Is it because Wengar says they are the best? Or is it because they have won less than Pompey in last 5 years? Or is it because they want to gratify themselves? Or is it because they are desperate and need something to cling onto?
Arsenal fast becoming most disliked team in UK but this all down to Arsene Wengers tactics of non contact sport... preaching non stop to the cameras ! never sees any wrong in his own team .. and i mean he never sees it ! what ever his players have done but cant wait to jump on any club or player that goes near an Arsenal player.. That man has changed the English game wether we like it or not . What chance have Arsenal fans got if they listen to the crap that constantly comes out of his mouth ... I think that could answer your question LN17 lol
I strongly suspect the goons on the forums weren't any of the 30 odd thousand that used to go to highbury.They have more or less doubled their support which seems to come from camera clicking day trippers or Japanese tourists And Wenger really is a loathsome creature(maybe Gary Nevilles French uncle?)
don't worry, they always get like this around this time of year "bentley/walcott/wilshere is better than messi" "we'll win the treble" "we're the real invincibles" and so on. usuallly it all comes crashing down about march time when their defence and shocking keeper starts leaking like a sieve, they get bundled out of the CL and a few of their crucial players start picking up 'injuries'. then the 'wenger out' calls and fabregas/van persie transfer rumours will start again as they drop to their natural habitat of 3rd.
Could be coz they want to be cock-a-neeys! Wez wanna be cock-a-neeys.Gawd bless ya guvnor.Fakin diamond geezer.Remember the twins?Lahverly boys.Went away for a while but luved their dear old mum.Then again could be their a bunch of cants my san!
I know at least three dippers that have admitted when their team has been ****. I don't know any arsenal fans that can do that.
I don't reckon the ones that actually go to the games and the long-standing ones, are actually bad. It's all these teeny-bopper fans they seem to attract
the reason for their delusion is simple.lack of silverware. think of silverware like oxygen. a lack of it starves the brain. thus, deluded. also ****s.
I know MIB is just trying to be a twat, but from my experience there is actually a little truth in what he says. A lot of Gooners I've encountered have been members of ethnic minorities. I'm not being racist here, before any sensitive types try and play the race card, I'm just making a genuine observation.
To be honest it's a justified observation. Just like saying United have a large fan base from korea due to Park.
Arsenal HAVE been ****e, especially this season without mentioning the 5 years without a trophy. Its just lack of ambition really. Facking cants Wenger just too arrogant. WTF did he not buy a top keeper in the summer? Mark Schwarzer FFS? No, not deluded - disillusioned more like. Never gonna win FACK ALL
Surely it's because, ethnically, about 70% of Black Africans, 40% of Indians, 35% of Pakistanis and 35% of Chinese people in the UK live in London? And of those, the north and eastern boroughs of Newham, Tower Hamlets, Harrow and Hackney have some of the highest concentrations of minorities. Ethnically, London is about 70% white, whilst all other parts of the UK are at least 90% white on average. For all the jokes about United fans being from Surrey, Arsenal fans being from France and Chelsea fans being from Vladivostok, you'll generally find that the highest concentration of fans is around the stadium, hence Arsenal fans are likely to have a higher concentration of ethnic minority supporters than most clubs outside London.
Fair enough Swarbs, but I work with Blacks and Asians in Old Trafford who are Arsenal fans. They're local, have no links to London, but for some reason have just attached themselves to Arsenal over the last 10 years or so.
One of my good mates in Moscow is a United fan. He's never been to OT, and only ever been to London two or three times (once for my wedding), but still supports United, probably for no other reason that glory hunting (haven't called him up on it ). I'm sure there are probably a fair few ethnic minorities who support clubs because players of their ethnicity / nationality play for them, or they just like the style of play. But I would have thought the majority of fans would support a club based on locality.