Of course it was Muslim men....I see what you did there. Cultural backgrounds and religious backgrounds are two different things. I don't necesserily buy into everything my culture might portray as OK, could you do the same? Segregation was a major factor in the LA riots too....riots usually are an outburst against some form of oppression or the other. of course no riots are a result of minorities being suffocated by well we won't go into by who and what sorts ....but I see what you did there too
you must be someone who has a culture and a religion to experience that the two come from different sources, people morph them both into their lives as one code of living...that does not mean they are the same thing.....I agree some people live them both as one...but they are not. They are only related by the follower. It's like the stupid argument you hear by a 'Brit' who thinks integration means sitting in a pub getting pissed etc when in reality that has got nothing to do with the code of conduct in England, a Christian country by definition. Do you have a religion and a culture? Or do you just have a culture but no religion? In which case I don't think you are qualified to say they are both the same.
By the individual maybe not by definition. Anyway respect MrRAWhite...I'm glad we avoided the mud slinging I usually have to deal with on here. Nigel Trump is doing a sound job as mod.
Culture and religion are very much intertwined in both the individual and the collective and in every other way you could think of..
people follow the same faiths in every corner of the world. All these people don't share the same cultures.
I've nothing against people like the Polish coming over here to work as in my experience they are bloody good grafters. Asylum seekers on the other hand..................... Well as Elvis would say, return to sender, address unknown.
Yes and no. They tend to stay within their own communities too. Everyone should be invited to assimilate. Failure to do so should lead to revoking of their citizenship. Working together will allow for greater acceptance and for a better society. People can believe in what they want and maintain their traditions and culture but we are what we are. If you don't like it, why come here?
A bit silly that post. All you've done there is make it sound like your wife has dreadful taste in men if they're the blokes she's come across.
You'd rather innocent people were persecuted, possibly killed in their own country than come over here?
No problem with women, children, the elderly or infirm but fit, strong men should be home fighting the ****s trying to destroy it. What are asylum laws like in Aus?
But within each society that religion dictates and influences the culture. Society in Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Iran are all different, but all very influenced and in some cases dictated by religion.
I don't fully understand it. There's a lot of Sudanese over here who I believe have come over seeking asylum. Lots of Lebanese who came over during their civil war. But then there's those detention centres in Papua New Guinea which house thousands of asylum seekers who live in conditions worse than Guantanamo. Bit of a weird one. They recently paid off people traffickers to take boats full of people back to wherever they'd come from. The institution is labelled barbaric by the left wing and soft by the right wing. Mixed bag.
I`ve no objection at all to asylum seekers if they`re genuine. I`d much prefer to see vulnerable women and children brought in first before the single adult males and 13 year old kids who need a shave. (yeah right). As far as integration is concerned language will obviously be a difficulty but unless there`s more mixing that won`t change. I`ts understandable that people will want to be with those who speak the same tongue. With islam I have problems with accepting the burka. Whether it`s cultural or religious doesn`t matter. It seems to me to be a statement of non integration and a deliberate separation. It doesn`t belong here and creates obstacles apart from the security aspect.
Ireland is as well. No abortions, contraception frowned upon, unmarried pregnant women shunned by their families & as recent as the 1980's, put in homes for 'fallen women.' All because of the Catholic church who think that shagging young boys is just fine with the blessing of the pope. Spudcock called me a bigot. I'm not, I despise all religions equally.
Malaysia and Indonesia, mainly from impoverished areas and are classed as economic migrants according to my brother in Brisbane..