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Match Day Thread Hull City v Sheff Utd.

Discussion in 'Hull City' started by Chazz Rheinhold, Feb 22, 2018.

  1. Charon

    Charon Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2013
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    Hide your whistle up your arse - they'll never find it

    TIGERSCAVE Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2015
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    I personally voted for the entering at 1904 DB, which either way I think it should have been put forward as there best idea.. there wouldn't be a camera angle that would not see what was happening..
    Howden Tigress likes this.

    TIGERSCAVE Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2015
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    Or on your I phone or android..
  4. rovertiger

    rovertiger Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2011
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    Just don't fart <laugh>
  5. balkan tiger

    balkan tiger Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2014
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  6. TigerMarv

    TigerMarv Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2011
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    Exactly are they going to take everyone's phones of them to stop you using a whistle sound effect and the stewards can't stop you when using your phone

    TIGERSCAVE Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2015
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    I'd like to see them trying to take phones off people...
  8. BrAdY

    BrAdY Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2011
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  9. BrAdY

    BrAdY Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2011
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    ehab probably has 10 stewards per north stand turnstile in anticipation

    expect 5 year stadium bans for blowing a whistle
  10. Charon

    Charon Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2013
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    Your privacy and cookies | Contact us | Accessibility | Text size:
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    You are here: Home > Council and democracy > Feedback or getting involved > [ Whistleblowing ]
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    If you believe there is wrongdoing in your workplace or within the public services provided by the council (for example corruption or wrongdoing such as improper, illegal or negligent behaviour), you can report this by following the whistleblowing procedure. Your employment rights are protected.
    The official term for whistleblowing is ‘making a disclosure in the public interest’, however it is much more commonly called ‘blowing the whistle’ or ‘whistleblowing’.
    Hull City Council takes whistleblowing seriously. The council is committed to maintaining an honest, fair and open culture with the highest standards of honesty and accountability.
    The council expects employees, members, and others with whom we deal, including members of the public, who have concerns about any aspect of the council’s work to come forward and voice those concerns without fear of victimisation, subsequent discrimination or disadvantage.
    How to blow the whistle
    If you have something to report, please report it to us using the online form below -

    The Council seem to have guidelines how to blow the whistle

  11. Sir Cheshire Ben

    Sir Cheshire Ben Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2013
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    If they confiscate anything don’t forget to ask for your receipt & details of where any confiscated property can be retrieved after the game.
    balkan tiger and Cortez91 like this.
  12. tigerscanada

    tigerscanada Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2012
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    A message to Nige. "Don't bring a winning strategy to the game".
    By order.
    No idea why I received this e-mail !
    anti-whistle warning.JPG
  13. Charon

    Charon Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2013
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    'or cause disruption the game whilst in play' - ****ing illiterate
  14. BrAdY

    BrAdY Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2011
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    shocking ain't it

    TIGERSCAVE Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2015
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    This is a really great post on HCFFB...

    Hull City Fans Forum
    A Few Thoughts

    So we stand on the brink of another chapter in the history of our beloved Hull City AFC (and yes Enob, that’s our name) as the Tiger Nation awaits the arrival of those strange Blunt types this Friday. Naturally, we would all rather be talking formations, players in, players out, substitutions, tactics , 3 points et al, but alas and unfortunately these matters of enjoyment and jovial discussions with friends, associates and rival fans have been overtaken somewhat by a dark cloud named the Allams!!

    Those wretched pair of bullies, who continue their misrule of our club, have brought about a situation whereby 99.999999% of City fans will dance with glee when they take their toxic presence and stench away from our team. Such a shame and so unnecessary. This family’s philanthropy and generosity has been tainted by the owners’ petty and nasty treatment of OAPs, the disabled, children and others. Fans have been told to “die”, concessions have been removed, a Supporter’s Committee has been strung along, people have been called “hooligans”, dodgy ballots have been held, pathetic name changes have been forced and continued, FA findings have been ignored, fans have been ejected, fans have been priced out, abled and disabled groups have been evicted from the Airco, rebranding has laughably been denied despite our name not being used, rebranding has been shown to be present in infantile brand guidelines, porkies have been told (I won’t change the name without consultation!!!),players have been sold off, a gift keeps being paid back with interest plus more, transfer windows have been a joke, a double relegation is facing us due to incompetence by the owners (although others are also to blame),support is being decimated, the youth have been driven away, a 2 year old must now pay £468 to sit in the East Stand with his/her granny who must also pay this fortune, etc,etc,etc ad nauseum…..

