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Match Day Thread Premier League, Cups & Euro Watch

Discussion in 'Liverpool' started by LuisDiazgamechanger, Jul 6, 2018.



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  1. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    it was done after spurs.

    well played city... all of the sides without exception all tried their best against both sides. nobody gave a walk over by intent to either side in the run in.
    Diego likes this.
  2. luvgonzo

    luvgonzo Pisshead

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Nothing was "done" imo City have had to fight for points. Leicester came the closest to getting something. It is done now though other than some miracle.
    saintPort&Ginger likes this.
  3. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    their quality made it inevitable. they've conceded 3 goals in 13 games.

    once they got passed the spurs league game and were out of Europe there was nothing to stop them at all.

    burnley fight was admirable but there was zero attack
    Leicester did play well but city goal was coming and coming. Leicester could be much closer next season if they are not picked apart in summer.
    Utd offered nothing. was routine.

    like.... in the end if you give a side like city 8 days rest they will win.

    the fact that they've shut up shop when they get a lead is actually amazing to me and shows the pressure we have applied. if they had 2 points on us and gd... well I reckon there's be 4 and 5 going past these sides.

    the knowledge thst any mistake and it's over has forced them to be at thier best.

    but I wanna say one thing serious here. imo the player thats won it for them is zinchenko. since he came in at lb they improve no end. they played Ralph in cl qf at lb and blew it
  4. luvgonzo

    luvgonzo Pisshead

    Jan 26, 2011
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    I don't think the City goal was coming though, it has to be something like that, something out of the blue and unstoppable.
  5. pieguts

    pieguts Mentor

    Jun 12, 2011
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    There at the beach now. Safe for another year. Their warm up will be putting towels on sun beds.
  6. ihatemyselfandwanttodie

    ihatemyselfandwanttodie Well-Known Member

    Feb 24, 2011
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    I’m not here on the wind up, but it’s derisable listening to complaints of how much money City spent v Pool. You’ve spent ****loads of money, probably outspent City in the past few seasons.

    You have been great this year, most years you would have strolled to the title. It’s been great to watch so well done on being a valid part of it.

    The other comments, not necessarily by you, about bad refs giving City everything is also pretty dumb, considering the amount of pens won by dives by Salah (and other teams players).

    I’ve long been saying it but that part is ruining the game and I’m getting close to not watching games as s result.
    Last edited: May 7, 2019
    Polly13 likes this.
  7. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    I've made that point but you also have to acknowledge much of it is on the back of 3 sales. suarez, sterling, coutinho. Yes we've spend but the two prior years we had negative spend. We already know for FFP we now can't spend much this summer.

    the difference with city is their net spend year on year. last year is was only 29mil net. last year is was 177mil, the year before 165mil, the year before 73, the year before 60, the year before 89, the year before (2012 ony 13mil)

    get the trend?

    Its money after moeny after money.

    I did a bit about city and utd and cheslea and liverpool just last friday showing all the top clubs teams are work 3 and 400 million .

    After that I'd agree with you a bit on refs. Refs give all big teams loads. the pint made here most often however is english refs let city away with murder as they don't use thier studs. They just trip anyone going by them or push them over and walk away. You won't see any city player beaten. You'll see a foul. They don't get yellows enough and it enbales them to hold those fouls and spread them round.

    Often frankly city have 65-70% possession then make those cynical fouls and get away with it so actually them conceding a goal is an event at this point.

    we see it all the time with english refs wanting to hold cards will second half then throwing a few about for nothing to balance thier own card.

    Prime example is jesus last night. On one minute and booked by ref for his mouth and then he get away with 3 cynical fouls after. (game was done then but its a good example)
  8. Solid Alboland

    Solid Alboland Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2015
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    i wish i shared your confidence :emoticon-0101-sadsm.
  9. Solid Alboland

    Solid Alboland Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2015
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    actually thought Leicester played a well thought out game actually and the sub should have worked .
    I'm pretty much on my own on here but i think Rodgers is a very good coach the problem he has is that as manager he has to talk to the press and god does he spout some pretentious jumbled bollocks .<laugh>
    Treble likes this.
  10. carlthejackal

    carlthejackal Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2012
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    Let me say at the outset that I (or anyone else) do not have the right to expect anything more from our team and squad. IMO they've gathered far far more points than we could have expected. There was a mix of talent, energy determination, and yes luck if we are really honest.

