Here's the highlights - couple of good goals, and could've been much more if their keeper hadn't been so good.... Highlights: QPR U23s 3, Crewe Alexandra U23s 1
I use this forum to push back on people like you I love it and come and go as I please I was and still very upset by the usual people knocking Holloway when the bloke is committed to even the sheep I have loads of time and hope to dedicate more to bringing posters I dislike to task Fair enough re the politics stuff but you seem to have a monopoly there posting anything you can from sheep news central I consider myself a lot better than some of the sheep on here of course I do ... it feeds my opinion if not I could be a sheep
I rest my ****ing case!! It was you that my comments were aimed at about continuing to pander to Paul and allowing him to get away with the crap he posts. You often "like" his posts and never, ever call him out. Nines called him out on this thread quite rightly. This site is utter ****e now. You should ask yourself why so many regulars have left or seldom post. What a load of bollocks!!
I do and have most of the Churchill’s on ignore as I seriously do not like these people who gang up on here I call them Churchill’s 9s because I can I also am without doubt the best posters on here for taking it I challenge your remarks I can take it as it’s just a forum Just been called not all there on here absolutely fine It’s just a forum In the past there has been many racist posts on here and it’s accepted . The fact is these people are so stupid they believe it’s to do with skin colour . Love to see some on here insult France to the people where I live ... seriously culturally you are becoming the laughing stock of Europe It’s give and take and I know how to take
Look EVERYONE...this site and this thread in particular is about football. It is about our match versus Brentford and later on I have also put up some stuff about todays u23, because they are the kids who will hopefully beat Brentford next year. Please do not bring all your petty arguments onto this thread...please keep on topic or go elsewhere to another thread please. I do not think anyone on here likes being called "sheep" and no one is "pandering" to anyone. We, the mods, are just trying to keep the major topics about QPR and the team we purport to love...through hell and high water. I am here, on this site to hear all your thoughts about QPR. I want to know what you all think about my team. Some ideas I like, some I don't, but that doesn't matter as we are all allowed our own point of view, and we do not need to call each other names. Please give it a miss.
Sorry but this was about Football and I apologise for introducing politics but I am not having Holloway rubbished in this way especially after his own personal life ... I am still furious with the people who want him out He beat you and proved the doubters wrong Hoof ball branded around by people who dont even go to games Of course many on here cannot so please excuse me Formations, he lost the changing room etc etc I want these posters to say they were wrong ! We are still a championship club mission accomplished imo and we played some great football at times proud of the team ... sorry but these posters are sheep
It's the fact that he shoves it down everyone's throat at every given opportunity that pisses people off. All whilst purporting to be morally and intellectually superior to all posters, which is a bit rich considering most of his posts are incoherent. There's an opinion on everything and anyone who disagrees is somehow inferior. Putting him on ignore doesn't work either, it's pretty obvious what's going on without reading his posts. Seems to be a wumming attention whore. At least Swords was amusing sometimes. Col's right, I'm sure the decline of posts is no coincidence.
What? Are you sure about that? Of course it’s attention seeking you stupid man it’s a forum. Also not having that re posts I have plenty of PMs who have backed me against the likes of Colin and others As for Swords he was stitched up completely As for your posts well ... great contribution I am a little stronger than most and can take the punishment. I sincerely respect those you choose to use the ignore it’s what it’s for you fool! There is a freedom to come and go anytime you want ... it the opinion that counts ... I leave threads of no interest to me well alone I type what I want when I want and seriously do not care what is thought of me I challenge the real ****e that is on here if I do not agree with it that is Swords was and still is a great bloke You must of picked him out because he was the last ganged up against on here. I couldn’t take the stuff that being pumped out by that Col bloke ... I don’t like him today as I don’t agree with most of his opinions therefore him plus others are on ignore Do the same to me anyone can The real reason that posts have declined is the monopoly that some had in the past The forum traffic drops off more when this happens imo plus I wasn’t even on it then but read it everyday .... I was forced back on but the ****e I was reading I had to response and so shall I
Well think a bit deeper , fellow posters abusing me time after time get real Rich I take a punch better than anyone on here imo ... not having Holloway rubbished on here no way
I hope the daft bully boy twat has me on ignore Completely ruined what was once an interesting and thought provoking message board.
I still stand with my original thoughts on Ian. I have been to maybe 13/14 games this season and I may have been unlucky but I witnessed very little in the way of attractive passing football. He has surprised me with the amount of points accumulated and if that was his remit then yes mission accomplished. I feel he has been the architect of his own criticism, he has persevered with a formation that never accommdated players he had purchased or had available. He also has not in my opinion rewarded 'form' of players. Dropping certain individuals after good performances. I have the right to question his managerial reign as I help ( in a small way) contribute to his wages. As for beating me?! That seems to me , a bizarre statement. I was never in competition with him and never will be. I still think as a club our ambitions amount to mid to low table obscurity, selling our best players ( I get ffp) etc and if that continues then maybe he is the best man for the job as he doesn't have the consistency for much more.
Don't ever think I have put anyone on 'ignore' before. Did have one major bust up with an old poster years ago but that was because it got personal. As much as myself and Ellers bat and ball it on the politics thread, I actually enjoy his posts. I have nothing personal against anyone on here as I truly don't know them. Let DT have his say. Disagree or agree. Debate or argue. It's not really that important in the grand scheme of things hey.
Strange how you didn't reply directly to Nines question when he asked you what you were referring to when being critical of the Mods but refer to my post and get personal because I happen to give a post of his a "like", deary me. Yep he's been border line but then so have others, but we're all supposed to be adults, you either rise above it, ignore it or reply to it, nobody is forcing you to read what he posts........
Yeah, well, although it means nothing, I know, but have probably been an R's fan far longer than most on here, and I'll tell you all something.........."it's bloody painful losing to Brentford so often of late, excruciatingly so, actually!" So, let's for God's sake do better next season!
Do you think it's acceptable to abuse members of this board on the grounds of their nationality, Tramore? You live in the great country of Ireland. Suppose an Irish national with English roots posted on a board what a fantastic country England was, and that the Irish were a bunch of ******ed tossers (the kind of language FT has uses about the English). Acceptable on the grounds of free speech or unacceptable for being racist i.e. claiming that one race is better than another?
You can't even push back your hair. Sorry fella, you have made yourself look a real muppet. You hijacked the Match Day thread with your usual bile and bring politics into it. The only reason you 'come and go as you please' is to spoil threads because you are obviously missing something in life. You really don't add anything to a decent debate and accuse people of being 'sheep'? which in itself is funny because you use the same board as the sheep which makes you one. Do me a favour and put me on ignore.