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Joelinton is CRAP

Discussion in 'Newcastle United' started by Hugh Briss, Oct 28, 2019.

  1. Hugh Briss

    Hugh Briss Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Seems incapable of heading the ball.
    Doesn't seem to have much pace.
    Gets knocked off the ball too easily.
    Fell over with no one near him vs Wolves.
    Offers little going forward.
    Has scored one goal.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2019
    Munson. likes this.
  2. Warmir Pouchov

    Warmir Pouchov Better than JPF

    Jun 1, 2011
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    Too early. Lets give him a season to settle. The mistake is the same one made with Mitrovic and every signing under Ashley. We are run for money not football. A proper football club retains Rondon and gives Joelinton a year to settle in slowly. We only sell to buy. So Perez and Rondon going freed up the room. Now some will say Perez had a clause and Rondon wasn't our player. Again though that is indicative of the clubs approach that Rondon isn't our player. Perez fair enough, you can't prevent that bar not allowing the clause but come on no one on planet earth though Perez was worth 30m, not least prior to last season. Its always the same.
  3. Hugh Briss

    Hugh Briss Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    The club have paid £40M for a player who hardly looks worth £10M.

    Could you point out his 'potential' in some way, because I'm struggling to see any.
    Munson. likes this.
  4. G4rdToonArmy

    G4rdToonArmy Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Agreed with WP its so comparable to Mitrovic, a young target man who isn't getting any support from the midfield or many clear cut chances. Personally I think he does some of the link up stuff well and has shown glimpses that there is a player in there but needs time - he's only 21 and coming into a new league.

    Defo not worth £40m but people were complaining about the £12m spent on Mitrovic so Joelinton basically had to hit a hat-trick in his first game to be given any time with that price tag. Not his fault the club have fudged the summer window up massively!
  5. cronemeister

    cronemeister Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
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    There's no way Perez was worth £30m, the same as Andy Carroll was not worth the £35m Liverpool paid for him. Players are worth what someone is prepared to pay and that value is generally determined by said players worth to his current club. Based on his performances to date you wouldn't say Joelinton is worth £40m, but that is what he was worth to Hoffenheim and we were willing to pay it. The price tag has **** all to do with the player.

    I wish people would just shut the **** up and stop banging their own drum constantly and slagging these players off. We've played roughly a quarter of the seasons games and have roughly a quarter of the points we realistically need and we're in a better position than we were this time last season. Joelinton is the wrong kind of player to be playing up front on his own, it's not his fault he's being asked to. He cuts a very lone looking figure at times and looks very isolated and frustrated, he needs players around him but our midfield is far too deep and the gap between him and our midfield is far too big. ASM has looked very good of late and can only get better in my opinion. Almiron will get his goal eventually and get the monkey (and CC) off his back. We just need to put a little bit of a run together to get the confidence levels up and grind out results like the one at the weekend (albeit we should have won) when things aren't going our way.

    The football may not be pretty to watch but I'm quite encouraged by our first 45 mins yesterday, we played some good stuff, kept the ball well, defended superbly and looked threatening going forward.

    20 points by christmas lads....that's the aim!
  6. Albert's Chip Shop

    Albert's Chip Shop Top Grafter
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 27, 2011
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    Good point.
    I suppose in a year if we have 'wasted 'money on Joelinton, it's only really the Perez money we'd lose as we overcharged Leicester. Swings and roundabouts. Plus even if we sold on current form.. we'd probs get at least £15m back given his age.
  7. Albert's Chip Shop

    Albert's Chip Shop Top Grafter
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 27, 2011
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    Our history is littered with South American players who struggled to start with (Colo, Nobby, Mira) so some players need time to adapt.
  8. Charlie Dogscock

    Charlie Dogscock Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2016
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    Don't think he even touches the ball vs Wolves. Ok his support from Almiron is crap, but Joelinton literally does nothing.

    We let Rondon and Perez go who were both far better strikes, and spent a fortune on this unproven kid....he's making Joselu look good right now.

    I'm not gonna dismiss him outright yet, cos as mentioned his support is non-existant, but even if he doesn't score goals, he should at least put his foot in sometimes and actually do something.
    Hugh Briss likes this.
  9. cronemeister

    cronemeister Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
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    Can't disagree with most of this mate. You're right about us letting Rondon go and I still think it was the right decision. As for Perez, you can't really call it letting him go to be fair, we'd have been bat **** crazy to turn down £30m for him and again I still think it was the right decision. He did very well for us, took a lot of stick but nobody could fault his professionalism and work rate when he was on the pitch. He'll do well at Leicester and he deserves to, and we did well out of the deal.....even if we did use the bulk of that money to spunk on Joelinton.

    He does need to start putting himself about a bit more and chasing things down instead of jumping up and down and flapping his arms like a deranged chicken when the ball doesn't come to him or he loses it. I'd love to see him in a proper front 3 in a 4-3-3 type set up with Miggy and ASM either side of him. They need to be in the final 3rd of the pitch tho, not back at the halfway line picking scraps up all the time and then running into dead ends all game.

    Oh and can someone please give Sean Longstaff some lessons in taking corners and free-kicks whilst he's out of action for our next 3 games? Some of his deliveries were ****ing woeful !!
    Hugh Briss likes this.
  10. Warmir Pouchov

    Warmir Pouchov Better than JPF

    Jun 1, 2011
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    I remember people saying the same about Solano. He was regualrly accused of having a **** touch because under physical pressure it went to **** and because his confidence was low he'd just be unable to control the ball. Once he settled and Bobby got hold of him, we slowly saw the player who everyone in Argentina though was fantastic.

