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Off Topic OLOF's political thread

Discussion in 'Leeds United' started by MIGHTY, Oct 1, 2017.


Should there be a second Brexit vote

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Dont know

  4. Its too late

  5. Ell rulz

  6. couldnt give a fook

  7. Will WJ ever see whats hitting him smack in the face

Multiple votes are allowed.

    FORZA LEEDS Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2011
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    I’m fine WJ, thanks for asking :biggrin:

    I’m surprised an obviously intelligent person like yourself gets sucked into believing all this left wing propaganda

    It’s absolute bollocks. No need to check. You can tell when a lefty is lying- it’s when he/she/it opens his/her/it’s mouth.
    OLOF likes this.
  2. Whitejock

    Whitejock Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2011
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    Don't disagree, but no-one's undoing the wrongs - they're adding to them! The big US Medical Insurers are twitching at the ready, waiting to fleece us all. Sad, but true. <wah><yikes>

    FORZA LEEDS Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2011
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    Is it **** <doh>
  4. Eric Le Merde

    Eric Le Merde Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2014
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    Sorry to disillusion you but if you are over, say, 60 you probably wont be able to afford the insurance cover, as you are likely to get ill. So if the insurance companies are moving in they probably wont be fleecing the people on this forum.
    Whitejock likes this.
  5. xbpod

    xbpod Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2012
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    Don't know about it being 2 knobs leading the biggest parties, all the parties are led by useless knobs, including those north of England.
    2 pennth and Eric Le Merde like this.
  6. Eric Le Merde

    Eric Le Merde Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2014
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    You know what, that theory also works here

    anigif_enhanced-4548-1448849245-4.gif tenor.gif
    Whitejock likes this.
  7. blonogasoven

    blonogasoven Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2018
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    I've heard this before about selling the NHS to the Americans, or privatising it.
    Currently, GPs, Dentists, Opticians and Chemists are private. Hospital building goes out to tender, that anyone can bid for, all the equipment supplied to the NHS is from private companies. The drugs the NHS prescribe are supplied by private companies, cleaning is another private contract as is supply of food.
    Ambulances and other vehicles are supplied to the NHS too!

    How much is left for the nasty Tories to sell off?

    This is why someone posted about not believing the media and Labour hype.

    My point would be that the Tories have had to tighten our belts because Labour bankrupt the country.

    You say austerity, I say not spending what you don't have.
    xbpod, 2 pennth, FORZA LEEDS and 3 others like this.
  8. blonogasoven

    blonogasoven Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2018
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    I do apologize for dragging this Brexit thread down another path briefly but to understand why I feel like I do please watch this. It's a TED talk about the real cost of renewables.
    The Greens passionately propose renewable energy but we actually need to look at it logically, without emotion. We need a better way but no one is looking for it.

    I realise 18 mins is a long time but it really is worth it.
    FORZA LEEDS and ristac like this.
  9. blonogasoven

    blonogasoven Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2018
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    FORZA LEEDS likes this.
  10. Eric Le Merde

    Eric Le Merde Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2014
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    I totally agree that the practicality of going totally renewable is impossible to justify or achieve with what we know now. The thing that the physicist forgot to mention is that you also need spinning reserve available for when the wind doesn't blow and the sun doesn't shine. At the moment there are limited alternatives for this, fossil fuels, nuclear, pumped hydro or batteries. This argument aside I wouldn't fault his back of envelope calculations. Just because it is difficult though I can't see how that inhibits doing what is possible on the supply side. On the demand side he actually achieved a significant reduction in his own domestic use by becoming a smart meter. More economical appliances are available for reducing demand and companies can do their part by doing whatever they can to limit their requirements, hence the TBL assessment. For example video conferencing to limit air travel, motion sensitive lights, low energy equipment and building energy efficient buildings, one size doesn't fit all. I know I live in the lucky country but at a personal level I live totally off grid, I produce all my own electricity and collect rain water etc. I haven't always but because of the transition we reduced our electricity consumption by nearly 50% I have a couple of kids so we still have lights left on tv running etc etc but because of the choices we made, because we knew we had to, we manage very nicely with our own power and it hasn't affected our lifestyle.

    Don't let the impossible stop you doing the possible.

