well well well - so its sums up what ive been saying all along. A number of your fans have been banned from going on Soccer AM as they are an embarassment to the club. i've been saying it all season how Moronic you lot are and your own club YES YOUR OWN CLUB have confirmed what i have been saying. Morons - idiots - an embarassment to your club.
well you summed that up as well then Richmond a show for losers which is why you lot want to be on it. still whatever your fans are an embarassement for your club so your chairman has shown his true colours of what he thinks of you lot.
stfc stfc stfc stfc stfc stfc stfc stfc stfc stfc stfc stfc stfc stfc stfc stfc stfc stfc stfc stfc stfc stfc stfc stfc stfc you've seen that before as it's burnt into your pitch
Bilko, I think I have had about enough of your bollocks on here. Genuine offer here. I will give you a fiver towards a dictionary............................. Just actually go to a football match and I will meet you there and hand it over, it might have some of your blood on it though.......
1986andallthatbollocks - haha dont make me laugh you little CHAV. You wouldnt be standing to hand it over. TWAT - your embarassed because you are all moronic as your club has told you directly what he thinks of you all basically he said your a bunch of idiotic Twats.
oh look, oxford fans on soccer am. bilko really is that stupid at least he is consistantly stupid like the rest of the swindle folk.