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Off Topic Brexiterrs vote today

Discussion in 'Bristol City' started by Red Robin, May 23, 2019.

  1. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    You [ generalization ] need to look at the wider picture over the past decade the conservatives inherited a debt far greater than what they intend to do in next 5 years [ half the time ]
    yes there was a world banking crisis, but in the previous decade of the economy labour [prior to that] had run up massive debts .. and by massive don't just look at what we owed but look at what they left or in the case of gold what they didn't.
    had labour continued for another term we would be another Greece Spain or Italy virtually bankrupt with high unemployment and a future bleaker than a nuclear winter.

    we have had to try and balance out paying off their loans [ for which we have very little to show for it ]...at far higher interest than present rates ...whilst maintaining a reasonable standard of living whilst having to trim various bits and pieces from the fabric of society to get back to profitability and trim the ship. Labout know NO other way than to borrow beyond their means to put on a show … basically a one night show .. because it is the individuals AGENDA's [ prospective MP's ] standing for labour and other parties that have career aims of being in cabinet [ not a shadow ] / "in power" / PM / or deputy PM to the tune of SOD the electorate.
    a percentage of any work force has designs on making it to the top, most progress through time but others trample the opposition by any means they dig up or employ …!
    MP'S are the same … but different in a way as they are elected to their employment status to do the will of those that elected them .. above all to BE DEMOCRATIC … and deliver for the OVERALL majority not just a few of their supporting voters ….. that may have the same idea as them ….
  2. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    The Liberal Democrats will stop Brexit and then use the £50 billion Remain bonus to invest in our public services.
    "Every vote for the Liberal Democrats is a vote to stop Brexit, build a brighter future and invest the £50 billion Remain bonus in our vital public services."

    what a massive big load of elephants poo that is …..

    she states that by 2025 [ next GE election, assumes runs full term ] there will £50bn extra to spend … it doesn't work like that GDP works off the back of what the country generates debts and loans paid first then the rest ….

    if jobs go down ( redundancies etc ) world economy falters then it goes out the window … if you spend it in the first couple of years, then how do you pay it back [ balance the payment (spent it but not earned it ) = loan ] and to be honest £50bn will run the NHS for about 3 months
  3. Captain Jack Sparrow

    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Wonder if she puts it on her bus ;)
  4. robin_unreliant

    robin_unreliant Active Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    It seems to be a 'my spend is bigger than yours' election this time. I feel sorry for the young people of this country who will have massive debts to pay off. Politicians have lost any sense of responsibility and are just trying to buy votes. It's always a fault of the electoral system but seems even worse than usual this time.

    Personally I would like the option to vote for a party that wants the country to live within its means, not rack up yet more debts. Let's stop chasing GDP growth and ruining the planet. Spend less, forget about growth and focus on sustainability.
  5. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    the latest con from labour ...open 1000 new "new sure start" centres with more money per hour to run them and where do they use as the backdrop …

    an arts centre in Leeds THAT CATERS for infants through to adults nothing to do with sure start ..
    Libundems ..going one better with 35 hours free /week for 48 weeks.

    it is all very well setting up these places but the cost will not just be paying the fee per child [ libundems coughing up £140 a week and labour average of £220 per week ] but the infra structure to ensure these places perform to a minimum standard and employee's are screened and trained. Plus they wont be on everyones doorstep! so getting them there will need consideration ….
  6. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    the floods .. whilst Swinesty was less vitriolic, Corbolliks, [ seems like he has been hypnotised and programmed to act like Bliar did when he won the first of his elections ] was robotically taking advantage of the situation … strange how after the news breaks Boris is holding a cobra meeting they jump on the band wagon ..
    Once again 1 upmanship .. out of the blue Swinsty suddenly adds £5m to her "plans" and Corbolliks adds £0.6m to it £5.6m [ note how it is a non linear amount, as if they had done some sums to state the amount! ]
    there is little to be done until the wider picture is known rain stops forcast is better and assess what is actually needed . friend of mine was victim of the Somerset flood and said if they had sent the army in earlier [ 1 or 2 days ] there wasn't a lot they could have done. Their arrival and the help was quite timely in hindsight … if your house is full of water what can anyone do … pump it out? but where to! EFFORTS WERE being done to try to avoid any more flooded properties but just take a look at the pictures miles and miles of flood plain …..
  7. RedorDead

