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Match Day Thread Town v Cobblers

Discussion in 'Ipswich Town' started by YorkieLancsHampyLondoner, Feb 15, 2021.

  1. Bigalreigned

    Bigalreigned Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2011
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    Last edited: Feb 17, 2021
  2. San Diego

    San Diego Sir Mediator
    Forum Moderator

    Apr 2, 2011
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    Great management. Instead of coaching Jackson how to not make rash tackles you just banish him to the under 23s. Genius!
    Southcoastoldgaffer likes this.
  3. Bigalreigned

    Bigalreigned Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2011
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    And some thought Hurst was a poor man-manager!

    The only hope is that one of the youngsters who hasn’t had all the skill coached out of him yet can teach Jackson how to trap a ball!
    Southcoastoldgaffer likes this.
  4. YorkieLancsHampyLondoner

    YorkieLancsHampyLondoner Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Neither of them would have got near the first team in years gone by. The problem is not just with forwards who so often have only had scraps to feed off.
  5. YorkieLancsHampyLondoner

    YorkieLancsHampyLondoner Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    interestingly Tayo Edun is having a big impact at Lincoln this season.
  6. San Diego

    San Diego Sir Mediator
    Forum Moderator

    Apr 2, 2011
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    If Jackson can't trap a ball, instructions should be to play it into feet for him, not lump high balls. This is management, getting the best from people. People are not great at everything so you make adjustments.

    Lambert is now calling the owner and the club out to mask his failures as first team boss. How exactly is sitting around a table talking about the infrastructure and direction of the club going to improve matchday performances? I can see straight through Lambert's smoke and mirrors.
  7. Bigalreigned

    Bigalreigned Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2011
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    Whilst not disagreeing that we should play to our strikers’ strengths(such as they are)I’m sure most successful sportsmen continually work on weak aspects of their game to improve their results!
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2021
  8. itfcptc

    itfcptc Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2011
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    As I've said before don't get the Dyer, Butcher thing at all. He would be pushed unde the bus by ME.

    The problem is for any manager whilst you say its a privilege, the majority of managers ME has appointed have been tarnished by their time a town. So as a manager when you see previous failures and managers with experience failing why would anyone want to risk their career going down the swanny?
  9. itfcptc

    itfcptc Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2011
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    Very good points, i do think we have a talented squad for this division but we have no backbone, we've too many players who have never shown any level of consistency in a first team at this level, Dozzell being one of them, sure the boy has talent but he does go missing in games and talent doesn't make a good footballer, there's more to it than that and really this is his first season in the first team. We've got a squad full of players who aren't physically or mentally resilient but could be good because they have talent. We need some more experience in there and not individuals who are over the hill, players who have had 10 full seasons in the game at this level or above with something still to prove.

    I'm all for promoting the academy and it looks like currently its done a pretty good job but we run the risk of losing those players or them not stepping up because there's not enough around them for a bit of guidance
    Southcoastoldgaffer likes this.
  10. itfcptc

    itfcptc Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2011
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    I think once players get fit we'd suit a 532 but 442 would be better than 433. If everyone was fit who would you pick? From my experience 2 strikers always works best.

    With regards to the midfield again yes there is talent but no one in there has proven they can do it consistently maybe other than Downes and he's still young
    Southcoastoldgaffer likes this.

  11. San Diego

    San Diego Sir Mediator
    Forum Moderator

    Apr 2, 2011
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    And maybe Kayden does work on it. Doesn't change the fact that he can't at the moment so he shouldn't be bombarded with aerial balls until he can show it in training.
  12. YorkieLancsHampyLondoner

    YorkieLancsHampyLondoner Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Because the managers we’ve appointed have not really pulled up any trees besides a few promotions from the Championship and 60 clubs and managers have done that since 2000, albeit some of them more than once and McCarthy, Jewell and Lambert very much at the end of their managerial careers and the other two right at the start. Only really Jim Magilton and Paul Hurst who have come out of it tarnished. Keane has done alright. The thing they all have in common since Magic is that Ipswich has been just another club to them so that’s why I’m convinced we need a club connection.

    Paul Lambert doesn’t even seem to realise the success that George Burley had, and to some extent John Lyall too, when he says it’s 40 years since we had a good side.
    fieldmarshall likes this.
  13. itfcptc

    itfcptc Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2011
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    Keane hasn't had another managerial position since, neither has Jewell, Hurst has gone back into management but 2 leagues below the Championship, Mick is the only one who's done okay but I still feel his stock hasn't risen, he was appointed ROI manager but as a stop gap and has only just got back into club management in this country, previous to us I'm sure he would've been picked up by a club pretty quick.
  14. YorkieLancsHampyLondoner

    YorkieLancsHampyLondoner Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    He was assistant with Eire for five years and now makes a fortune as a regular pundit. I’d say he’s done alright and if he really wanted to continue in management, he’s had plenty of opportunities.

