Quite. But for me, the encouraging sign is that they have been in touch with HCST in advance rather than the other way round, possibly indicating that they may actually take fan engagement seriously as opposed The the Allams who come to the table kicking and screaming
I disagree, I think it is very much a buyers market. Also has any one a shred of evidence that a 'Saudi Prince' is interested in buying bottom of the Championship club Hull City ? The rumour mill has ground to a halt this week. Dave Burns must be on holiday.
I can't believe there are 3 potential buyers at the door right now, and all the talk of 40 to 45 million offers will just scare off anyone who had even the tiniest thought about buying Hull City. I think they would be lucky to get 25 million.
Haven't they ? Don't you read the informative HDM, or the ever trustworthy Sun ? But it we are on a hair splitting mission, drop the 'Prince' bit and answer me this one. Has anyone a shred of evidence that Saudi money is behind any deal to buy Hull City ?
It doesn't say it is compulsory that they are group chosen. It wouldn't take a lawyer to drive a coach and horses through that if the fans groups chosen were many and varied but didn't include the Supporters Trust.
It’s very unusual for you to read things differently to everyone else, I realise, but I think it’s very clear the club can engage with as many groups or individuals that they want, including the OSC, as long as the Trust (where there is one) is included as well.
Yes, but it doesn't mean that the Trust is one of the ones they HAVE to sit down with. Do you think that if they invite the Senior Tigers to a discussion the Trust have to be there as well? Or if they invite the OSC? Any stats for meetings held with the 72 EFL clubs and what percentage of supporters trusts in existence were invited to them?
I know you're retired but don't you have any hobbies about from posting argumentative bollocks on here ?
Yes. Many people, me included, think that is the case. Doesn’t mean they can’t meet other groups or individuals separately as well, but I do think that they HAVE to invite the Trust to the meetings that they HAVE to have.
It would be interesting if we got Saudi owners and they adopted that policy with fans. Where are the 'missing' fans.
The Allams will 'surprise' us all and sell to worse owners than themselves. Just to stick the boot in like.
I think that’s exactly what they’ll hope for. They’ll hate it if someone else brings better on field success than them, so I’ve always assumed that if there were options they’d get rid to whoever is least likely to achieve that. If they get £40m+ and leave us in the **** I can see them clicking their heels in a Morcambe and Wise tribute way