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Match Day Thread Tottenham Hotspur v West Ham United

Discussion in 'Tottenham Hotspur' started by PleaseNotPoll, Oct 15, 2020.

  1. humanbeingincroydon

    humanbeingincroydon Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2011
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    Once again you're taking the Michael Gove approach to answering a question - responding at length, but not answering

    So because I'm not Andrew Marr, let me answer it for you

    For the entire second half our team played like they thought being 3-0 up at half time was enough to get us across the line, which only served to give West Spam momentum throughout the second half and create some decent chances within the first five minutes of the half - and this has been a long-time problem as we only play one half of football per 90 minutes and this has led to us dropping points not just this season against Newcastle but last season against Man Utd, Palace, Sheffield United and Bournemouth

    The problem is you can't scapegoat a single player for that as there's eleven to choose from, so you look for the most convenient Narrative and decide that bringing on Harry Winks in the 72nd minute is where it went to ****, which means you have to pretend the players around him were playing like they were in the first half at that time - but they weren't, they had been coasting for 25 minutes by the time Winks came on even though West Scam were creating chances and realistically should've already got a goal back by then, which is why singling him out makes no sense because it's not like he came on the pitch and said "Come on lads, let's **** up a 3-0 lead" as they were already doing their best to do that before then
  2. Dier Hard

    Dier Hard G'day mate!

    Aug 26, 2011
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    Random question but seeing as this thread is getting the most traffic at the moment - Has anyone heard from @"Thanks for that Brian" ? Hope you're ok mate if you're reading in. Not sure if he's doing a CK special or not. Be good to hear from you bud if you see this <ok>
  3. Dier Hard

    Dier Hard G'day mate!

    Aug 26, 2011
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    Winky I wouldn't be too worried of, I'd tower over him both length and width ways, though if he gets Dier on his side I may have to do a runner like that fan did in the Norwich game <laugh>
    PleaseNotPoll likes this.
  4. Dier Hard

    Dier Hard G'day mate!

    Aug 26, 2011
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    So you're still choosing to overlook the Sanchez and Toby criticism? Jose too in fact?

    I've scapegoated Winks, Toby, Sanchez and Jose for what it's worth. It's just no secret I can't stand the little crab and his introduction certainly didn't help matters, evidenced by his assist for Lanzini.
  5. BajanSpur

    BajanSpur Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2011
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    Just seen your post B and W, it got me thinking.,

    Bale had only been on the pitch a matter of minutes. He did well to create the chance in the first place.
    He was also being fouled.. It is easier then some would think to miss those so called open goal chances.

    Sanchez is trying too hard to please Mourinho and is unable to relax into games when given the chance.
    At the age of 24, he still could be a very good centre-half. Most improve with age and experience.

    Note: Whilst most of the forward players have found their game under Mourinho's management,
    the majority of the defensive players including Sanchez and Toby (who were here before the new management)
    continue to regress at an alarming rate. Needs investigation !.

    IMHO the biggest issue, in today's game, circulate around the substitutions. The inclusion of Winks and a
    clearly unfit Gareth Bale. Some could raise strong argument to give Bale some match play time under the
    circumstances. However, In my mind, I can not find any sober reason to send on Winks to entertain us. The game
    had already grown too physical for anything he has to offer. God knows I've tried to see what Mo sees in the lad but
    alas to no avail.

    I think the goof of the day were the substitutions.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2020
    Dier Hard and PleaseNotPoll like this.
  6. humanbeingincroydon

    humanbeingincroydon Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2011
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    What really sticks out from today is that the only game-changers we had on the bench were Bale and Lucas, or to put it another way two wingers

    Look at the bench and it becomes more obvious: Hart, Doherty, Davies, Winks, Lucas, Bale, Vinicius

    What we needed for the second half, especially when it was clear we were slacking off to the point it was worth asking if the entire team had become members of The Church of the SubGenius, was somebody who would come on and grab the game by the throat, and the only player I can think of who fits that description is Lamela...who wasn't even in the squad

    The other suggestion would have been someone who could be a direct replacement for Ndombele if he was going to be subbed, and with Gio on the sidelines the options were either once again try and make Gedson a thing or take a punt on Harvey White coming on and making the most of the minutes...but as neither of them were on the bench, those weren't options we could use

