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Rafa to West Ham

Discussion in 'Newcastle United' started by Albert's Chip Shop, Aug 22, 2017.

  1. Albert's Chip Shop

    Albert's Chip Shop Top Grafter
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 27, 2011
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    There's talk this morning that Slaven will be sacked imminently and that West Ham still have Rafa at the top of their list to replace him.

    I can honestly see Rafa going. I wouldn't blame him in fact.

    Hope it is another wake up call for Charnley to get deals done rather than simply 'monitoring' various players who are out of our budget.
  2. Dorty Dogbreath

    Dorty Dogbreath keeper of the glow

    Nov 30, 2011
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    Supporting this club of ours is like banging your freaking head off the wall <ffs>
    Dimi and anyobrien like this.
  3. Albert's Chip Shop

    Albert's Chip Shop Top Grafter
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 27, 2011
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    We get all positive and such and some ****er goes 'I'm not having all that positivity... here... have some ****e to bring you back down to earth.'
  4. anyobrien

    anyobrien Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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    You know what hope he gans **** it all I'm sick to death of the circus.... I broken fan.
  5. Gordonthetoony

    Gordonthetoony Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Lots of talk on the Alan Brazil show on Talksport as to Rafa/Bilic situation . Saturdays result could well determine it either way. Personally, I wouldn't be suprised to see Rafa go after all the goings on with Ashley but am I bothered ,no.
    Finding Rafa very one dimensional, not willing to try different methods when things go wrong just a case of same old, same old. Too many players picked due to being favourites, not their form. ( Perez, Lascelles, Gayle ) If he stays I hope we look further afield for players than 2nd rate Spanish players
    anyobrien likes this.
  6. Lord Jonjomort

    Lord Jonjomort Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2014
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    Mate we'd end up with Pardew again. But look at the difference in spending and first XI, I thought "why would he", then came the Summer and it's got to be "he'd be mental not to go". He's done his politics he'd leave with the blessing of the fans, win win for him.
    Dimi and anyobrien like this.
  7. Captainchaos.

    Captainchaos. Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2015
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    Ashley want him to go
    anyobrien and RobEllious like this.
  8. RobEllious

    RobEllious Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2011
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    Seems like it, some big wages to get off the bill
  9. Blue harvest

    Blue harvest Active Member

    Aug 31, 2011
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    I think the issue with the squad, if partially of Rafa's own making. He signed lots of players to make a squad capable of getting us out of the championship, which it did - although made it more difficult than they should have. The trouble is, there didn't appear to be a plan of how to re-build the squad once promotion was achieved. He might as well give Saviet, De Jong, Krul or even Colback a game as we appear to be going backwards based on how we controlled games last season.
    RobEllious likes this.
  10. RobEllious

    RobEllious Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2011
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    It might have to come to this, but I think these players represent the past way too much.
    He gave them all a chance but I don't think he saw anything. I always thought Saivet never got fair chance, but if even the likes of McLaren wouldn't consider him, they must show their follies in training. The De Jong remains a confusing one mind.
    But the only time Tim Krul should see a Newcastle shirt again is looking at old photos through his tear filled eyes

  11. Joelinton's Right Foot

    Joelinton's Right Foot Worth Every Penny

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I read a comment from a West Ham fan recently who is convinced Rafa will be with them by November. Not sure how much there is to this story, but someone in the media (or in the know) seems determined to give the story some life.
  12. Brian Storm

    Brian Storm Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    This would be funny given the joking from our fan base that he'll walk on you.
  13. Joelinton's Right Foot

    Joelinton's Right Foot Worth Every Penny

    Jan 27, 2011
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    A lot on here have been predicting it too - though sadly for us, not as a joke. Whatever people think of Rafa and his limitations then I can't see it as anything but bad news if it happens. We'll be heading into the cycle of doing what you lot did. A squad filled with a previous manager(s)' players and no money to sort it. It will only lead to more instability and disappointment.
    General Lee Speaking and QWOP like this.
  14. QWOP

