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Covid - 19

Discussion in 'Swansea City' started by neveroffsidereff, Mar 16, 2020.

  1. Matthew Bound Still Lurks

    Matthew Bound Still Lurks Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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  2. Taffvalerowdy

    Taffvalerowdy Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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  3. Taffvalerowdy

    Taffvalerowdy Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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  4. Matthew Bound Still Lurks

    Matthew Bound Still Lurks Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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  5. Matthew Bound Still Lurks

    Matthew Bound Still Lurks Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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  6. Taffvalerowdy

    Taffvalerowdy Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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  7. DragonPhilljack

    DragonPhilljack Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2011
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    All the savage cuts to the NHS over the last 10 years, all the attacks on the sick and disabled are now coming back to bite Westminster on their proverbial miserable penny pinching greedy little arses, and the economic fallout from this Covid-19 is going to be astronomical, and completely dwarf their penny-pinching attacks on the most vulnerable over the last decade or so, these Westminster morons, are now receiving what they have been dishing out, and it couldn't happen to a more appropriate bunch of oxymorons.

    It is these same cretins that have been sending health care workers into the front line without adequate protective clothing, the same cretins that have instructed NHS managers to threaten Doctors and Nurses with their jobs if they dared to speak up about this scandal, the gagging though has not worked, and thankfully whistleblowers are now speaking up, and the pressure is mounting on the government to address this issue, an issue of their own making.

    You have to wonder now what the true cost will be for running down our NHS these last 10 years, not just in monetary terms, but in lives also. I have never ever understood the lack of general investment in this country over the last 60 years or so, we have a rail and road system not fit for purpose, and an NHS that has been crippled by underfunding, I read a report a few months back, that there were no less than 100,000 vacancies within our health system?

    The FAT CATS at the top are now really crying because their global corporations are hemorrhaging big time, and many are in intensive care, calls in the USA to bring workers back regardless of the risk to life are mounting, with cretinous statements like, "the economy and Business is far more important than a few workers lives" here lies the real ideology of those in the west that run our countries, but it took just one little virus to flush these vermin out.

    If you think these cretins are not crying, think again, it is not without reason that they have mounted a multi Trillion dollar lawsuit against the Chinese, all I can say is good luck with that, another sign of what morons they are................<laugh>
  8. Matthew Bound Still Lurks

    Matthew Bound Still Lurks Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    Yes there's a lot of blame can be laid at Westminster without doubt but partial blame for the chaotic shamblings of our NHS has to be aimed at the Welsh ****ing "government" underfunded , understaffed all because the vanity project down the mud flats is deemed more important than the needs of the sick and elderly .

    " Foreword Rt. Hon Carwyn Jones AM, First Minister of Wales The first Strategy for Older People in Wales was launched in 2003. The Strategy is grounded in ageing as a positive concept and was developed to address the issues and aspirations of people aged 50 and over living in Wales. In Wales, we value the contribution that older people make and we are committed to making Wales a great place to grow old. Significant work has been undertaken since the launch of the initial Strategy to improve the lives of older people. We have been working to achieve an innovative and positive response to support our ageing population. In May this year, our landmark Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act received Royal Assent. This Act will pave the way for our ambitious agenda to transform social services in Wales."

    A few reasons why we have an aged population is because we keep more ( and rightly so ) of our assets before handing it over to pay for our care, we don't pay for prescriptions and house prices are exceeding low compared to England all in a very attractive proposition to come and retire to Wales
  9. Matthew Bound Still Lurks

    Matthew Bound Still Lurks Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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  10. DragonPhilljack

    DragonPhilljack Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2011
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    A 19-year-old with no underlying health conditions has died from Covid-19, NHS England announced a total of 1,651 people who have tested positive for coronavirus in England have died, up 367 from 1,284 on Monday.

    Earlier today we reported how a Liverpool care home issued a desperate plea for help after two residents died with suspected coronavirus symptoms. Two people living at the Oak Springs care home in Wavertree passed away on Sunday night after exhibiting symptoms of Covid-19, home bosses said. The ECHO understands that tests and post-mortems are due to be carried out on those who sadly died this weekend. After that, it will be confirmed whether the deaths are related to coronavirus.

    A further three residents of Oak Springs have been admitted to hospital - with one confirmed as having the virus. Now the home is in danger of being completely overwhelmed, with 48 of its remaining 66 residents also exhibiting symptoms similar to those created by the virus. The home’s general manager, Andrea Lyon said: “We’re desperate for help.” “I only have 20 staff left to cover shifts and GPs have refused to visit the home for two weeks now. "We had to call 999 to get an ambulance crew to confirm the deaths on Sunday.

    "The undertakers didn’t want to take the bodies at first and we had to wait until the coroner gave them reassurances." Andrea said she needs extra staff and medical support 'urgently.' She added: "I’m asking for retired medical practitioners, nurses and care staff for help. "If you’ve volunteered to support the NHS but haven’t yet been put to work then we have vulnerable elderly people here desperate for your support.

    Here is an example in Liverpool of the issues that will only get worse we are not even at the peak of this virus yet, Undertakers not wanting to collect Bodies? GP's refusing to make necessary and urgent visits? add to this, that the NHS has 25% of Doctors off sick with this virus because they have been in the front line of this battle without protective clothing, and you have all the essential ingredients for a catastrophe of huge proportions, as I said previously, bloody morons running the country.....................<ok>

    PS: "They have been through world wars and fought for our country and deserve all the help we can give them.”- The home’s general manager, Andrea Lyon....The state-of-the-art care home was opened three years ago and normally employs 72 care workers. Fifty are now off work having exhibited flu-like symptoms.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2020

  11. Matthew Bound Still Lurks

    Matthew Bound Still Lurks Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    Its truly hard to believe that its coming to this , nightmare scenarios and we haven't peaked yet ,according to the "experts"
  12. DragonPhilljack

    DragonPhilljack Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2011
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    Dr Rinesh Parmar, chairman of the Doctors’ Association UK (DAUK) said it had received a number of concerns from doctors.

