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Off Topic The "Discuss Anything Else" Thread

Discussion in 'Horse Racing' started by OddDog, Jun 23, 2013.

  1. smokethedeadbadger

    smokethedeadbadger Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    It's more how your posts come across as panicky and a bit hysterical. Everything is doom and gloom. You see the news and follow the medical advice that you choose to follow and dismiss the science and advice that you don't agree with. The only point I've really tried to get across is that not everything is how it's reported on the news. You can't understand how people do things differently to how you do things and can't appreciate that people might be experiencing a different 'pandemic' to the one you are.

    No hard feelings. Apologies for the name calling
    Ron, Cyclonic, rudebwoy and 2 others like this.
  2. QuarterMoonII

    QuarterMoonII Economist

    May 31, 2011
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    Four days of cogitating and that was all you could come up with...

    Well “the mess that Hull is in” is hundreds of Labour supporters afflicted with the plague and some dying. What is funny about that when you are a self confessed left-wing nutter? Happy to sacrifice some of the left-wing nutters up North for the righteous cause?

    Reporting from Germany would suggest that somebody has finally realised why the death toll in Germany in the spring was so low: the few plague carriers that got into Germany came from ski resorts – young people (those least likely to die) – who were easily tracked down and isolated. In Italy and Spain, many people live with the extended family, so the young spread the plague to their elderly relatives who died in their thousands. In Britain, the NHS exported the plague to the care home system and killed 20,000.

    You were simply not smart enough to understand my reference to Leonidas. I am perfectly aware of the origins of the word bunkum but you were desperate to make any point and your left-wing forum followers do not see you as a brain dead Scottish Nationalist.

    I note that, once again, when confronted with actual facts rather than half-baked social media speculation, scaremongering propaganda and hindsight, Steveo could not manage a response to my last comment on one of his diatribes.

    You, Steveo, rudebwoy and Toby are hilarious examples of how the Left still refuses to accept that it lost the argument a long time ago. Why did Donald Trump and Boris Johnson get elected? The vast majority when given a choice between the fantasy Utopia of the Left and ‘any other option’ voted for ‘any other option’ or none of the above. The woke youth over at Penguin publishing tried to stop their employer from publishing a book by Jordan Peterson because they have lost the intellectual argument and freedom of speech is their worst enemy. Ironically, they have probably guaranteed Peterson a best seller. The left-wing anarchists at BLM will be furious. I am sure they can get it banned at the British Library – they put Ted Hughes on a slavery watch list because of some ancestor who died in 1637. The Global Establishment love the Left, playing straight into their hands.
  3. OddDog

    OddDog Mild mannered janitor
    Staff Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    Finally some sense from the PM :emoticon-0137-clapp

    Dancingbraveforever likes this.
  4. Joe_z

    Joe_z Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2016
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    I rest my case.
    Toby likes this.
  5. Toby

    Toby GC's Life Coach

    Jan 31, 2011
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    <laugh> I doubt you've had any sex in the last 4 decades. I doubt you've even smiled or been happy.

    You're the most miserable, hate-filled twat on all of not606, and that's quite an achievement tbh <applause>
    Joe_z and rudebwoy like this.
  6. Cyclonic

    Cyclonic Well Hung Member

    Mar 4, 2011
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    Here's an interesting 11 minutes. Leaving aside the left/right political ideologies, Peterson expounds on several subjects.

  7. Cyclonic

    Cyclonic Well Hung Member

    Mar 4, 2011
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    Just a bit more.

  8. Cyclonic

    Cyclonic Well Hung Member

    Mar 4, 2011
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  9. QuarterMoonII

    QuarterMoonII Economist

    May 31, 2011
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    The sad left-wing troll managed to cobble together three off-subject sentences for a rant. I hate sad left-wing losers but in our free society they are entitled to waste their lives as they choose for our amusement. Who would be sad enough to take life coaching from a loser like you?

    At the time of writing only the sad left-wing loser from the Lockdown capital of North West Wales and the Scottish Nationalist had liked your comment but I am sure the other losers will be along soon.
  10. Toby

    Toby GC's Life Coach

    Jan 31, 2011
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    <laugh> Why are you not a loser QM? Please explain to us losers how you manage it?

  11. Joe_z

    Joe_z Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2016
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    In view of the fact i have a wife, a married daughter that gave birth to my second grandchild nine weeks ago, an elderly mother and other commitments. Responding to you was well down my list.
    Are you married, in a relationship. Do you have any children.
    I explained why i disageed with your view that Steveo found humour as you implied. Your response in my view changes nothing. Steveo expresses more concern for the safety of others than any other individual on this forum.
    In reflection would you not agree you have misinterpreted his post.
    I got your reference to Leonidas, what i could not understand is how you reacted to my reference to Walker. Is it a case of its okay for you.
    Toby likes this.
  12. Steveo

    Steveo Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2019
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    no point dropping to his level - he will always come back at you whatever you post.
    Toby likes this.
  13. Steveo