    For a team to be really good and challenging like City we need:

    Money: that is so evident. With us spending record amounts on top players. And like City continuing to buy top talent.

    Manager: Top players and money are nothing if you don't have the right manager for the club who can build a team and play the right way. The evidence is all there to see: Pep and Klopp managed to get the right players and make tem play as a team in the right way. They have also installed the hunger that's required to win. The mancs have floundered because despite spending money they've not got the right manager... yet. Just like in the 70s and 80s.

    Yes, we might like to check the details like this RB or that holding or creative MF player. But IMO I am afraid that there is absolutely no way we can improve on this team's results. What I am really saying is that whether we win the title is at the mercy of City and Pep. If they play like they did there is absolutely nothing we can do.

    We might reinforce the squad but I honestly cannot see us doing better next season . One of our very best teams in history and if we end up with nothing I'd be absolutely gutted.

  11. Red Hadron Collider

    Red Hadron Collider The Hammerhead

    Mar 2, 2011
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    They didn't, though <grr>
  12. LuisDiazgamechanger

    May 31, 2011
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    Premier League grades: Manchester City and Liverpool get the job done again
    Liverpool - A

    Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp once again heaped praise on his side after they showed 'heart' to steal a 3-2 win away at Newcastle in the Premier League
    Liverpool's performance was as far from vintage as they have produced in some time but by hook or by crook, they always find a way to get the job done in the title race. The character of this team deserves an A on its own for sheer persistence to beat a far superior Newcastle team with an 86th-minute deflected header. Their defending was ropy, they lost Mo Salah to injury, they could barely pick a pass for 10 minutes near the end. But they ground out the win. And at this stage of the season, that's all that matters. (Ron Walker)
  13. johnsonsbaby

    johnsonsbaby Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2011
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    If you want to try the 'you've spent more than them' approach it really isn't that difficult to do a bit of research. The PL website has it all laid out for you.

    The past 5 seasons net spend:
    City £563.24m, Liverpool £193.58m

    Just out of interest, Everton have outspent us too £224.44m - the fourth highest in the league btw!

    If you want to extend the figures to net spend over the last 10 years, city have a staggering £1070.83m - just think about that for a minute - Liverpool £335.34m.

    Over the ten year period we've had 4 negative net spend, even utd managed one negative net spend - city in fact are the only club with no negative net spend. And that's why people talk about it. Nobody can compete with that level of money being thrown into a club and why what we're doing this season is magnificent in comparison.

    So your argument is dead on it's feet.
    Last edited: May 7, 2019
  14. ihatemyselfandwanttodie

    ihatemyselfandwanttodie Well-Known Member

    Feb 24, 2011
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    But like your title challenge :emoticon-0136-giggl

    You’ve spent money, so what if other teams spent money. Wtf has City’s spend over 10 years got to do with it, you’re going way back to prove a point. City have different net spend as they don’t tend to sell their players whereas Liverpool are still susceptible to being s selling club to the likes of City, Barca, Real etc.

    Like I said, I wasntbwinding up, just how I see it.

    As I said it’s been great for the neutral to follow, hard luck and maybe next year is your year :emoticon-0148-yes:
    Peej likes this.
  15. johnsonsbaby

    johnsonsbaby Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2011
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    You said we've outspent city, I'm pointing out we haven't . Nobody has. I didn't go back to prove a point I just posted the figures from the PL site. <ok>
    organic red and Jimmy Squarefoot like this.
  16. Red Hadron Collider

    Red Hadron Collider The Hammerhead

    Mar 2, 2011
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    x 2 <grr>
  17. Mick O'Toon

    Mick O'Toon Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I thought City played Leicester btw City would've been out of sight long ago if it wasn't for diving and penos, 3 come to mind Newcastle,Fulham and Cardiff.
  18. LuisDiazgamechanger

    May 31, 2011
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    Kompany's goal was preventable if he was closed down.
  19. astro

    astro Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2012
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    3 year net spend

    Liverpool: £93m
    Man City: £372m
    Man City net spend just on fullbacks: £121m
  20. Mick O'Toon

    Mick O'Toon Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    So are most goals!
    Alisson Becker is N01 likes this.

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