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Off Topic Brexiterrs vote today

Discussion in 'Bristol City' started by Red Robin, May 23, 2019.

  1. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Cor "what a lot of " bolliks ..... is as RR says a puppet, probably also a muppet as well.
    If you watch his presentations they fall into at least 3 categories …
    " au naturel" @ the dispatch box [where he usually gets hammered ] natural self, working off pre written scripts, often inaccurate unable to think on his feet
    "on uppers" when at conferences or speech's [ when he does a Tony Bliar impersonation, speaks staccato type with unlikely pauses! ]
    " hypno" when in head to heads [ where he speaks more monotone as if being controlled ]
  2. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    4 x 30 min interviews, only saw last 2 and wasn't "poor ole Jo" hammered … Boris had some difficult Q's but came over quite well, think he is going on about Brexit too much though, should answer more without constant referals to it.
    just going to watch "Cor' bolliks and Scotlands own "Ugly sister" that's what a lot of them call her [ there is 3 of them!]
  3. wizered

    wizered Ol' Mucker
    Staff Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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  4. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Finally managed to catch up with the first 2 on [ JC &NS ] and must say was not impressed by their offerings JC had 1 plant in the audience, likely other 3 maybe did as well but not so obvious. Answers to the Q's were seldom solely answers to it, but dragged in unrelated items to emphasise different points... [ of published manifesto's ]
    JC arrived with fistful of "notes /booklets [ red and grey? ] never got to use / refer to them! Other than the fact that everything he promised would cost £tr … and consensus was, by almost everyone taxation would be rife to pay for it … or would do the usual labour trick of borrow borrow borrow … then lose an election and the next government would have to be austre to pay it off thus creating a trampoline for labour to stand on at the following election when all was well again! [ Internet to most places north of the central belt would be extremely costly and by not entertaining a referendum for 2 years is minesweeping remain as UK member ]
    NS wow chopped up, was put right over their over spending on bringing in " a lot freebies" and giving them a massive £deficit, worst by far of any country in EU, THEN BLAMING IT ON WESTMINSTER!!! so what then they get independence … ! … Westminster wont be giving them anything and they will have debt, need to pay into EU develop their own industries more so than now and have to consider a border! paid for now by WESTMINSTER ….. The only good thing in Scotland is renewables, I have observed this and mentioned it a few times before wind farms and hydro [ stated it was 80% of what they need in Scotland, wouldn't disagree ] but would still produce gas which was pointed out was detrimental to environment. [ and would be to economy! ]
    JS as above hammered
    BJ as per above comments, his manifesto will be interesting when published
  5. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    JOE MURPHY, Nicholas Cecil and Sophia Sleigh
    1 day ago

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    Brexit is just the start, says Farage - as he pledges to scrap BBC licence fee

    Political upset coming? The views of Britain's elite are telling

    Just one in four voters think Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn is ready to become Prime Minister, an exclusive poll reveals today.
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    © Provided by Independent Digital News & Media Limited
    An overwhelming majority of 65 per cent believe he is not equipped to step into No 10, according to the Ipsos MORI survey for the Standard.
    The finding, ahead of tonight’s live debate on BBC1, suggests millions of voters have already decided that Mr Corbyn is not suited for the highest office.
    His ratings have gone down since 2017 when he lost to Theresa May — and an astonishing 73 per cent now say they do not like him.
    please log in to view this image
    © Provided by Independent Digital News & Media Limited Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn (Jeremy Selwyn)
    Labour faced new controversy over its Left-wing manifesto today when shadow chancellor John McDonnell admitted it opened the door to the return of secondary picketing, a form of industrial action that caused major disruption to Britain in the Seventies before being outlawed.
    “We’ll make sure that people have the right, as in the ILO [International Labour Organisation] conventions, to withdraw their labour, yes,” said Mr McDonnell when asked on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme whether Labour would repeal the ban.
  6. AshtonRed

    AshtonRed Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2017
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    Boris Johnson or Jeremy Corbyn, I’m afraid that’s the choice , neither of them are Prime Minister material , Boris is no better than Jeremy that’s the truth of the matter.
  7. Red Robin

    Red Robin Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Are you serious <laugh>
    One is a danger to our security and MI6 have quoted that.
  8. AshtonRed

    AshtonRed Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2017
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    And the other is Jeremy Corbyn
  9. oneforthebristolcity

    oneforthebristolcity Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Labour's pledges must have been calculated by Diane Abacus!! They are falsely buying votes from people of which some, will be totally let down or dare I say it...Lied too...Pledging they will refund WASPE, (womens pensions) which will cost in the region of 58 billion pounds, this along with Free Broadband for everyone, scrapping tuition fee's, ploughing billions into the NHS, Nationalising Railway etc........where the bloody hell is all this money coming from?.....It's total BS. And the fact that Labour will drum an amazing deal to leave the EU and put it to the people along with remain, knowing full well that the deal will be not be worth the paper it's written on.....I feel they are a party, much the same as Lib Dems.......wants us to remain, but are scared stiff to come out with it..........Complete Joke!
  10. AshtonRed

    AshtonRed Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2017
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    Then don’t vote for them if that’s what you believe, I doubt you were going to anyhow.

