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Off Topic CL, ITTV and other forums (merged)

Discussion in 'Charlton' started by User deleted as requested, Dec 18, 2017.

  1. User deleted as requested

    User deleted as requested Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2013
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    With Charlton out of the play offs by the end of January, and with Konsa sold and no new players bought, who will be the Last Apologist Standing over on ITTV ?

    I reckon Old Reamsy will be the first one to bail out - back to issuing death threats against the owners and fantasising over Matty Godden.

    You then have to factor in how dense Bexley Boy is, but I reckon the Apologist Final will be between Burt “Have you got the money to buy Charlton” Jeddez and Seriously.

    The rest is all background noise.

    Let’s see where we are in January
    lardiman likes this.
  2. ForestHillBilly

    ForestHillBilly Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2011
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    Don't let me down, Jeddez.
  3. lardiman

    lardiman Keep smiling through
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 6, 2016
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    What a choice!

    Jeddez is consistent if nothing else. His glass is always half full, but he isn't a fanatic. If he were a colour it would be beige or magnolia.
    He's probably a Liberal Democrat, bless him.

    Reams' current infatuation with being the regime's favourite pet, plus his hatred of the anti-RD Charlton LIfe, makes him a strong candidate.
    But was anti-RD for quite a while in the past.

    Bexleyboy states his opinions as if they were facts. And he never reflects back on what he gets wrong, he just ploughs on regardless.
    Admirable doggedness.

    SeriouslyRed is the most difficult to understand of all. He knew something was wrong soon after RD bought the Club and tried to say so.
    Perhaps being on ITTV too long has coloured his views. I sometimes tried too hard to accomodate the pro-regime agenda myself while I was there.

    Last man standing will be Bexleyboy for me.

    Nothing influences him at all. Every counter-argument, attempt to reason, even ridicule... it just bounces off him.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2017
  4. ForestHillBilly

    ForestHillBilly Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2011
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    Old Reamsy is getting ready to jump ship. One foot in the lifeboat.
  5. User deleted as requested

    User deleted as requested Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2013
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    Seriously will be pleased to see that he is 2nd in the poll.

    That was always his target by Xmas.
  6. SuperChrissyisfantasticPardswasatrocious

    May 9, 2011
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    Jeddez. As thick as he is stubborn.

  7. DickPlumb

    DickPlumb Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2016
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    I don't like this poll. Let's see where we are at the end of January.
    CafcFactsStats likes this.
  8. Mr Sitter

    Mr Sitter Active Member

    Sep 10, 2017
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  9. DonCorleone

    DonCorleone Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2015
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  10. User deleted as requested

    User deleted as requested Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2013
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    No votes yet for Old Reamsy to be the last Apologist standing?

    This is surprising, as only last Saturday he was seen barging Sue Parkes out of the way in the race for the Duchatelet buffet.

    Over the last 4 years, Reams has been the most vociferous supporter of the Belgians. Remember his “right you lot” threads when we lost, remember how he described ITTV as “friends” of the Regime.

    Dare I even suggest Reams stained himself in his support of Meire ?

  11. lardiman

    lardiman Keep smiling through
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 6, 2016
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    The following is just speculation of course - just me trying to make sense of the extraordinary transformation of ITTV over the past eighteen months or so.

    According to Reams (circa 2015), Meire lied to his face son after she was first appointed CEO. Naturally he was angered by that - and rightly so.
    Then after two years of referring to her with nothing but contempt (and sometimes worse) he did a complete U-turn and apologised to her in person.
    I think this was some time shortly after Charlton Life affiliated itself with CARD.

    All other things being equal, the only reason I can think that he would do that, was so that ITTV might possibly replace Charlton Life as the 'top' Charlton fans' forum - or at least the one which had the best links with the Club itself. The 'approved' forum if you will.

    Perhaps he imagined hundreds of (presumed) pro-Duchatelet members of CL would defect to ITTV and his forum would actually grow to rival Charlton Life in size. Certainly he took pride in pointing out some 'defections' and the increase in membership that ITTV did enjoy, even though it amounted to only a tiny fraction of membership on CL.

    The whole 'Apologist' Pro-Roland circus on ITTV is nothing to do with believing that Duchatelet and his regime is good for CAFC. It is all about a power-play for ITTV by its owner. What Reams seems to want more than anything else is for ITTV to usurp CL and become the undisputed Number One Charlton fans' forum.

    Nothing wrong with that as an ambition, if you prefer confrontation over cooperation.
    But it is a hell of an ask for a sole forum owner and moderator with maybe a dozen or fifteen regular posters on his forum.

    Personally I think ITTV is a very good forum in many ways, and a lot of hard work has obviously gone into it over the years. It stands worthy of respect in its own right, regardless of how much CL might appear to overshadow it.
    But I believe it has suffered somewhat recently because of its rivalries with other forums, and CL in particular of course.

