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Off Topic NHS pay rise

Discussion in 'Sunderland' started by Deletion Requested1, Mar 5, 2021.

  1. alan reed

    alan reed Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2019
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    Not with Dianne Abbot counting the deaths That’s for sure
    master-simpson, The Professor and Nig like this.
  2. kirkyboy

    kirkyboy Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    If you think my original response was “bull” I’d be interested to hear your take as how our response would have been worse under him compared to the last 12 months
    MrRAWhite likes this.
  3. The Professor

    The Professor Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2020
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    Football & other similar related i.e. louis Hamilton are a massive issue, massive massive earners...then dodge much as they can.

    I was absolutely disgusted with footballs view of cutting us will hurt the NHS because of the tax we pay....really! very bad PR
    farnboromackem and Nig like this.
  4. Nig

    Nig Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2019
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  5. The Professor

    The Professor Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2020
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    Interviews are difficult, especially the talking yourself up part, make sure you give her a hand in preping, write some twatfull questions down & sit with her as a practice interview, she will think your a proper ****, but it will help her ro go over after & manage in the proper interview

    sure you know all that, sounds like she needs a change & hope she gets one, good luck
    Nig likes this.
  6. Washysafc

    Washysafc Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    This is why we need trade unions to be stronger in the private sector. Individual workers need a collective voice.
  7. Nig

    Nig Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2019
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    I'm shìt at interviews too <laugh>

    I did tell her to Google questions and look for YouTube videos etc :emoticon-0148-yes:

    Anyway I'm off before all hell breaks loose with arguing <laugh>

    Just as a side note.
    I am in the worst sector during the pandemic. I've lost a great shift pattern and a lot of money but I'm happy to be still employed.
    A lot have gone.
    I'm also happy I have my health and hopefully my mrs gets her move and her major operation is successful.

    The NHS is a great thing for those unfortunate to have poor health.
    It needs looking after.

    Looking forward to the game today and a few beers :emoticon-0167-beer: :emoticon-0148-yes:
    RTB, The Professor and farnboromackem like this.
  8. kirkyboy

    kirkyboy Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Completely agree
    Great post. Couldn’t agree more
  9. Chip

    Chip Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2019
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    They have no real power in any sector. The apathy of the worker in this country will make sure they continue to have no real power in the future. They don’t give a **** about the individual just make noise about higher profile issues such as low/no pay rises and once the **** hits the fan and ballots for industrial action are needed the workers are all too quick to look after no. 1 than the collective interest of all working in the sector. Strikes are piss weak wishy washy affairs that achieve nothing these days and all the power is with the pay masters. There’s always another mug who will take your place so be careful what you get involved in is the take home message - always.

    I blame Thatcher for all this, she destroyed workers rights by smashing the miners into the ground and basically exterminating the union movement in a 12 month period. Being a union member is as much use as joining the Beano club in ensuring workers rights and conditions now. Only more expensive to join.
  10. MrRAWhite

    MrRAWhite Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I have been on both sides of the fence regarding interviews and the best advice I could give is never to rush into answers to questions. Have a pause and take a breath before giving an answer.
    The Professor likes this.

  11. Nads

    Nads Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    The question is not ‘is 1% enough’

    The question isn’t ‘do they deserve it’

    The question is how is there no more than 1% for folk on the frontline and vital to our wellbeing, one of the jewels of our land, but its £81k a year for the inflated salaries of politicians who do very little and claim tens of thousands in top in expenses.

    I get private pay, I get paid very well as I make a company money, you can’t compare that to NHS and public sector, but for me, it should be flipped, Police, Fire and NHS pay should outstrip politicians.

    They have proved time and time again they don’t earn it, and a small positive of this pandemic is that hopefully the public have now seen in real world terms the bullshit they peddle.

    Lies and misinformation. No grip on real world life. I credit them for the vaccine roll out, magnificently handled by the NHS....
    Snaggey, RTB, TopClub and 6 others like this.
  12. MrRAWhite

    MrRAWhite Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    After witnessing first hand the workload that my MP Bridget Phillipson gets through and the **** she takes for doing so, then I have to say she deserver every penny she gets.
    Nads likes this.
  13. Nads

    Nads Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Don’t get me wrong RAW, I’m generalising, and I’m sure there are many MP’s that went into it for the right reasons, being to spark change, to help and grow there area.