    Cardiff look to be absolutely flying and have a shot at the Prem.
  15. itfcptc

    itfcptc Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2011
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    Donald Trumps has done pretty well for himself and I'm sure would have lots of offers if he said he wanted to go into football management
    fieldmarshall likes this.
  16. itfcptc

    itfcptc Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2011
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    So you don't think any of our previous managers careers have been tainted because of their time at our club?
  17. Nuggets

    Nuggets Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2011
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    I did laugh when Lambert was droning on about 'getting everyone around the table' and bemoaning the lack of infrastructure. He's been here for over two years, why has it taken him this long to get everyone around the table?! Why hasn't he been more persistent and vocal about the need to overhaul the infrastructure? If you speak to people around the club or read between the lines from some former players' interviews - we come across as a club with a 1990s set-up, an old school approach to scouting and physiotherapy, and a club all too willing to cut corners and to do things on the cheap. Our Director of Football, Sporting Director, and CEO are usually one man doing the same job and, in the case of your Cleggs and Milnes, somebody without any experience in football. We raise it time and again on this forum, but is it any wonder managers are doomed to fail when they arrive and the club has declined so severely over the past decade?

    I honestly don't think Marcus Evans gives a monkeys about the club. He certainly hasn't showed an iota of leadership during his time here. He has no vision. His 'Five Point Plan' gets broken every season. He has no connection with the fanbase. You compare and contrast that to how successful clubs at this level - like Lincoln, Accrington, Peterborough, and Portsmouth are run by their owners (who generally appear to care and have a clear business strategy in place) - and it's truly eye-opening. It's frustrating that we have to be so critical of our owner, and I feel like a stuck record having to bring it up all the time, but it's so obvious to us all! I honestly believe that we are saddled with one of the worst owners in English football. Just look at our record. He doesn't invest in the club, it all gets turned into debt owed to him. It's standing at over £100 million now. Evans gets such an easy pass by the media, where the nationals just brainlessly parrot the simplistic 'be careful what you wish for / you shouldn't have sacked McCarthy' line.

    I think it is abundantly clear we need a new manager. Just as we need a new owner, a new Director of Football, a new sports science team, a new scouting set-up, a clearer mindset of what we want to achieve as a club, better engagement and communication with supporters, and for someone senior to actually care about the state of the club. Unfortunately for us, there are not many rich, football-mad multi-millionaires who are willing to buy football clubs, particularly in this economy. I don't think he or she even has to be a football fan, they most notably need the passion for football and the awareness to hire the right people around them.

    One immediate change that can at least inject some life into this club, and maybe get us in for a decent shout at promotion, is a new manager. Paul Lambert must be a dead man walking. Evans should be talking to the likes of Paul Cook and the Cowley brothers and he should be completely open and honest with them. Lay out the state of the club, get their feedback, and back them to make some much-needed changes. At the very least they'd implement a set of expected standards and have a better idea of how to set this team up. Now it won't be enough for lasting success, not without a change at the top, but it should hopefully be enough to get a strong squad for this level realistically competing for promotion and capable of beating half-decent sides.
  18. Bigalreigned

    Bigalreigned Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2011
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    The clock’s certainly running down for PL now.

    Ipswich Town: How fans have turned against Paul Lambert and the club https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/56096898

    If we’re lucky enough to attract a young,progressive manager (again) I just hope he’s given more than five months to sort out the almighty mess at the Club from top to bottom.It’s going to take someone who’s prepared to ruffle a few feathers and that wasn’t popular in the past<doh>
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2021
  19. YorkieLancsHampyLondoner

    YorkieLancsHampyLondoner Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Not particularly. Lambert came to us with a poor track record. He doesn’t come out of this well but the club hasn’t tainted his career, his stock was already low.

    Paul Hurst had another chance to go and prove something at Scunthorpe and he’s not done that. He’s got another chance at Grimsby - they look doomed but if he’s a good manager they’ll survive or he’ll stay for a few years while they bounce back.

    I think potential managers will look at what’s gone wrong at the club and whether they can do something different but I don’t think they’ll be too worried about their reputations because nobody is going to come to the club if they have an offer at Championship level.
    Southcoastoldgaffer likes this.
  20. YorkieLancsHampyLondoner

    YorkieLancsHampyLondoner Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    You only have to look at our free kicks. They’re pathetic. The greats like Roberto Carlos are trying to beat world class keepers but in League One it’s a set piece that a well drilled Sunday league side can pull off better than Town. If our players were dedicated to improving themselves and were being coached effectively we’d be at least testing the keeper regularly on our free kicks.
    Southcoastoldgaffer likes this.

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