    I said I wasn’t going to criticise the Government until #COVID19 pandemic had settled. I lasted 48hrs; I was mistaken. The lack of PPE for #NHS staff is a national scandal: “I’m losing the will to live, god help us all’: despair of NHS procurement chief https://t.co/t3cb7HSdm4

    He added: “We are seeing draconian measures used to gag doctors and nurses on the frontline. The NHS will only benefit if we learn from each other’s experience. If we are unable to share our learning then patients will be put at risk “We must protect the frontline. NHS staff should not be gagged.”


    Here is where the real truth is, in the year 2020 we are run by a bunch of utter ****ers!​
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2020
  13. DragonPhilljack

    DragonPhilljack Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2011
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    One GP in the North West told The Independent they were warned off speaking to their local media about equipment shortages saying “it was strongly suggested” by their local clinical commissioning group that an interview would not be a good idea. The experienced GP, who asked to remain anonymous, added: “I felt I was being warned I wasn’t towing the party line. One of them said they had been told this nationally. “We should be allowed to speak about these issues. We need more PPE [personal protective equipment] to keep us safe and we shouldn’t be putting our families at risk. The leaders are saying we should have this PPE, but the fact is we can’t get it and when we raise this we are told not to speak out about it. There is a problem there somewhere. “If we raise something through the proper channels and it has not been dealt with, we have to speak out about it for our own safety. If we don’t and you make a mistake, or something goes wrong, we get blamed.”

    The GP said their practice currently had no respirator masks and have tried to source their own from wholesalers, who had also run out. Although the practice had aprons and gloves, it did not have protective gowns. One intensive care doctor, who asked to remain anonymous, raised concerns with their managers about a shortage of protective masks after being told they would have to use less safe surgical masks. They claimed they were later warned in a meeting with trust bosses that their social media profiles would be watched. The doctor said they were told: “If we hear of these concerns going outside these four walls, your career and your position here will not be tenable going forward.” The DAUK said they had received examples from across the country including the East of England, Yorkshire, Essex and Lincolnshire. One doctor claimed they were told it would be “against hospital policy” to talk about shortages of PPE publicly. They said they were told social media was being monitored. Another doctor said managers had warned them against what they said was “inappropriate social media comments regarding the state of PPE”.

    At the weekend one GP was barred from working at Ludlow Community Hospital after she claimed it was “dangerously lacking” in equipment.
    Dr Beanland, a GP partner at Portcullis surgery in Ludlow, was told to stop working after her comments and that her own protective clothing was “frightening patients”. The Shropshire Community Trust said it had followed national guidelines of protective equipment.
    In London another GP, Dr George Zumbadze, said he was working at an urgent care center and was told to remove equipment he had purchased himself or stop working when he did a shift at the Chase Farm Hospital. - INDEPENDENT

    Like I said previously we are run by utter ****ers....................<ok>
  14. neveroffsidereff

    neveroffsidereff Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    Well it’s a sad night in our household, my wife has been nursing a 28 with Covid-19 for the last 5 days on and off, but today sadly she lost her life too it. Only one saving grace they allowed her partner to be with her in her final moments. (Not normally allowed)

    They didn’t get any better, with two more deaths, so many a tear had been shed, today.

    She’s back in tomorrow and let’s say not looking forward to it at all.

    Keep safe everyone!!
  15. Matthew Bound Still Lurks

    Matthew Bound Still Lurks Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    Words can't sum up how she must be feeling, keep supporting her Nev shes needs you now more than ever mate.
  16. DragonPhilljack

    DragonPhilljack Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2011
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    Did the UK act somewhat late to? what was all that about herd immunity, Did the UK government deliberately shun the EU when offered to share in accumulating PPE garments, respirators and testing kits ?The herd immunity thing would certainly have bumped off a lot of older non-productive people, or should I be calling them, myself included "" units "". - Graham Walton
  17. DragonPhilljack

    DragonPhilljack Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2011
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    I am not a conspiracy theorist by any means. That said, the fact that this is all pointing back to WUHAN, that has a research facility similar to Porton Down (so we have one as well - they are not alone) is suspicious. Also suspicious is the way that many Governments around the world have reacted with alarming speed. Like GB giving everyone paid leave in order to create isolation. It is not normal for Governments to act this quickly. What do they know that they are not disclosing to everyone? I guess that this will always remain just another conspiracy theory for the books. - Colin Nunn
  18. neveroffsidereff

    neveroffsidereff Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    I’m not one for conspiracy’s either, but it is a bit suspect. I don’t believe the figures coming out of China with their death toll. Given the population how can Italy and Spain can have more deaths, someone is hiding the truth.
  19. Matthew Bound Still Lurks

    Matthew Bound Still Lurks Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    I must admit I haven't followed the news as much as maybe I should ( ostrich syndrome maybe) but perhaps the disparity is caused by how the deaths are classified ?
  20. 55282

    55282 Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2014
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    We are but pawns in the game of life.
    My age has seen the best times.
    I fear for the young of today because they do not know what is coming their way.
    I am not a religious man but this is how I see it.

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