    Joelinton isn't pulling up trees and his lack of effort is a concern. However you don't do what he did in the Bundesliga unless you have talent. That player hasn't disappeared or just become ****. It wouldn't even be mentioned if he was being slowly introduced in a proper fashion. The problem is the 40m and the fact our fans now expect wonders because without them we're destined to fly real close to relegation. The lad is just another scapegoat.

  11. Rex Kramer

    Rex Kramer Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    yes he is crap and the same fans that were in joselus **** slide from day one are the same fans saying it's too soon to judge !! they decide based on a wage and fancy haircut that they like a player and back them through pure favouritism ! I judge players as all equally worthless until proven otherwise . I'm not living in fantasy land basically !
  12. Warmir Pouchov

    Warmir Pouchov Better than JPF

    Jun 1, 2011
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    Or possibly Joselu had already had more than enough time to adapt by time he arrived at us? ****ing hell you're extra stupid at times.
  13. Rex Kramer

    Rex Kramer Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    perez is scoring goals ands getting assists in a side that's chasing city and Liverpool, so he is easily worth 30 million in todays market.. funny all the ****ers saying he wasn't good enough for us are still not showing any class in admitting they were wrong.
    haslam likes this.
  14. Rex Kramer

    Rex Kramer Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    utter rubbish they allow some players time and other zero and you ****ing know it
  15. Rex Kramer

    Rex Kramer Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    tomorrow doesn't exist yet and right now he is crap.
  16. cronemeister

    cronemeister Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
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    Perez is starting to look like a £30m player. Would you have said that 12 months ago tho? Yet you're ****ing sharp to jump on the Joelinton's **** bandwagon 10 games into a season, purely and simply because it suits your own agenda and satisfies your own self-fulfilling prophecy that you're right about him being ****.

    If I told you every day that you were **** at something despite your firm belief that you weren't eventually it would wear away at you and grind you down to the point where it started affecting you mentally, that's not just pie in the sky theory it's simple fact.

    Give me ****ing strength!
  17. G4rdToonArmy

    G4rdToonArmy Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    We are a young team in reality. Average age of the squad on Sunday of 25 but our front 5 have an average age of 21.6 years old and none of them have over 20 games in the league yet.

    Dubravka: 30
    Yedlin: 26
    Fernandez: 30 (Schar 27)
    Lacselles: 24 (Lejuene 28)
    Clark: 30 (Dummy 28)
    Willems: 27
    Almiron: 25 (20 games)
    M. Longstaff: 19 (3 games)
    S. Longstaff: 21 (19 games)
    ASM: 22 (6 games)
    Joelinton: 21 (10 games)

    It's telling that our strongest position, the defence, is the one where we A) have the best cover B) highest average age of the squad C) most experience in the league - we have the best home defensive record in the league (only conceded 3 at home so far this year). They also as a unit have the most goals and assists so far.

    Getting players like Ritchie, Hayden and maybe even Gayle back in the fold will give us much more knowledge and know how in the midfield and up top and take a bit of the weight of expectation off the younger lads.

    Just in regards to the Joselu argument he already had 22 games with Stoke before he showed up here and was still "Joselu" in his 68th appearance before he left although I'd never criticize the lad as he gave everything he had just sadly wasn't enough as his 10 goal return in that period proved. If Joelinton get's a brace and a goal over the next 3 games his confidence will pick up and he could push for 10 goals this year but I think that's as good as you can expect from him this year with the service and support he is getting from deeper in the team.
  18. Rex Kramer

    Rex Kramer Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    yes I made a thread supporting perez because he was getting grief despite being top scorer the previous season . The thing about perez was never just his goals it was his al round game .. he has a brain.

    Steve Bruce is the man managing him not me, so I can pass judgement without impacting the player!! I don't know what kind of voodoo **** you are talking about. because he's playing crap and we don't have time for favouritism

    you think hayden will make a difference to our ability to score ? wow

    Ritchie yes but bare in mind Willems has a goal and 2 assists , so it's like one step fwd one step back because we don't have an issue at lb.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2019
    cronemeister likes this.
  19. cronemeister

    cronemeister Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
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    Where did I say this....i haven't mentioned his name at all on this thread.

    You're dead right (you'll be pleased to know), SB is managing Joe Linton and not you.....thankfully. If we're still sat here this time in 12 months saying the same things then we might have a bit of a problem. Not sure why you think Bruce is giving him some favouritism, that by it's very nature is subjective.

    I think there's room for Ritchie and Willems in the same team down the left with ASM up front with Joe Linton perhaps, I think that could work quite well and would offer us some protection down that side as we see with Almiron and Yedlin down the other side.
    Munson. likes this.
  20. Rex Kramer

    Rex Kramer Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2019
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    I apologise it was that green dinosaur that seems to think the reintroduction of Hayden will assist us in some way

    I don't know how many times I have to be proven right to get it into your thick skull my friend x

    Bruce and the fans are giving him favouritism and you should read what I say , so I don't have to explain again... why are you starting to bang on about other players ? this thread is titled joelinton is crap !!! he has been crap and until he isn't crap,he is still crap and therefore there's no argument that can be used to argue he isn't crap other than faith!!which is the excuse people use to believe in something when they do not have sufficient evidence to validate their belief .

    It's about 3 months since you spent hours calling me all the names under the sun when I said almiron has no end product !!! 3 months later still no goals no assists

    its about six months since I was laughed at for saying our next manager would be steve bruce


    read my sig!!!! you see that's how I operate !! I see things months before most people realise themselves !!! I take all kinds of abuse and never once do I get an apology.

    I hope that's all the information you require.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2019
    Hugh Briss likes this.

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