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Dean Holden Speaks

Discussion in 'Bristol City' started by wizered, Feb 15, 2021.

  1. wizered

    wizered Ol' Mucker
    Staff Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Dean Holden on Saturday's 'humiliation'
    Saturday's result was a humiliation for everyone. I've told the players today at training that it wasn't acceptable. We need a response tomorrow night. They were out of sight within 20-25 minutes and that's always going to be a problem in any game. We've got to become harder to beat. First goal is massive in this division and we've got more difficult to play against and there are too many chances against out goal at the moment and we need to be stronger in that defensive unit.

    DH on why City have gone soft early in games
    You look at Saturday and the first goal is really difficult to concede and if you look at it and the timing of it - it's never ideal to concede so early in a game - but at the same time you could see it as a positive and say 'at least we've got 80 minutes to come back into it'. After that point we became a bit panicked, stopped doing the basics and there were some lapses in concentration against a top team and they punished us, and heavily and we have to take our medicene on that day. We have to come out fighting and look at ourselves in the mirror honesty and tomorrow is a new day for us and another opportuinity.

    DH on rebuilding belief
    We talk as a group and one to one and after a game and through the week. It's about rebuilding some belief and confidence. There are some young players out there and it's a long weekend on the back of a performance and a result like that. We have honest words immediately straight following the game and then straight conversations leading into training sessions... But at the same time it's not about me lambasting them and standing there and blaming and having a go at players publicly and shaming them. It's about us sticking together and rebuilding confidence. I have so much belief in this group they've tried time and again that they can respond to adversity and that's what we're looking for tomorrow.

    DH on the support at the club he has had to keep his chin up
    I'm in regular contact with Steve, Jon, and Mark and all the board and of course I have all the guys around me at the training ground. And I have a beautiful wife and children and family and unlike most fans probably think the world of me currently. I got a lovely Valentine's resent from them yesterday which really cheered me up a little bit. I'm very calm around the situation. It sits right in the pit of the stomach after a result like that. Nthing has ever come easy for me in my life and I've worked so hard to become head coach of this football club. And now it's about showing what I'm about and not folding under pressure and standing there with your chest out and fronting up. And that's the leader I want to be. And lead from the front and lead and galvanise the guys around me. And that's what I'm doing every day. We're looking forward to this game tomorrow and it can't come quick enough.

    DH on Reading challenge
    Yes they have [got some real ability]. They're one of the strongest teams in the division this season. They've got Lucas Joao up top who's in fantastic form with the goals he's scored, the boy Olise, Ejaria... They're good players and they've got some real special talents. We saw that at the weekend. We've got to make sure we limit their attacking threat as much as we can and carry a threat going forward. That's the plan.

    DH on Towler and young talents
    He's [Towler] going to be a fantastic player. He made a fantastic debut at Sheffield United and I took him off at the weekend to protect him. I didn't feel he was being protected enough out on the pitch. My job is to look after the younger players - that was the reason for that. We had huge issues in that position throughout the season. Tried a few formulas and we'll keep looking at that. We'll keep looking at that. Ryley did nothing worng and in times like this it's difficult as a young player. I've got so much belief in him.

    DH on how he's feeling currently
    It's still there [feeling in the pit of his stomach]. It'll be there until hopefully we can get a positive result tomorrow night. What I have been able to do over the years is build up enough resilience to cope under pressure. The biggest part about being a leader is making good decisions under pressure. it's easier in the summer when everyone is up for selection, but this is the time when you're tested: when you're losing games and there is flak flying and you're coming under pressure. What I won't let myself do is lie awake two, three or four nights running as I'll become a complete wreck and fall to pieces. That's not going to happen. I've got coping strategies that I've worked on hard over the years that have helped me cope in times like this.

    DH on lifting the morale in the squad
    The way I tend to do it is I look very, very honestly at myself and where we can improve and demand that of the people around me - the players and the staff - and then we move forward. I always look for the glass half full. It's easy to become negative and to find faults. And look for excuses around the injury record and that kind of stuff. What I try and do is look at what we can do and how we can come out of this. There are always solutions - sometimes they don't stare you in the face. We need to come out of the slump we're in. We're in a bad run of defeats at the moment and we need to come out of it. You certainly won't come out of it by moping around and moaning to your mate that you're not in the team and moaning about this and that. I truly believe that if you work hard you'll come out of this the other end.

    DH on why no players up for press today
    That's a question for Dave [Barton]. I didn't know that.

    Dave Barton interjects...
    Ask me afterwards and I'll explain.

    DH on the left-back situation
    I took Towler off at half-time to protect him on Saturday - it had no bearing on his individual performance. It's difficult for a young player when a team is in the form we're in at the moment. We've looked at nearly every possibility in that position. We've lost five recognised players from that position which I've never seen in any other season ever. Of course we're looking at square pegs in round holes. I don't see any other option than that at the moment and we have to make the best of the situation.