    So (in a nutshell) I don't think Reams is an apologist at all really.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2017
  12. User deleted as requested

    User deleted as requested Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2013
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    Spot on @lardiman

    You might have added that it isn’t even about ITTV usurping CL. ITTV is nothing more than a vehicle for Reams to ingratiate himself with the Belgians in the forlorn hope that they would give him a paid scouting job. If Meire told Reams that the price of that job was no more ITTV, Reams would take the forum down faster than you can say “pro boards”.

    There is also the interesting fact that no “co moderator” lasts long on ITTV. Witness the shameful treatment of @Inkblot . I have no doubt that Mundane Mundell will go the same way if he steps out of line.

    One of my favourite threads on ITTV was when I re-joined to urge the regulars to mount a coup against Reams and ban him
    from his own forum. I suggested BexleyBoy as a suitable heir. You have never seen Reams move so fast to rush home and ban me.
    ForestHillBilly and lardiman like this.
  13. lardiman

    lardiman Keep smiling through
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 6, 2016
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    If I was KM I would be very wary of giving a job to somebody who had posted such hostility toward me for so long, however sincerely he apologised to me.

    For myself, I would not expect ever to get a job working for CAFC even cleaning toilets, after the hostile views I have posted against the current regime. I would not expect any future owner of the Club to consider employing me either.

    But then I don't want to work for the Club. I want to support the team like my family have for a hundred years.
  14. DonCorleone

    DonCorleone Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2015
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    Genuinely couldn’t make this stuff up.

    I will give anyone capable of reading this whole post £20.

    We have created 275 chances so far this season compared to 233 at the same point last season. That's an increase of nearly 20% which many would consider material. We are struggling to score goals of late but we have scored more than this time last season. You choose the last ten games for your sample and Fosu has been out for most of those. Perhaps it is better to look at the season as a whole?

    In addition, we have been playing the better sides of late whilst dealing with several injuries. On a statistical note, out of the 111 shots on target all season, just 42 have been against the top half sides. To beat play-off rivals and/or secure an automatic slot, that's a different challenge with perhaps different solutions? That's a step further and means aiming to win promotion, whatever the cost of making certain players obsolete in January.

    The point is that we are about to play some weaker sides now, plus rumour has it that Fosu will be back soon. We will be in a better position to judge the season after these next few games take us to the halfway mark, rather than construct a narrative based upon a handful of poor results.

    Magennis has had just eight attempts on goal in the last six games. In contrast Fosu had 18 attempts in the six games before injury. So in answer to your question, we were creating more chances and this may well return as players return from injury. If the owner wishes to improve our goal scoring record for the second half of the season then there are some obvious solutions:
    1) Hard work and serious coaching to be done at the training ground
    2) Releasing Dodoo and Best would be a start - replacing them and also Clarke who appears to be long term injured

    The first part of the equation is down to KR. He has taken CAFC to where we could expect given his experience at MK Dons. The question is whether he can make our attacking more fluid and more precise. To be fair we have had many changes of late with the No.10 role due to injury. Overall the front four have looked a tad wooden of late - KR needs to freshen this up with the return of Fosu as well as signing some real talent.

    Note that none of this talks to the quality of the finishing as those stats are not available by striker. But this graphic does illustrate that some of our front players are more effective than others... and that Fosu was scoring a goal every other game. Creating 15 chances is often enough to score twice and that often secures a win. The stats vs Blackburn suggest we should have scored once but we didn't. We move on for that is part and parcel of the randomness of the game - one game is not the issue but the performance of the front four is certainly under the microscope.

    Read more: http://intothevalley.proboards.com/thread/21932/play-offs-position-on-jan?page=2#ixzz51e4C3ml8
  15. A likeable little fella

    A likeable little fella Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2015
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    He certainly stained himself.
  16. A likeable little fella

    A likeable little fella Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2015
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    I have not voted, it will be a dead heat between the lot of them.
  17. User deleted as requested

    User deleted as requested Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2013
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    You get half a vote anyway.
  18. A likeable little fella

    A likeable little fella Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2015
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    I fell asleep 1/2 way through.
  19. lardiman

    lardiman Keep smiling through
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 6, 2016
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    Who is disputing that (so far) Charlton are better this season than we were last season? We could scarcely have been worse.

    And we are not going to get promoted by just beating the 'easier' opponents.
    If we do no more than that we will finish 8th - exactly where the bookies were predicting.
    Charlton can't win promotion by playing the averages.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2017
  20. User deleted as requested

    User deleted as requested Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2013
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    SR is a very, very strange man.
    Beware of the virus likes this.

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