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The Man in Japan Grand Prix Awards

Discussion in 'Formula 1' started by cosicave, Oct 9, 2017.

  1. cosicave

    cosicave Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Best Driver:
    Worst Driver:
    Best Rookie/New Driver:
    Best Team:
    Surprise Team:
    Worst Team:
    Best Overtake:

    Most Surprising Result:
    Least Surprising Result:
    Funniest moment:
    Excuse of the week:

    Special Mention:
    Best post from the race thread:
    Race Rating: ?/10
  2. SgtBhaji

    SgtBhaji Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2011
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    Can I give it a -10? Had so much potential and fizzled out within 4 laps.
    cosicave and Smithers like this.
  3. Smithers

    Smithers Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Best Driver: Lewis, would have given it to Max, but felt he knackered his teammates race and fell asleep on the safety car restart. Then again, Bottas probably ensured Lewis a win...either of them then?
    Worst Driver: thought Kimi was poor but probably Ericsson
    Best Rookie/New Driver: Ocon
    Best Team: Merc - different formula - has to be applauded.
    Surprise Team: FI
    Worst Team: McLaren
    Best Overtake: Lewis on Bottas :emoticon-0102-bigsm

    Most Surprising Result: RB keeping Merc honest
    Least Surprising Result: Lewis win
    Funniest moment: Perez trying to convince the team to let him “ATTACK” Ocon
    Excuse of the week: Just Ferrari in general

    Special Mention: Palmer, gave it ago but shows what’s wrong with a 4 year veteran winning a lower formula. Wish him the best
    Best post from the race thread:
    Race Rating: 5:10
    cosicave likes this.
  4. El_Bando

    El_Bando Can't remember, where was I?
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 26, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Best Driver: Hamilton
    Worst Driver:
    Best Rookie/New Driver: OCON
    Best Team: Mercedes. The Qualifying engine mapping is a race killer when they start in front.
    Surprise Team:
    Worst Team: Ferrari 3rd time in a row
    Best Overtake: Kimi did some good ones.

    Most Surprising Result: Ferrari fail again
    Least Surprising Result:
    Funniest moment:
    Excuse of the week:

    Special Mention:
    Best post from the race thread:
    Race Rating: 3/10
    cosicave likes this.
  5. Big Ern

    Big Ern Lord, Master, Guru & Emperor

    Jan 28, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Best Driver: Max, gave Lewis something to think about even though he has a much slower car
    Worst Driver: Ericsson, as usual
    Best Rookie/New Driver: Ocon somehow has the record for consecutive finishes
    Best Team: Merc, as usual
    Surprise Team: Haas double points finish
    Worst Team: sauber
    Best Overtake: Magnusson on Massa

    Most Surprising Result: Ocon's car didn't have any missing bodywork
    Least Surprising Result: Merc win
    Funniest moment:
    Excuse of the week:

    Special Mention:
    Best post from the race thread:
    Race Rating: 6/10 the main attraction was ruined at the start for the 3rd race in a row, and it was already ruined for me by then anyway.
    cosicave likes this.
  6. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Best Driver: I would say Raikkonen but he made a bad error to lose so many places at start. Gave us the best entertainment. Best driver? I dunno... hamilton for consistency and qualifying as an overall weekend review.
    Worst Driver: no opinion really
    Best Rookie/New Driver: nobody is really a rookie right now are they REALLY?
    Best Team: Mercedes yes. Red Bull were not really at races.
    Surprise Team: someone pointed out Haas getting double points. Must be no braking zones in Japan <whistle>
    Worst Team: Ferrari all day. Spark plug my was.
    Best Overtake: kimi probably

    Most Surprising Result: meh....
    Least Surprising Result: Mercedes car whining prove total lies as they smash lap record and drive away from all.
    Funniest moment:
    Excuse of the week:

    Special Mention: vettel for not killing someone when he was going backwards.
    Best post from the race thread:
    Race Rating: 6/10? All drama was killed so at this point in season this kills the race for me.
    cosicave likes this.
  7. cosicave

    cosicave Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Best Driver: Hamilton.
    Worst Driver: Ericsson.
    Best Rookie/New Driver: Probably Ocon
    Best Team: Mercedes, despite Bottas' (relative to Hamilton) lacklustre performance.
    Surprise Team: Ferrari. Three consecutive disastrous weekends is a surprise to me, despite the fact that I've expected some problems in reliability with such an advance in performance this season.
    Worst Team: As above. Ferrari under-performed according to even their own expectation.
    Best Overtake: Agree with Big Ern here: Magnusson on Massa was neatly done.

    Most Surprising Result: As per 'surprise', above: Ferrari.
    Least Surprising Result: New lap record with these mega-quick cars.
    Funniest moment: As per Smithers, (above). Perez simply doesn't understand that part of F1 is a team game.
    Excuse of the week: Something about a spark plug…

    Special Mention: Gasly will probably make it into F1, full time.
    Race Rating: 6.58/10

    In terms of this being a driver's first season in F1, yes; how about Gasly, for instance?
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2017
  8. Big Ern

    Big Ern Lord, Master, Guru & Emperor

    Jan 28, 2011
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    I imagine the Haas garage was full of high-fiving, the perfect over-take from a team perspective. He caught Massa with his pants down and he couldn't pull them up until Grosjean had snuck past. I think a bit of end plate flew off which could've been the cause of Stroll's tyre failure shortly after.
    I really despise carbon fibre front wings, if I could introduce a rule into F1 it would be simplified front wings made of a material that doesn't shatter into hundreds of razor-sharp pieces with a bit of wheel to wheel, though it does bring out the yellows and, if it's good for the show, the SC.

    Stroll and Vandoorne are still technically rookies.
    cosicave likes this.
  9. cosicave

    cosicave Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2011
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    Yes. A good appraisal, BE.

    I also despise carbon fibre front wings for the very same reason. Damaged front wings often interfere with racing disproportionately, thus spoiling both competition and spectacle. Altering regulations to prescribe a different material has the potential to be a legislative minefield, not least because other materials do not have the 'flexibility' (sic) to be formed into virtually any shape without loss of rigidity – never mind the inherent problems of joining disparate materials together (essentially with good old nuts and bolts at some point), which weakens both sides of any such connection with a corresponding increase in weight in order to compensate – which has further ramifications for the whole chassis!

    I always find your thinking creative and interesting. (And often very amusing!) :)
    Big Ern likes this.

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