet more posters
    Wolfy and C19RK73 like this.
  8. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I've had no communication, either on or off the board, from any Mod. I've not mentioned my 'Brexit' thread to any Mod or any other poster.

    I haven't asked for anyone to be banned or asked for any comments to be deleted, not one.

    If you have the proof that's untrue post it up and I'll send £1000 to any charity you care to name. You've just said that, off the board, you're discussing me and the thread which, in your mind, is entirely different.

    It shows what's going on when even someone as decent as @RTB is saying he won't post a match thread because some people are, once again, ruining it ...

    ... think what you like about me, I couldn't care less, but surely that should make you and your clique step back and think.

    I deliberately avoided posting, on the match thread, so I couldn't be blamed when it was ruined for the second time in a row.

    You simply want to rule the board and have it your way, hence the lies in this thread. I said I wouldn't post again this season because the board was becoming increasingly argumentative and I didn't want to be blamed. I hoped, once I'd gone, that the sniping would stop, it didn't. I hoped the arguments, and threads being derailed, would stop, it hasn't.

    I'm not sure if you know what you're doing or whether you're just too arrogant to realise.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2021
    Blond Bombshell likes this.
  9. Makemstine Roger

    Makemstine Roger Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    blah bla blah you ruin every match thread with your pre one, how you can deny Armstrong is running shotgun for you is bollocks you got your bestie to ban certain posters from from your thread cos you didn't want the truth told now everyone knows how petty and vindictive you are, you have the most arguments than anyone, your the biggest report presses on the board, man your just downright nasty it's about time people saw the real you, your the biggest hypocrite ever i have never had a poster banned but your mate Gordon has for you, every week your crying about something.
    And get Armstrong to unblock the posters he has done without even warning them, i only see you poisoning people against posters then its you who spoiled the first match thread you didn't like me posting what YOU had wrote yourself after prehab pulled you for being harsh with posters even the main board guy told you to wind your neck in , you started this off with the nasty mail , but i'm no wilting flower you will get as much **** back as you care to dish
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2021
    Wolfy likes this.
  10. Gordon Armstrong

    Gordon Armstrong Just another S.A.F.C. fan
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Keeping order is difficult at times, and lately there's been a danger of this board mirroring RTG where abuse has been allowed to ruin what was a blinking good site.

    Smug's France thread was always going to be about good luck wishes, and I decided, without prompting from anyone, to prevent 3 posters (KLD, Wolfy and SAFC4ever, who obviously have a grudge against Smug) from ruining it like they have others. I'm not perfect and I may have been hasty/wrong in doing so, but that was my decision, and the reason for it, at the time and I apologise if I was indeed wrong to do so. I have also edited some posts from time to time on other threads to 'keep the peace' by hiding abuse from the subject to avoid escalation of a problem that everyone knows exists between groups.

    I moderate here as best I can with best intentions to look after the many decent posters that we have, for which I make no further apology, and if that's not good enough, or this is to become a witch hunt to boost someone's ego, let me know.

  11. Ozzymac

    Ozzymac Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    @GA, firstly let me start by saying that personally i think that you do a good job as a moderator, i know how difficult it can be after many years of moderating on a different site.

    In this instance however i think that preventing people from posting before they actually have is a bit unfair. Sure, the 3 that you mention have a penchant for ruining/derailing threads with their comments but to be fair, so has Smug (FWIW i have no issue with Smug either) along with others.

    There have been plenty of times where threads have been derailed and nothing is done and i applaud the fact that you are happy to let things run their course so i fail to see why on this occassion preventing individuals from posting on a thread maintained that status quo.

    Unfortunately what it has done is given the perception that there's one rule for some and one rule for others which should never be the case and is the reason many of us left RTG and have been very happy here.

    Once again, no personal anomosity from myself towards anyone else, just commenting on how it comes across to me.
  12. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Money where your mouth is.

    I've had no communication, either on or off the board, from any Mod. I've not mentioned my 'Brexit' thread to any Mod or any other poster.

    I haven't asked for anyone to be banned or asked for any comments to be deleted, not one.

    If you have the proof that's untrue post it up and I'll send £1000 to any charity you care to name
  13. Sandy Camel

    Sandy Camel Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2019
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    Yeah, I'll hold my hands up and admit to getting sucked in now and again so apologise if any of my posts have caused you any hassle. Personally, I think you made the correct decision and am also one of those who started posting here after getting a bit tired of how RTG was being run. I think certain posters think it's okay to bring the RTG culture over here and have done so on more than one occasion with more than one user name. The three ****ateers you mention remind me of the triumviaite of ****e that is MadBob, Vauxie and Gilly from RTG, have the exact same effect as coming across as complete knackers.
  14. Sandy Camel

    Sandy Camel Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2019
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    Good post. This is why I like this place, get reasoned comments to stuff. Even though I disagree with you, I know that we'd both be cool about it, state our positions and not be dishing **** out to one another for having a different opinion. Fwiw, I think some of those mentioned would have deliberately spoiled that thread so I can understand the censorship position. I know it can get a bit het up over disagreements between folk but I'd say there is an awful lot more respect shown by folk on here towards other posters and it's very noticable when a few come who don't think that way. I actually think GA has been incredibly reserved, I'd have swung the full on ban hammer a while back on at least one of them.
    Nathan Brazil, Robertson and rooch 3 like this.
  15. rooch 3

    rooch 3 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I must be a mega laid back bloke I don’t see any problem with any of the s hite they write just goes straight over my head certainly not enough to get the s hit ripped out of them by Smug or anybody else, is that not what the ignore button is for not that I’ve ever used it, looking back maybe I should have.
    Makemstine Roger and Iain like this.
  16. Sandy Camel

    Sandy Camel Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2019
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    I don't agree with the ignore function at all tbh. Even if someone is being a bit of a dick, it spoils the thread flow when there's posts you can't read. It's noticable to me that a new poster who claims never to have been on here before manages to get a massive bee in their bonnet towards one particular poster so quickly. The bee is that big, they end up claiming that we're all 'childish cult members'. It's obvious in that instance that this is a previous spat being replayed and I think it's being done in a sly manner.

    I swear down I manged to annoy you enough once for you to contemplate ignoring me. Reading some of the ****e I've posted since then you might well have had the right idea.
  17. Confucius

    Confucius Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    People derail threads, warn them, derail it again, ban them. Sounds dead easy and I know it’s not. But if you give people enough rope they will hang themselves, if they are that way inclined. The rules are there for all to see, abide by them or suffer the consequences, but don’t bend the rules to suit.
    Christ man it’s like being back in a playground again and my memory isn’t that good.
    NB I don’t know if any rules have been broken or bent
  18. The Berk

    The Berk Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    Confucius says

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  19. Wolfy

    Wolfy Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2020
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    I think it’s funny that the other day when smug didn’t post on here, there wasn’t one single argument <laugh> It’s almost like it’s him who’s causing them <doh>
  20. Brainman

    Brainman Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    Yeah. It was boring wasn’t it?
    Wolfy likes this.
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