  11. Red Robin

    Red Robin Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Any sane Labour voter cannot be serious in voting for this current mob.
  12. oneforthebristolcity

    oneforthebristolcity Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Do you think that Labours pledges add up so they can deliver to the people then? Where would all this money come from to pay for it all? It's just a question? Personally I think they know they will lose but are trying, just to get enough on board to stop the Tories from doing anything..
  13. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    this the key buying votes, there is a lot more than those you highlighted … anyone [ multiples of one of ] of the million women effected with pension age discrepancy not either going to vote or not decided to vote could easily think along the lines of wow £31,000 to vote for LABOUR, [ that's potentially 1600 votes per constituency, even half of that number could effect 15 -20 seats] Whilst students thinking they might be getting a free 3 years in UNI would have a lesser impact [ tend to be spread out all over the country ] 2 or 3 seats are very marginal ]
    What I cant understand is why more emphasis is not directed at the folly of the way these "potential" misled voters might be subjecting themselves to!
    At a recent coming together with a group of 15 Uni students 7 couldn't vote, 5 first timers [3 voting student fee's 1 tory 1 lib undem, a remainer] 3 voted last time student fee's! 2 same this time and the other voting green. SO 5 of the 8 voting simply for student fee's ……… 3 of the 6 /7 wives I know [waspe ] including mine have all stated "it is tempting to vote for" but wont not spoke to other 4.
    ONE of the biggest dangers is returning to the 70's …. and strikes ….
  14. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Labour is so far into doing everything it can to attract votes it built a house of domino's on the beach [ sand ] they state
    "our aim is to ensure the continuity of the workforce to have jobs earn a good wage and by having the right trade deal [ red herring? ] or leaving EU, TO PROTECT COMPANIES AND THE WORKFORCE !!! " ..yet their plan is to return power to the unions … their BOSS .. to be able to strike as they did in the 70's.
    This will lose companies profit which Labour so called wishes to encourage so they can tax it to pay for the things they are giving away … capital gains/ corporation tax shooting themselves in the foot …... NO blowing their leg off ………. = higher unemployment, more pay out on benefits less tax income [ all round less income ] = unscheduled borrowing with less opportunity to pay it back big black hole again. A real live vicious circle of DOOM.

    internet "opening up areas for businesses to start up in" not totally thought through a lot of areas where internet is not available [ other than satellite like where I go in Scotland, or close by towns and villages where line feed speeds are down in single figures do not have the road access or infra structure houses or populations to support anything other than "cottage style /up to 10 -15 employee's" …… the cost involved in getting the cable and access would be £bn's not stated or ?accounted? for
    and there is more ……………………………….
  15. AshtonRed

    AshtonRed Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2017
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    There must be one heck of a lot of insane people ,
  16. Red Robin

    Red Robin Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Unfortunately <doh><doh><doh>
  17. wizered

    wizered Ol' Mucker
    Staff Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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  18. AshtonRed

    AshtonRed Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2017
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    There must be one heck of a lot of insane people ,
    you should be used to other people having a different opinion to you RR.
  19. oneforthebristolcity

    oneforthebristolcity Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Seems to me, that if you are a Remainer, then it's either Labour or Lib Dems,,,,if you are a leaver along with common sense :emoticon-0105-wink:, then it's Tories or Brexit Party...
    I Know in my patch, that Tories have a bad record so I know voting them is likely to be wasted. Brexit Party it is then!!!
  20. AshtonRed

    AshtonRed Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2017
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    And if you believe in Democracy , so therefore believe leave has to be delivered but wouldn’t trust the Tories as far as you could through them and the Brexit Party are a protest group with no other credible policies, then what? ,

    Corbyn is trying to keep a Labour Party together that is divided between leave and remain, much like May tried with the Tories.

    Much of the Labour Party are remainers so my belief is if they did win ultimately we will remain. Albeit via a second referendum.

    I’m sure there are many Labour voters like me that are reluctant to vote for them to give a mandate essentially for remain, but equally can see through the Tories in relation to the rest of their Policies.
: Brexitparty

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