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A Bright Future At Last

Discussion in 'Leeds United' started by BillysStatue, Jan 5, 2017.

  1. BillysStatue

    BillysStatue Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2011
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    The fantastic news that Radrizzani has finally completed the first part of his buyout of Cellino's shares has helped to lift an already soaring Leeds United even higher ... finally we have an ambitious owner we can trust, and it will be all his to run in June when he completes the takeover

    Rad has a fabulous track record in business, a self made millionaire with a specialism is sports media rights ... his company MP & Silva are also top dogs in mergers & acquisitions, and very recently won an award for M&A of the year on a deal they helped put together ... this means that Rad will have done forensic due dilligence on Leeds before finalising terms with Cellino, so no surprises waiting

    Leeds can look forward to a stable future under Rad's stewardship, as he has a reputation for building things and generating profits ... he has already openly stated that he is here for the long haul, and he has no interest in selling off Leeds for a quick buck ... we have to take his word for it, because it's simply not his style to flip companies

    our new owner was extremely patient in his pursuit of Leeds United, starting his journey in June of last year ... firstly, he had to wait for Cellino to commit to buying a 100% stake in the club, something Cellino could only have done on the back of Rad's intent to buy him out ... then there was Cellino's imminent ban, a stumbling block around the running of the club while Cellino is forced out of football in England ... now at least we know that Leeds will in effect be run by Rad from February in a "caretaker" role until he completes his purchase ... Cellino will wait to see if he gets a bonus bump on the back of promotion

    Rad is very well connected in the sports and business worlds, and he has a direct path to Chinese investment money ... he is known to have worked with top sports agents as well ... he also founded a childrens charity ... Leeds now have an owner with a sound business head who is intent on making the club one of the biggest in Europe, and he has the connections to help him achieve his goal

    Leeds United are on the up, of this there is no question, and the vibe at Elland Road is intoxicating ... we have a talented, young manager who has the desire to succeed and the ability to build a lasting legacy ... we have talented young players and cult figures who are capable of becoming Leeds legends ... now we have a respectable owner who will guide the club from the top in a positive fashion, seeking only to build and progress

    Rad is not a moneybags owner intent on moving millions to the UK, and it is hard to see Leeds ending up a soulless, fake club like Chelsea or Citeh, fashioned on a "just add water and stir for a trophy" approach ... Leeds is respected worldwide for its passionate, loyal support, and now this juggernaut has finally creaked its way down the dry-dock slipway and splashed into the harbour, the new captain at the helm pointing the bow out to the ocean and firing up the engines to take us to the promised land

    all aboard, I say, let's not leave anyone behind ... come Leeds United fans, one and all, and let's embark on this exciting journey ... this is not an exclusive cruise, and even the most cynical of you are welcome, because we are United ... it matters not who was wrong and who was right in our predictions when Monk came in, or if Wood could actually play football ... it matters not who knew the most about when Cellino would sell ... all that matters is that everyone now stands together, arm in arm, shoulder to shoulder, and we get behind the new owner, the manager and the players, ensuring that our charge does not falter and we storm our way to the Prem

    there is no other club like Leeds United, and I cannot even begin to imagine supporting anyone else ... this is a special club, with special fans, and finally we can see blue skies again ... Leeds will be great again, we've always known that, and all we've needed was a steady hand to guide us ... welcome to Leeds United Andrea Radrizzani, may your reign be long and prosperous

    Marching On Together ... we are the only club in the world that actually understands what this means

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2017
  2. Doc

    Doc Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    I just hope he is aware of what Bates, Harvey, GFH did to our club when they priced out a whole generation of fans. We lost support of our kids who started buying scum shirts etc because they were on telly and fashionable. Our academy missed out on talent as it went to City as Bates wanted to charge parents and when Bates sacked our head of academy, who was quickly snapped up by City to set up a world leading academy it makes you wonder what we lost. Cellino to give him his due has tried to rectify some of the damage with prices for kids, but was ignorant of what our great academy had and could be. I wonder if TA lease will be cancelled and a new purpose built facility commissioned so that we can get back to attracting the best kids. Done properly though as Chelsea and City have failed to promote their own kids into the first team set up. Chelsea even have 52 players out on loan.
  3. LeedsLover

    LeedsLover Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2014
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    I think it would be best not to light up the sky with fireworks just yet, we need to see how he pans out first.