  11. brisbane-lion

    brisbane-lion Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2011
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    When we lived in Canberra, forty years ago, a guy built his house using all the technology then available. Double glazing, insulated walls and ceiling, well fitting doors and frames etc. According to him, he never used his domestic heating (probably oil fired in those days). It gets bloody cold in Canberra in the winter with night-time temperatures of -10oC not uncommon. If he could do it then, why can't we do it now?
    Eric Le Merde likes this.
  12. Eric Le Merde

    Eric Le Merde Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2014
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    I agree mate we lived in Switzerland for a while and had good insulation, a well build house with triple glazing and we didn't have the heating on. Although we didn't have the children then!
  13. Eric Le Merde

    Eric Le Merde Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2014
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    Oh come on you can't pick and choose Aussie opinions just when it suits you. Sky News is so biased in Australia, they are a bit of a joke really.
  14. blonogasoven

    blonogasoven Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2018
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    France produce 90% of their energy from nuclear. If Germany had spent the half a billion dollars they've spent on renewables on nuclear, they'd be 100% nuclear.
    Nuclear is the future and it's not just uranium fuel, there are alternatives, like molten salt reactors, but they don't get the huge research funding they need. They have the capability to use the waste from thermal reactors as fuel! Why aren't we spending trillions on research into these?

    The Greens don't like nuclear.

    The West is more interested in spending trillions on renewables that can't fulfill our requirements. Apparently the Chinese are building MSR.
    Companies are changing because the incentives are there to be more considerate to the environment but the consumer will always pay the price at the end.
    FORZA LEEDS likes this.
  15. Eric Le Merde

    Eric Le Merde Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2014
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    Nuclear is the only viable option for producing electricity, if you don't want to use fossil fuel. It does have some unaddressed waste storage and safety issues. Germany had many nuclear reactors but I believe after the Fukushima incident decided that they would close their reactors down and not build any more, it's a call for them to make. The fundamental problems are what do you do with the waste and how do you stop an incident happening. The consequences of a nuclear incident, although thankfully rare so far, are enormous and then there is the added complication of "smart" people making nuclear weapons. Fusion Energy may be the way to go but are not at a commercial scale yet. MSR doesn't overcome the fundamental problems of Fission Reactors, as far as I know. Renewables are not the answer but are possibly a part of the solution.

    PS you wouldn't get much of a nuclear power station for half a billion dollars. A 1000MW station, which isn't big, could cost $6-9 billion
  16. OLOF

    OLOF Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    She wouldnt last two minutes in the British media speaking the truth like that
    blonogasoven and FORZA LEEDS like this.
  17. OLOF

    OLOF Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    You pick and choose the British ones, not that theres much to choose from, theyre all biased bastards
    FORZA LEEDS likes this.
  18. 2020VisionofLeeds

    2020VisionofLeeds Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2011
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    I think the Labour manifesto is marvellous. All paid for by big corporations and the Top 5% of earners. I also like the fact capital gains tax is increasing steeply and inheritance tax starting at £125k.

    Great we’ll have a real distribution of wealth.
  19. blonogasoven

    blonogasoven Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Actually it's half a TRILLION :)
    There is a lot of hype around Chernobyl & Fukushima, mainly because the media hype up everything. The reality might surprise you.
    This environmental campaigner sums up the argument pretty well.
  20. milkyboy

    milkyboy Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Of course those questions have been asked Blono, but i agree not all of them get coverage.

    Is there now a huge industry with a vested interest in climate change? Of course there is. Has there also been a huge industry with a vested interest in denying it? Of course there has and still is. It's always prudent to look at the source/interests of the providers of information but it would be disingenuous to imply that every academic is in someone's pocket. What happens is cherry-picking and headline grabbing from both sides to push a point. That is the world we live in.

    I was sceptical. I listened to David Bellamy grappling his grapenuts on the subject many years ago. I’ve always kept an open mind on it, but the evidence looks compelling to me. Each to their own, but the problem of doing nothing and siding with the sceptics, is if you're wrong, by the time you accept it, it may be too late... for your kids.

    My view is this. Whilst there maybe an over-focus on carbon, what climate change fear does is focus the minds of people and eventually that translates in governments having to respond. Cleaner and more efficient energy sources are going to happen anyway. Focusing efforts on it, brings them forward. Needs must, great technology advancements happen in times of need/adversity, (historically this is typically war time). Clearly there's an issue if that focus is misdirected, but if the scientists were wrong and we don't have man made global warming - well hey, we've speeded up the process of producing more efficient, self-sufficent and cleaner energy. If they're right, we've saved the planet.

    Absolutely agree that more investment needs to go into r&d on ‘cures’ and all potential energy options... both improving existing technologies (Nuclear is the quick fix, but with risks) and exploring new ones. . The hydrogen economy has been long debated, but they can separate hydrogen from water. If they can do it efficiently and make it scaleable? We live on an island with strong tides? Most of the options are there in principle, just most of them are expensive or use more energy than they create and cause more problems than they solve in their infancy. That's normal R&D...doesn't mean you stop trying.
    Eric Le Merde likes this.

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