    What I’m referring to here are the people with the real power, the ones handing out contracts to families and manipulating statistics, spending huge public budgets despite being super wealthy, for personal use, then ****ting on workers with pitiful offers on pay.

    The budget was yet another smokescreen ‘ooh look we’ve frozen your taxes’

    Have they ****, they e out 6% on corporation tax, that 6% will go on every item any one of us buys.

    My disdain for the system runs incredibly deep. What I wouldn’t give for a genuine ‘man/woman of the people’ type.
  14. marcusblackcat

    marcusblackcat SAFC Sheriff
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    As an NHS union rep i understand their reasoning. But I’d be happy with any pay rise really!! Skint due to COVID!
  15. marcusblackcat

    marcusblackcat SAFC Sheriff
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    The 12.5% is a crazy number!! There is no way they could afford that without increasing income tax by a large amount!! Seems the people asking for these things don’t seem to take into account where the money us coming from!! Unrealistic completely! Not sure I’d agree about nurses being well paid. Some are but most aren’t IMO.
    Chip, Saf and Nig like this.
  16. Washysafc

    Washysafc Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    They are all the reasons we need the reviving and then if you are a member and there has been a vote to take action you all stand together. Get back to the days of never crossing a picket line
    Chip likes this.
  17. Washysafc

    Washysafc Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    The 12.5% is the how far their salaries have fallen behind those in the private sector over the last ten years.
    Chip and kirkyboy like this.
  18. Nads

    Nads Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    12.5% is an outrageous demand mind.

    My pay increase is automatic, as long as I’m doing my job right it’s around 4% a year.

    I think that’s about right industry and sector wide.
    Paperback Ruiter likes this.
  19. safcyellowbelly

    safcyellowbelly Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    The 1% is both morally and economically wrong.
    To my mind the moral arguments are obvious - if you disagree with me on that point then there’s something wrong with you!
    On the economic position though I heard a guy on the radio this morning who is currently a Tory MP but has previously worked in the Dept of Health and was responsible for dealing with pay settlement issues - he is also a doctor and has returned to work on the front line during the pandemic. He’s as well informed as you can get on the issue.
    His point was that pre-pandemic the reality was that wage levels were such that recruitment was a real challenge in nursing and as a result the NHS was paying billions to agency staff. His view was to take a slice of that agency cost - increase pay, recruit new staff on the back of it and have greater strength in depth across the NHS.

    Whilst I don’t like agreeing with Tory MPs on much what he said made sense to me
    Chip, TopClub, Saf and 5 others like this.
  20. Gatesy

    Gatesy Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    Firstly, I don't think the NHS think they are the only ones to have sacrificed during the pandemic, but I would say they've been one of the hardest pushed.

    They do choose to do it, that's the point. Thanks to them people survived COVID and went home to their loved ones, many didn't as well and the NHS were the ones trying and failing to get them home too, due to being under staffed and under funded. Even more so with a large percentage of those staff having to shield as well.

    Nurses go through 3 years of university, not being paid to do so but expected to undergo placement on hospital wards, working full 13 hour shifts for the pleasure and then end up on a pretty poor wage once qualified.

    To say they don't deserve a pay rise because others have suffered due to furlough, made redundant etc is an absolute joke. So because people are now unemployed we all should work for free, because to expect a wage is, well, greed! Jesus, £3.50 a week, £14 a month is the biggest insult, they've chosen to give the NHS the lowest possible number available!

    As for it being there job, thank the Lord some people do choose to do it but I'll hand that one back to you because in your very own words, those who lost work due to it, you chose that career, so get on with it. Why not choose a career that is sustainable if you're going to get upset about losing your job when others are still working? Bars, restaurants and shops close all the time as well as warehouses and factories.

    FWIW, no I don't work for the NHS but my wife does and I went through redundancy last year too. A full time nurse comes out with around £1500 month, is that a great wage as some have pointed out on here? Because personally I think it's ****.
    Whiteymonster, Chip, Nig and 4 others like this.

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