That white Arabian is a tiny snow white horse... if anything, it looks the most girly if you DON'T do anything to it!
I've got a cool black saddle and liked The Lone Ranger as a kid so watch what you're saying about my horse y'****er!
I’ve still got my first scabby horse, I leave him on little bits of rock in the middle of nowhere, he can’t get down but whenever I wake up from a nap he’s back again. I think mine has mental health issues, he’s a bit slow and slightly racist but he’s a good boy really.
I've got 3, sold the original and kept the 2nd one then caught the white one and caught some other that looked cool but he is pretty basic.
I'm saying that my white Arabian would knock yours right out. He's well 'ard. He's got fackin' dreads geez.
Actually yeah I have others. One is in a stable somewhere and the other is a wild one that comes every time I whistle but I just get on Chod on ride off. He must feel neglected. I might just do the noble thing and shoot him.
Well you shoot pretty much anything so why not. Found some dodgy people last night husband and wife and the wife is all flirty they invited me in for food and some drinks they turned out to be brother and sister but were at it. I drank their special drink and woke up in a ditch with all my money gone and a dead body on top of me. Had to go watch I'm a Celeb with the family then so I hope I can go back and kill the ****ers and get my money.
My dude is called Gayther not Arthur. And he wears assless leather chaps and no top at all. Just a leather and metal bullet belt. But there's no bullets in it, just dildos.
I took the special booze, then went back and killed the ****s later. Make sure you go into the side bit of their house as there’s an extra $50