    And thus we face the cameras of Sky and Sheffield United this coming Friday, and the talk is of protests, the air is bitter and tension is in the air. We hope for an epiphany from the son of the owner. We hope for an apology, nay apologies, but we suspect these hopes will be in vain. But who will buy the club the 5 or 6 remaining Allamites disingenuously cry, completely missing the pertinent points in some kind of warped attempt to bluster a defence of the toxic regime? Support the team and to hell with your protests some fans cry in an attempt to shift the blame away from where it belongs!

    So what to do and how to answer these points. It’s so easy to sort. The Boy Blunder and his nasty father could fix it in a flick of a glossy yacht magazine. Here it is: we (the owners) agree to immediately use HULL City AFC, Hull City and our great nickname of The Tigers in/on our site, correspondence, communications etc. We will reintroduce proper and meaningful concessions for children, OAPS, the disabled and the unwaged in 2018/19. We will work with the Trust to agree a suitable compensation package for the aforementioned groups and we will only charge a nominal fee for these groups for the remainder of this season. We will consult and adopt mutually agreeable policies with the HCST regarding all fans’ issues. We, the owners, intend to sell the club and we will consult and confer with HCST so as to ensure Hull City AFC are handed on to safe hands. We apologise unreservedly for the disgusting “die” comments and the many other mistakes we have made. We are genuinely sorry and we would ask all fans to postpone any protests so that we can show the veracity of our intent.

    To those fans who utter the logical fallacy of argumentum ad lapidem with such drivel as “protests are stupid as they won’t bother the Allams”, sorry but this is incorrect. The protests brought them to the table, the Boy Blunder is flip-backing across the room with threats, tickets on sale, tickets not on sale, tickets on sale again, moving fans to the West Upper, spinning “veiled threats” and insulting the Trust etc. Those are effects the protests are already having and it’s not even Friday yet!!!

    Protests shouldn’t be necessary but they are. Bullies don’t like to be taken on. They prefer compliance. They prefer to be appeased. Bullies are bullies. These two have had too much of the carrot, they need a bit of the stick. So what do you say papa and Blunder Boy? Admit your mistakes, admit your hamartia of arrogance plus all the other faults you have. You’ll find it cathartic. You’ll also avoid protests…………….and papa, you’ll still probably get a gong!

    And now back to Friday: each fan has to make his/her decision over what actions to take to remove the cancer from our club. I say protest, but I respect the rights of those who I feel (and I say this with all respect) prefer to acquiesce. I think you’re wrong but I will not boo you or shout at you or attack you. Please do likewise.

    In conclusion, our beautiful country is a democracy. We are lucky it is. Respect each other. Don’t be violent. Don’t get arrested. But do protest. Let’s unite and GET THEM OUT. Sing it loud, sing it proud, we want Allams out…..!

    Cheers to all, Dubs. #allamsout
  16. tigerscanada

    tigerscanada Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2012
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    That should swell the official attendance figure to 1,276 in that case.
    Cortez91 likes this.
  17. BrAdY

    BrAdY Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2011
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    in diomande starts we win 42% of games, but that includes liverpool, chelsea, man united, arsenal, spurs middlesboro and wba (also all under phelan)

    if you take, liverpool, chelsea, man united, arsenal, spurs out then we win

    56% games with diomande starting

    we only have a 10% win ratio when diomande comes off the bench

    guy is massively under rated hull city player
    when dio starts, we win

    and he's actually never lost a game he's started in against non premier league opposition
    he has his best game against bolton and suddenly dropped, how is he expected to feel
    but he's actually one of our most influential players

    start diomande
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2018
  18. Top_Tiger

    Top_Tiger Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2014
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    I feel Inspired after watching Darkest Hour the other day. Allam is the Hitler we need a Churchill figure!
  19. Fez

    Fez Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Compensation? Is this fool living in the real world.

    Acquiesce? This has more than a shade of Things We Think and is divisive trivel.
  20. BrAdY

    BrAdY Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2011
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    if we beat sheff utd
    it's in spite of nigel
    he's abolutely ****ing useless

    more people protesting a monday night match than we could ever get against the allams
    pathetic, 'stewards searching for whistles' **** english football, it's pathetic
    it's a joke

    ehab allam makes us league two
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2018

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