    We have 2 equal share owners now, meaning 1 can't make a move without the others approval or agreement, that could be a problem, only saying could be.

    Out of 2 equal share owners, someone has to take the reigns, it's business, someone out the 2 must have the lead role, and decisions have to be made; I don't think it would be Radrizzani at this early stage, and Cellino ain't stupid enough to relinquish that much control to a new investor.

    There are 2 other partners in the MP & Silva company, there are 2 chinese companies that own 65% of MP & Silver, Everbright and Baofeng. Radrizzani is the founder, and group chairman of the Aser group holdings. I would not be surprised to learn that Radrizzani is not the sole owner of 50% of LUFC.

    Radrizzani is a businessman, just like Cellino. Seems Radrizzani is also involved in promoting the Arsenal brand around the world too. With so many fingers and toes in so many pies, how much time will Radrizzani be spending at Leeds, in between his Arsenal trips maybe, and who is he going to support?


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    OLOF likes this.
  4. LeedsinYork

    LeedsinYork Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2011
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    Very good post BillysStatue. There are a lot of people being cautiously optomistic but after having the previous owners we have had it's to be expected. Rad as you say has a fantastic record in what he does, hopefully he will use all his skills to get us back to where we belong. For me his most important thing for him to do is use his option to buy out Cellino's 50% in the summer. The man has made us a laughing stock in the football with his lunatic antics. As you say Rad is not super rich but he knows and deals with super rich people and i expect he will bring in the investment needed to get us to the next level once he has total control.
    Here's to a bright future for the greatest club and fans in the world. :emoticon-0167-beer::emoticon-0168-drink<bubbly><cheers>
  5. LeedsinYork

    LeedsinYork Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2011
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    Cellino has no choice but to relinquish control, he's banned for 18 months at the end of the month. You know not allowed to have anything to do with the running of a football club. Once this ban starts i doubt we will see anything from Cellino again except to say goodbye in the summer. Good riddance.
    BillysStatue likes this.
  6. LeedsLover

    LeedsLover Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2014
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    He's also indicated he will appeal.

    Did Cellino relinquish control during his previous ban? I think not.
  7. Doc

    Doc Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    He can stay and be banned but have nothing to do with the club. BUT as an owner of a club he can either agree or not agree with any board decisions so would still be able to influence and the FL cannot do anything about that as its his money, his company and his right. I do however feel he has had enough of the FL and England and will agree to sell his shares
    OLOF likes this.
  8. Chippy / Glory

    Chippy / Glory Senior Member

    Jul 3, 2012
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    I am sorry but nobody has any idea if this new bloke is good news or not. He could be another dodgy **** and the jury is out until we see what happens.

    He starts from a position of having to be better than Cellino unless this is just a ruse to let Cellino stay whilst banned.. Cellino is the worst owner we ever had by some distance... hopefully he is gone and not just playing us and the FA!

    Can we save the back slapping until we see what we get?
    ristac and Jammy 07 like this.
  9. BoggersMOT

    BoggersMOT Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Bates started this process off by putting the club on a sound financial position. That he then sold to GFH didn't help. But we appear to be now moving forward apace with the club on the pitch having the right Manager to take us forward, and the club off the pitch now having the funds to help this process. All in all, a good day so far.
    BillysStatue likes this.
  10. Chippy / Glory

    Chippy / Glory Senior Member

    Jul 3, 2012
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    A post full of unevidenced optimism and blind faith. <applause><applause><applause>
    On what basis can you assert a single word of your over optimistic (imo) take on things)?
    Did you have similar views about Ridsdale, Krasner, Bates, GFH, Haigh, Cellino? if yes learn the lessons. If not why this guy?

    I am not saying you are wrong but cant see why we would be in such a state of orgasm about this with what we know right now.
    OLOF likes this.

  11. Doc

    Doc Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Glory this time as you will no doubt be aware, the new guy is an open book and not an unknown quantity with a history of sacking managers, court cases etc. Radrizzani is highly respected and wins awards in his sports business field. He also has a great reputation in business unlike Bates, Haigh, Ridsdale, GFH, Harvey, Cellino. Rad would never survive in his chosen field if he loses face or his reputation gets trashed. He has also stated he is here for the long term and will put Leeds back in the big time.