    DH on whether he was let down by the board in January
    I'm not going there. We had a look for a left-back and we weren't able to bring one in. As I've said from day one I'll get on with the squad I have available to me and make the best of it. It's not about excuses or blaming anyone else. Nobody could foresee the problems we've had in that position and that's the way it is.

    DH on whether he is still the right man to lead the club
    100 per cent. I've got no doubts about my ability to lead this football team. We're going through a tricky period and it's my job to lead us through that. What I would say is every single decision that I've made since I've been in this position have been made in the interests of Bristol City. Not what's the best for Dean Holden. This is not self preservation for me now. I don't lie there at night fearing for my job. That's a weak mentality. I don't lie there in fear of anything. I think how can I improve that situation. And that's the job of me as the head coach - and that's what I'll do. Nothing in my life has come easy and I didn't expect this job to be easy. And it certainly hasn't been over the last few months. But what it has given me is an honest look at where things are and how we can improve it.

  2. Supcon72

    Supcon72 Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    I do feel for him, he seems a really nice guy, and I understand his ambition in wanting to be a manager and seizing the opportunity when it presented itself. The simple truth is, this job was too big for him as his first role in management.
  3. wizered

    wizered Ol' Mucker
    Staff Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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  4. Supcon72

    Supcon72 Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    What does that even mean? It feels like empty words, you can't back him in the transfer or loan market, you cannot magically make the injured fit again, so Steve, what exactly is it that you plan to help him through it with?
    RedorDead likes this.
  5. Jiffie

    Jiffie Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2020
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    Heard all of this before already this season, virtually every word.

    As for SL blah, blah, blah nice to see he managed to emerge from the bunker, I suspect Ashton is already covering his own tracks.
    Supcon72 likes this.
  6. RedorDead

    RedorDead Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2011
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    SL was being interviewed on Radio Bristol. I’m reading about it on OTIB. But a few are saying that it looks like a half hearted vote of confidence and if things don’t improve. Without listening to it properly it’s difficult to follow but he didn’t seem too happy.
  7. AshtonRed

    AshtonRed Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2017
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    Same here, haven’t heard the interview, but reading OTIB, doesn’t seem like t was a convincing defence of DH, although it was of MA, that’s not a surprise, but until both go things are unlikely to change too much
  8. RedorDead

    RedorDead Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2011
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    Hope they’ve rang up Paul Cook and asked him to reconsider (JGF before you ask again. Twentyman said on the radio the other night that Cook would only want to scout and control his own signings).
  9. Red Robin

    Red Robin Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Tomorrow after the thrashing the fat lady will be singing.
  10. realred1952

    realred1952 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    is this a realization of the injury crisis and current problems with Covid hence lack of money and trying to get to seasons end .. next season hopefully full gates! and a revenue stream ...

  11. realred1952

    realred1952 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    and? …..
  12. invermeremike

    invermeremike Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    A somewhat heart wrenching blog from Dean but the fact is that we are almost in free fall and it doesn't look like it will get better. The faces of the players gives me the impression that they either don't care or are hopelessly lost. At some point Lansdown has to face up to the fact that whatever plan he had to fill his great revamped stadium isn't working and now is the time to show how much he cares. Decisions will not come easily but I think it's time for a change that would show the supporters that the only way forward is to hire a new manager who will be given the respect when it comes to his mandate and backed by SL himself. As a final comment I don't think there should be the need for a suit between you and the second most important person on your staff.
  13. RedorDead

    RedorDead Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2011
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    You asked the other day who said Cook turned us down. A radio presenter who knows him alluded to the that. So if you’re not happy with that, then carry on talking goobly goop like only you know what’s going on in the boardroom about some cooks cat.
    You may have some insider telling you things, but you are not the only one. There are people on OTIB and friends who I trust with insider information enough to say IMO Cook turned us down.
    Red Robin likes this.
  14. realred1952

    realred1952 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    was that for the position of assistant chef?
  15. AshtonRed

    AshtonRed Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2017
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    If for the sake of argument we accept he did, the the question is why, was it out of hand , or down to restrictions he’d have to work under, or something else ?
  16. RedorDead

    RedorDead Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2011
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    From what I read / heard. He likes to be more hands on like Cotterill as in being a manager rather than head coach. As I said it was only what I read or heard.
    Twentyman alluded to that fact on Friday as they apparently know each other.

    It could all be rumours, but like most things that is all they are. Bit like we don’t know who has final say on transfers but we are all on the same page where we think it lays.

    He was one of the managers I wanted. All clubs he has been to end up a league above when he leaves. Wigan being an exception as in back where he took over, but that was due to points reduction. I think they would of been around same points if not above us last season without the deduction.
    BCFCRob likes this.
  17. realred1952

    realred1952 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    very nicely put
  18. AshtonRed

    AshtonRed Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2017
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    I heard the Twentyman quote as well, at some point SL is going to have to change his approach and employ a manager/head coach like that in order to stop the cycle we are in, I too think he would be a good choice , I only hope SL sees the light soon.

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