Really? How does it compare to one we took in League 1 for a night game when we had a united club?
I was to busy watching Scarborough Chaz , stood on the Terraces shouting and singing and not being told to sit down. I am quite and old git myself but I don't fit in with the sit down and shut up types or the oldies on tiger travel who moan groan and complain when young uns sing the odd footy song while they try and sleep.
Older fans sneer at younger Supporters also Chaz and make some right nasty comments also . as well as trying to push them down if they stand up or report them to a steward and tell steward to throw them out
Evington doesn't mean it But if I ever turn into a moaning grump bastard Evington you have my permission to send me to Euthanasia Clinic
Same with me Filey. Oh hang on a minute. I think I am an old grumpy miserable bastard. Someone put me out of my misery. Yes I mean it. Go on do it. Ban Chazz
Yeah lets take the piss out of people who no matter what, refuse to be ground down. People who say "**** it, it's my team, I will go and support them wherever, whenever". I admire them.