    So I believe him and yes words are easy but he has never been caught out in the past, never done anything illegal, always been a success with every business hes been involved in. This time if I had to choose between your prediction that he could be bad or good I choose good every time. Unlike your prediction of Cellino being bad you were always favorite to be correct as history shows that.
    LeedsinYork and BillysStatue like this.
  12. Chippy / Glory

    Chippy / Glory Senior Member

    Jul 3, 2012
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    I never made a prediction about rad? There is no evidence either way on how he will run a football club. I am not convinced this isn't just some Cellino scam to flout the ban though!
  13. Jammy 07

    Jammy 07 Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2014
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    New owner has an impeccable reputation...hang on a minute what does he do for a living again !

    All the talk from him was exactly what you would expect from a media savvy guy and no doubt that will continue. He will make all the right noises right up until he shafts us royally. Or maybe not but it's far too soon to pass any judgement.
    OLOF and Chippy / Glory like this.
  14. milkyboy

    milkyboy Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    He doesn't come with the baggage of Cellino. Cautious optimism is my take. History tells me that the cautious bit is a wise caveat.

    Be interested to know the terms of the deal for remainder of the club... i.e. price of the second 50% if we stay in championship and price if we get promoted. It's clearly in Cellino's interest for us to go up... but rad might prefer us to go up next year!
  15. Chippy / Glory

    Chippy / Glory Senior Member

    Jul 3, 2012
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    You speak like this going up is a certainty and we can pick and choose...
    I wonder why we haven't chosen to do it earlier?

    FORZA LEEDS Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2011
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    Wonder what the price is if we don't win any more games this season and nosedive into relegation <whistle>
  17. Doc

    Doc Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Already safe this season and price will be the same as todays price
    BillysStatue likes this.
  18. Doc

    Doc Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    We are however getting ahead of ourselves here. Fact, many on here are pleased about our new owner. Fact many on here are chuffed with the team and are now starting to dream. But we all know that the reality is that we are behind in the money stakes to the clubs who are more favorite to go up this season, so need a reality check. Yes Monk has the team playing well and he may get a couple of new additions and he may get us into the play offs and he may get us up. BUT the odds are not brilliant. Fact, we could go for it next season if Rad invests properly but it will cost a lot of cash as we yet again must compete with clubs like Burnely, Sunderland, Hull, Watford or whoever comes down and serious parachute payments.
    BillysStatue likes this.
  19. Eireleeds1

    Eireleeds1 Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2011
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    The bare minimum Id expect in January is to tie up all the loose contracts. That would be a good start for Radz in my books. One thing. already reported Radz hopes to buy 100% in June but Cellino has given no indication whatsoever he will sell his remaining share. So thats a wait and see part of the joint ownership
    Irishshako likes this.
  20. BillysStatue

    BillysStatue Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2011
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    look, it is time we stood together and cheered instead of dissing all and sundry .. Radrizzani gives me no reason to doubt he wants to make Leeds a success .. he is very ambitious, a very capable businessman and very well connected .. can't see him settling for second best and hurting his reputation

    he's done his homework, he understands what needs to be done and he's convinced Cellino to sell .. only reason he hasn't bought the full 100% is because Cellino has requested the chance to make some extra cash if Leeds are promoted .. for Radrizzani it's a gamble worth taking, and probably a gamble other prospective buyers walked away from

    Radrizzani will be running Leeds from February, Cellino is done .. in fact, I'll go so far as to say Radrizzani has been pulling the strings for a long while now, which is why Cellino has been unusually quiet and remained in the background .. Radrizzani, it seems, gave Cellino a set of instructions to follow to allow him a way out of Leeds with his dignity intact and his wallet bulging .. there is nothing clever or shrewd from Cellino here, simply a beaten man wanting a way out where he gets some reward

    if we had "normal service" Cellino since June, then Monk would have been long gone, Taylor would already have been sold, we'd be playing in red and Ally McCoist would be manager .. no, this new found stability is not a result of Cellino suddenly changing his spots, it's about Radrizzani getting him in line so as not to fcuk up his takeover

    let's get behind our new owner, he deserves our respect for getting Cellino out .. this is a takeover, not an investment, and Cellino will be gone in June regardless

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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