    Steveo Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2019
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    thats ok Smoke.
    a few things though:
    1. ok I do go for the tabloid approach on here a bit, but it is on a horse racing forum so why not :1980_boogie_down:
    2. 2020 has been a bit doom and gloom but I am very optimistic about next year - the vaccine is coming soon <cheers>
    3. i'm still disappointed by the fact that you think we are experiencing different pandemics. this is my point all along - we have all got to work together on this.
    you can't have half the population disobeying the rules otherwise we will face more and more lockdowns.
    the way I see it those areas who will go into tier 3 this week will do so because they have followed the rules less - deaths in these areas are more and more jobs will be put at risk here too
  14. stick

    stick Bumper King

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Not neccesarily so. Take Kent for example. Results skewed massively by a couple of care homes and a large problem in a prison, where were they meant to go? Kent is very rural and on the whole you would imagine pretty safe.
  15. smokethedeadbadger

    smokethedeadbadger Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    On point 3 it's not about working together. I've followed the rules throughout but my point is I've also been out and about working through it all in some of what the news call the worst areas and nobody I speak to or nothing I see marries up with what's being reported. I have had experience with multiple hospitals in the area either through work or personally and they're all very quiet. I'm going into tier 3 this week but the cases and deaths aren't that startling. The council area I live in is home to approximately 496000 people, there have been just under 19000 confirmed cases of the virus and just under 600 deaths. And I know first hand that especially early on covid was been put down for any death as my great uncle died in a care home of a heart attack and they said they have to put covid on the death certificate
  16. QuarterMoonII

    QuarterMoonII Economist

    May 31, 2011
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    He did not express any concern for the people of Hull – he mocked them.

    In my “I am alright Jack” world, I am not mocking them even though I live amongst them. Most of my friends in this city are natives and they have stayed plague free by using a bit of commonsense (or sticking to ‘the rules’ if you want to call it that).

    From the way that the media sensationalise, you would think that carts were being drawn around the streets and bodies piled up to be disposed of when the truth is that the death toll is less than one tenth of a percent. Right from the start the government has been aided and abetted in scaremongering to get people to do as they say using the flimsiest evidence and no science.

    They say that they are going to do 10,000 quick result tests in Hull because that strategy worked in Liverpool. That is absolute nonsense. Firstly, the tests will cover less than four per cent of the city’s population and we know that they will waste many of those tests on people who have already been tested previously because if testing shows that virtually no-one has the plague, they will have egg on their faces. Secondly, the claim that the mass testing in Liverpool led to the decline in cases there is a total lie – most of the decline had already happened before the testing was performed but inconvenient facts lose out to Establishment propaganda.
  17. rudebwoy

    rudebwoy Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    So you admit the govt are manipulating figures , do you also think they’ve spent billions on useless equipment , testing etc , they say they’re just doing their best , do you support this tory govt ?
  18. QuarterMoonII

    QuarterMoonII Economist

    May 31, 2011
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    You clearly have not been paying much attention for the last nine months. I have been saying right from the start that they have been using dodgy statistics and that SAGE are totally incompetent. If two whole cities die before the end of the month, we might get to Neil Ferguson’s 500,000 death toll. They used out-of-date charts the other week to suggest 4,000 a day dying when they wanted to do Lockdown 2.0 and there were only just over 400 with up-to-date predictions of 1,000. To ramp up the numbers, the ONS are counting some people’s deaths twice – once for what it says on the certificate and once because they had a positive plague test in the previous 28 days.

    The “protecting the NHS” trope is just a convenient lie. The nation spent £220m setting up a load of Nightingale hospitals that have never been used and they have warehouses full of PPE – some of it unusable. According to the statistics coming from the NHS on the week ending 25th November, there were 16,600 plague patients in hospitals in England where there is a capacity of 101,000 general and acute NHS beds. There are over 15,000 beds in Scotland so they would be overwhelmed by 16,600 patients. The NHS reported 1,489 patients on ventilators in that week when they have bed capacity for over 4,000. The media love to sensationalise by going to some hospital that appears to be nearing capacity when half the hospital is empty because everything is concentrated on the plague wards. It seems many are “protecting the NHS” by accepting the slow death sentence of undiagnosed and untreated illness.

    Doing testing of 10,000 people in a city of over a quarter of a million inhabitants is completely pointless. Hull City Council were originally complaining that the government had offered them testing kits like Liverpool that had not arrived. When approached by the media, it transpired that the kits had not arrived because PHE was waiting for somebody at the Council to tell them where they wanted them delivered. Local Labour just as inept as National Conservatives. Thank goodness the country was a bit more organised 80 years ago.
  19. QuarterMoonII

    QuarterMoonII Economist

    May 31, 2011
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    There was an article yesterday in the Telegraph about how the British Library had found the punchline to the two knights skit in Monty Python’s Holy Grail in a 15th Century manuscript depicting two medieval combatants hacking off each other’s limbs: “Tis but a scratch!”

    In 600 years time will comedians be looking back on the pronouncements of various European politicians for their comedy value?

    The previous Irish Taoiseach rolled over and played the EU’s patsy rather than stand up for the Republic’s interests in Brexit talks and now faces a situation where No Deal will cripple its economy. Now they are blaming the British government for refusing to extend the transition period. Perhaps it is more accurate to observe that we now have a Prime Minister who was elected to “get Brexit done” and is not going to allow the EU to drag out the departure process in its interests as BRINO May did with alacrity.

    With the intransigent French signalling that they will not accept a deal that does not include fishing rights for the French, No Deal is surely long odds on. There was pure comedy from the French Europe Minister Clement Beaune in Spain on Sunday. He complained that his fishermen did not get to vote in the Referendum, so why should they be subject to the consequences of the result.
  20. QuarterMoonII

    QuarterMoonII Economist

    May 31, 2011
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    Not quite Banksy, but the last time he visited here it cost a fortune to secure his art
    Cyclonic likes this.

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