    The team's attitude to the match from the 46th minute was the issue, but the lack of anyone who could shake things up from the bench is what exacerbated it
    crackerman jack and Dier Hard like this.
  7. PleaseNotPoll

    PleaseNotPoll Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    May 31, 2011
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    Seeing Rashford's penalty yesterday, I've no idea why VAR didn't give that one, too.
    Well, I do. It's **** and inconsistent, but you know what I mean.
  8. humanbeingincroydon

    humanbeingincroydon Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2011
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    ...and I just found out one of my favourite restaurants has closed due to this bastard pandemic

    Pray that my Fall Guys lobby doesn't have a Roll Out, because some buggers are getting pushed off
  9. Dier Hard

    Dier Hard G'day mate!

    Aug 26, 2011
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    Toby was turd under Poch in his final year though to be honest, I truly believe he was a catalyst in Poch's departure and it's why I threw a massive strop when we gave him a new contract. Not only because of his **** performances under Poch but because he'd been whoring himself out for about three or four transfer windows but when it became apparent no one better than Spurs wanted him, he finally signed that new deal. God knows how he managed to coax us into giving him £150k a week though, we more or less Ozil'd ourselves there, just not to the same financial stupidity as the goons.

    It is funny how Jose has probably done the complete opposite though to what we all expected. Kane and Son are arguably playing some of their best ever football where as we (still) can't defend for ****. How does he manage to make Jones and Smalling look good but still not get a tune out of ours who essentially better individual players? <laugh>
    BajanSpur likes this.
  10. The Huddlefro

    The Huddlefro Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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    He’d probably try and kick you but kick the person to your left and about 30ft behind you
    Dier Hard likes this.

  11. Lovearsenalcock

    Lovearsenalcock Homeboy
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 3, 2011
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    Our centre backs will cost us glory

    hope the new kid steps up
  12. Dier Hard

    Dier Hard G'day mate!

    Aug 26, 2011
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    I'm such a lump he'd probably still hit me <laugh>
    The Huddlefro likes this.
  13. Lovearsenalcock

    Lovearsenalcock Homeboy
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 3, 2011
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    maybe there’s no tune to get out of them...I think Sanchez is bang average and Toby is as you say on the decline...a bit slow.

    I’d sell Sanchez when possible
  14. Dier Hard

    Dier Hard G'day mate!

    Aug 26, 2011
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    I'd trade them all (Sanchez, Toby and Dier) for a bag chips and a lilt.

    Can't stand the lot of them.

    Get Davies at CB alongside Rodon and try getting Tanganga fit via Europa. Won't be any worse than the other three.
    Lovearsenalcock likes this.
  15. Dier Hard

    Dier Hard G'day mate!

    Aug 26, 2011
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    Today would've been such a great "DH away day" if these idiots didn't balls it up for us, man.

    Now I'm pissed off even more.
  16. BajanSpur

    BajanSpur Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2011
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    We were still winning the game 3-0 during most of that time. Stands to reason they would raise their game somewhat.
  17. Billy The Spur

    Billy The Spur Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2011
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    Sanchez needs replacing and upgrading on, but we won`t get anywhere near what we paid for him if we sell him now though. His only quality asset is his pace, the rest of his game is bang average and littered with errors, he shows no signs of improving either.

    His passing is ordinary, he gives possession away too easily, he gets caught out of position, he is ordinary in the air and he is also clumsy. I thought by now he would have matured and shown some kind of improvement, but I am yet to see it.
    Roo and Lovearsenalcock like this.
  18. Lovearsenalcock

    Lovearsenalcock Homeboy
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 3, 2011
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    Me too, feels like a fckin loss


    but there’s a long way to go and where the work needs to be done has been identified early on.

    If Jose is in a position to dump them, I think he would.
  19. PowerSpurs

    PowerSpurs Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2011
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    He was the one who gave Alderweireld and Dier new contracts wasn't he? And in the Amazon series he was very complimentary about Winks.
  20. Lovearsenalcock

    Lovearsenalcock Homeboy
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 3, 2011
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    Dier wasn’t playing

    Might as well blame Poch for buying Sanchez...he’s been suspect since day 1

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