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Match Day Thread Huddersfield versus Newcastle

Discussion in 'Newcastle United' started by Sammy's Silky Skills, Aug 16, 2017.

  1. Joelinton's Right Foot

    Joelinton's Right Foot Worth Every Penny

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I don't think the problem lies with Rafa. He's as good as we can hope to have. Any manager would struggle under MA's budget this season.
    leez likes this.
  2. Gordonthetoony

    Gordonthetoony Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I have to say we were a really poor side today. Sorry rafa, our organization was shocking as was our passing. Slow and ponderous getting the ball out and up to our forward. Definitely a relegation fight season.
    TheJudeanPeoplesFront likes this.
  3. TheJudeanPeoplesFront

    TheJudeanPeoplesFront Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2011
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    They would, and that's what we should expect. Nobody can dispute, however, that Rafa is not getting the best out of the players at his disposal, because he's ****ed off half of them. Now he's realised he can't sell them!!!

    I saw no spirit, enthusiasm, or effort to attack.
  4. Lord Jonjomort

    Lord Jonjomort Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2014
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    Fast running out of patience with Rafa. Stagnant, outdated tactic, rubbish substitutes.
  5. Prince Isak (GG)

    Prince Isak (GG) Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2011
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    I totally disagree. He made the team selection and also the tactics and clearly he has his favourites. We where playing 40 yard passes in the air to Gayle who is carp at this level. If your going to play like that you put mitro on. He starts Ritchie on the left and atsu on the right..... I mean seriously wtf. Don't get me started on bringing Diame on. What on earth. I think Rafa is bored, and wants away and he will walk soon I am convinced. **** in Rafa we trust that's a myth.
  6. Tasty Magpie

    Tasty Magpie Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2012
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    There is no-one who can bring sustained success with MA at the helm. If he stays owner for another 20 years it will just be 20 years more of mediocrity at best, regardless of manager.

    When Pardew managed to get us 5th with decent football and minimal capital outlay his reward from MA was complete betrayal in the form of chronic underinvestment. When Rafa built a team for the Championship season (something he was completely forthright about) and got that promotion, his reward should certainly have been the required investment to tranform the team into a Premier League one. He has also been betrayed by the owner.

    I don't think Rafa is the greatest thing ever and personally dislike negative tactics, but anyone who is focussing on Rafa as the source of all our problems is betraying their own cognitive ability.
  7. Albert's Chip Shop

    Albert's Chip Shop Top Grafter
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 27, 2011
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  8. leez

    leez Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2013
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    We need a new owner. Simple as that. the heart. Is. Being ripped out of this club. Big style. Now I see. Something is going to give. Def. so. All aboard. The toon rollercoaster.
  9. Joelinton's Right Foot

    Joelinton's Right Foot Worth Every Penny

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I'm certainly no Rafa fanboy and don't agree with everything he does. I just don't think he is the root of our problems. If we have him as manager then he should be allowed to build a team of his own for the Premier. The team he bought last year was for the championship and it worked (just). Let him build a Premier team and judge him on that.
  10. TheJudeanPeoplesFront

    TheJudeanPeoplesFront Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Success is relative. You would have to be very deluded to think we're going to be taken over by a new owner, given Mike was going to sell it for proverbial peanuts and nobody was interested. So Mike is what we have got, and success should be defined under his parameters. I don't blame him for not giving Rafa another £50 mil on top of the £30 million we have spent.

    You're effectively changing the question I am answering, because yes I can agree we'll never be top 6 without a more willing owner. The question is, and always will be as long as Ashley is in charge, is Rafa getting the best out of the funds and players he is afforded. That answer is NO, unless you are mentally deficient.
    Prince Isak (GG) likes this.

  11. Joelinton's Right Foot

    Joelinton's Right Foot Worth Every Penny

    Jan 27, 2011
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    But by the same token, Rafa is who we have as manager. It won't do us any good to start calling for his head and start chopping and changing managers. So if we have Rafa as manager then we need at least a bit more investment to get him players who will help his system work - whether we like it or not.
  12. anyobrien

    anyobrien Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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    Rafa is negative as ****,I know Liverpool fans who think the same and yes there from Liverpool and have season tickets.... Why one nil down bring on diame... Ffs just go for it...... Him and Ashley are the perfect storm..... It's early days but it looks grim... West ham next must win.
  13. TheJudeanPeoplesFront

    TheJudeanPeoplesFront Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2011
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    We can call for his head as much as we want! That's our privilege away from the game. Especially having watched ****e.

    Rafa should either shut up, or piss off. He has no divine right to lavishly spend his way to mediocrity, and should not be unquestionable based on reputation, especially as only 2 clubs he has managed don't ****ing despise him. He's created disharmony amongst the squad, and when you have no funds to do anything about it, that's incredibly stupid.

    We can't compete financially, but our club is actually in a much better state than before Mike. No, we won't see us become a footballing megalith, or compete for titles, but 99.9% of clubs cannot. I'm content in that knowledge. All I want to see, if we are to be relegated, is that we at least give a game a go 0-1 down... not wonder who Rafa is speaking to this week, as the other subs won't come on.
  14. mmmkay

    mmmkay Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Jeez 2 games into the season and everyone's having a meltdown. Amazes me how fickle some people are. If it's the same after 5-8 games then fair enough but after 2 it's ridiculous. Questioning rafas ability too? Wow
  15. RobEllious

    RobEllious Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2011
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    I'm choosing to see it as the right tactics on the wrong day, we set up cautiously and played as such as soon as a goal went in.
    I'm not writing off the season over first couple of games, we played a team high in confidence at home.
    We need a ****ing signing that will life the players though. Regardless of tactics, heads dropped in the second half and it was reminiscent of the times when our players were a bigger let-down than the manager. The buzz is just out of us as a club at the moment. I know Rafa hasn't helped that, but we'd all hate that he was towing the party line and saying everyone was 'like a new player'
    Diame ****ing awful substitution mind
  16. Joelinton's Right Foot

    Joelinton's Right Foot Worth Every Penny

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I would never want to curtail any fan's right to do that. I'm just saying that I'm not sure a change of manager will do any good.
  17. Prince Isak (GG)

    Prince Isak (GG) Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2011
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    he brought on Diame. Enough said!
  18. TheJudeanPeoplesFront

    TheJudeanPeoplesFront Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Cannot be any worse than what I just watched.
    I will say that defensively, I thought we were organised, but there was no thought to press appropriately, prevent crosses, or do anything with the ball when we won it. Now, it may be impossible for these players to attack, but I doubt it. I feel that Rafa sets us up to play like Liverpool of old, with balls supposed to be towards Gayle like Torres, but it's obviously ineffective and not getting the best out of anyone. The balls don't go behind, they end up just lumped at him. Meanwhile, the one useless tart we have who enjoys that kinda play, is sat ****ed off on the bench because Rafa doesn't want to play with what he has.
  19. Joelinton's Right Foot

    Joelinton's Right Foot Worth Every Penny

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I totally agree with not understanding why he doesn't want to play Mitro. That game today was crying out for his ability to hold the ball up.
  20. Kryptonite

    Kryptonite Active Member

    Jun 16, 2011
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    In fairness to Rafa I think he seen Merino was able to make some interceptions and break forward the ball forward into a bit of space at that stage of the match and that's usually Diame's main strength aka lumbering forward with the ball in straight lines.

    Rafa made a terrible decision with Richie though, playing Richie on the left is like Wenger putting Pires at RW, it doesn't work as all his tricks are based on the defender expecting him to cut inside which they loose when they play as a regular orthodox winger.

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