    RedorDead Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2011
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  8. johngalleyfan2

    johngalleyfan2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    By Jon Swaine
    9:00AM BST 30 Apr 2010
    Miss McCarthy, Labour’s candidate for Bristol East, breached electoral law by giving details of a constituency postal vote count to her 5,700 followers on Twitter.
    Last night the matter was referred by Bristol city council to Avon and Somerset police, who will decide whether or not to charge the government whip and former solicitor.
    Miss McCarthy boasted on the micro-blogging website that her party had received far more votes from an early batch than the Conservatives, Liberal Democrats and other parties – and gave specific figures for each. She was inundated with messages from observers who pointed out that the disclosure of election results before the final May 6 count was against the law.
    Section 66 of the 1983 Representation of the People Act forbids “any statement relating to the way in which voters have voted at the election” before polls close.
    Miss McCarthy, who has responsibility for encouraging MPs and activists to use social media for political campaigning, swiftly deleted the posting. She then published a new one stating: “On reflection, I’ve deleted. It’s not counting, just random exercise.”
    A statement from Miss McCarthy was later issued by the Labour Party. It said: “On hearing the results of a random and unscientific sample of postal votes, I posted them on Twitter. It was a thoughtless thing to do, and I very quickly realised that it was not appropriate to put such information in the public domain.”
    HAD I been a fringe voter and about to consider voting say for one of the other 2 parties and knowing I was already up against a majority for labour, I would not have voted, PROBABLY, as you can say it is a trend and taken the full course then your vote is meaningless?! GOES to show her undemocratic nature is self centred …………. and irrevocable
    [ at the time ] A police spokesman said: “The matter is being looked into.”
  9. bcfcredandwhite

    bcfcredandwhite Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    Votes should never be ‘meaningless’.
    Our ‘first past the post’ system makes it feel meaningless and also encourages tactical voting.
    PR is better - then every vote counts.
    It won’t happen unless the stranglehold that the Tories and Labour have over British politics is broken - as they both exploit it to their advantages.
    BCFCRob likes this.
  10. robin_unreliant

    robin_unreliant Active Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    The Lib Dems sold their souls for a referendum on PR and the great british public rejected it in 2011.

    While it has merits you can introduce perpetual hung parliaments and lack of accountability as you aren't directly voting for your MP. I can't see any prospect of it being resurrected.

  11. bcfcredandwhite

    bcfcredandwhite Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    I agree with your second point, but would remind everyone that what was on offer in that referendum you mentioned was NOT PR - it was a watered-down version, proposed by the conservatives called the ‘alternative vote’ or something similar.
    There is no way either the Tories or Labour would allow PR - hence I agree with your second statement.
  12. Captain Jack Sparrow

    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    There is a very strong chance that this could be a hung parliament. So I would like to know before the votes take place what each party plan to do and who they will team up with because that could make a difference to a lot of people who they will vote for. For example, a Labour voter may hate the SNP. But if Labour teams up with the SNP then that Labour voter may decide not to vote for them but maybe choose the Lib Not Dems.
    BCFCRob likes this.
  13. AshtonRed

    AshtonRed Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2017
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    The larger parties won’t say , their line will be vote for us on our merits , the smaller parties will group together to try to obtain as much influence as they can.
  14. Captain Jack Sparrow

    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Lib Dem voters were not happy at all that they joined the Tories to form a coalition. How many of those Lib Dem voters would have chosen another party if they had known that they would have been propping up a Tory government.
  15. RedorDead

    RedorDead Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2011
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  16. Angelicnumber16

    Angelicnumber16 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    It's good of old Jeremy offering the whole country free Broadband if the loony party come to power.

    Get's my vote.

    NOT !
  17. Oldsparkey

    Oldsparkey Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 27, 2011
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    He was misquoted - he actually said Blueband - free magarine fir the whole country. <ok>
  18. Angelicnumber16

    Angelicnumber16 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Blue Riband - Free chocolate wafers for all, got ya ! <laugh>
  19. Oldsparkey

    Oldsparkey Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 27, 2011
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    please log in to view this image
    Angelicnumber16 likes this.
  20. BCFCRob

    BCFCRob Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2011
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    Coming out of my Brexit exile to state that these are the most overrated chocolate bars/biscuits of all time. If we can block these then I'll join the dark side <laugh>
    Angelicnumber16 likes this.
: Brexitparty

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