    QWOP Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Oh it will happen mate. I knew MA would revert back to type once we got back into the PL. It'll take a miracle to survive as things stand. I wouldn't blame Rafa for leaving although I don't think he'd leave for West Ham. He's had his sojourn with the crap clubs. He should aim higher than that shady lot.
  15. QWOP

    QWOP Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I'm past caring to be honest. Not even watched a game yet and I doubt I will unless things change from above.
  16. RobEllious

    RobEllious Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2011
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    Don't see why he'll go from one owner who talks **** and won't buy the correct players to the other.
    I reckon he'll **** off for a payday in China or somewhere. Fair play to him like!
    anyobrien likes this.
  17. Brian Storm

    Brian Storm Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    Don't think he's the best manager in the world but hardly the worst, he's an above average manager who could probibly do a bit better than you(Not surgesting West ham is that by the way. There's something rotten in that club). But for your level of club he's better anyone available. Good money manager yeah but on a shoe string it's not really known. I know he failed at a few clubs early in his management career due to struggling on a budget but it was a long long time ago.

    Sounds like he's in a similar mind set to Dick Advocaat with us. Did all the budget crap early in his career, does he really have the stomich at this point in his life to be ****ing around at skint clubs in a climate where everyone else is spending like there's no tomorrow? Dick was lied to as well over funds, sounds like Mike is popping up with a few porkies of his own going by the other threads. You're striking a lot of similarities at the moment fella, you're right. So long the spreadsheets read ok, stalled in progression should be the worst for you(Which would make you a yo yo club at present I dare say) So long as you're not creeping into debt you'll be fine, but sooner or later you'll go down if you don't compete financially. It's just the nature of the beast init.

    Mike could well be taking the TV money and a relegation a couple of times before spending big. Likely a successful plan if you keep the bulk of your squad together if you go down. Would demand a hell of a lot of patients from the fans but in years down the line if goes well you'll be getting a promotion with a a competitive war chest. If you are skint long game is the only game unless Mike is willing to borrow on the tv money with comes at the end of the season. People often don't realise promoted clubs don't see all that money until the end of the season. But as you say, a revolving door of managers would risk that plan too.

    Proper **** being skint in that league init.
  18. Warmir Pouchov

    Warmir Pouchov Better than JPF

    Jun 1, 2011
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    Its bizarre that Sunderland fans seem to think it would be a big shock if Rafa walked or that we'd up in arms about it. Its difficult to get overly bothered about something most have predicted is going to happen. It would be more like "ah look Mike's done it again". After 10 years with big Mikey, I think we have a decent handle on what to expect.

    Personally, and I realise not many agree, I don't think its that big a deal anyway. I just think he's done a fairly average job. Yeah he's ahad a limited budget this year but he had a massive one last year. I just think its weird so many of our fans are quick to defend him due to a lack of funds. Pardew had a lack of funds but kept us safely in mid table most of the time by the end of the season - yet he's the devils spunk. Why does Rafa get such an easy ride? His subs are ****, we're boring to watch, and he has brought in a load of dross. What's the big deal?
  19. Joelinton's Right Foot

    Joelinton's Right Foot Worth Every Penny

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I think I'm in a minority of one of people who have defended both Pardew and Rafa. For both managers, we need to accept that they had/will have a specific style and back them to build a team that will play the way they want. Both managers were/are being forced to play their systems with players who don't suit it. Neither manager is particularly good at having a plan B.
  20. RobEllious

    RobEllious Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2011
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    Probably because I would put my life on Pardew not being able to get us out the championship, even with the money.
    Give Pardew, a man lucky to be in a job and with no achievements to speak of, no money and I think we all knew he was under no illusions as to the situation
    Take Benitez, a man with his history and who is far from lucky to be in his job, and tell him the money's there before going on to piss on his chips
    This is why I've got something more for Benitez, he shows he isn't happy. It used to sicken me seeing all summer without transfers AND have to put up with 'lines'
    Whilst it was every right for Pardew to take that job knowing the score, I have every right to think him a **** for doing so

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