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New Profile Posts

  1. Darth Plagueis
  2. Rum & Black for 2
    Rum & Black for 2 rokkudan
    Evening. Interesting place for a thread.
    1. Obi Wan likes this.
  3. Magdad
    Magdad rokkudan
    Did Trev give you directions?
    1. Obi Wan likes this.
  4. rokkudan
    Back after many long years
    1. Magdad
      The legend returns
      Mar 19, 2025
    2. rokkudan
      I don’t know many of the folks still left here but I’ve met that fat bastard Obi Wan a few times
      Mar 19, 2025
    3. Obi Wan
      Obi Wan
      @rokkudan try posting where someone will actually see it haha.
      Mar 19, 2025
  5. Blond Bombshell
    Blond Bombshell
    We need to get behind the team for 90 minutes. There are no excuses for leaving early. We are all in this together. There are no excuses.
  6. mustyfrog
    assupmtion is the mother of all Fkups
  7. Butcher's Coat
    Butcher's Coat
    Ha'way the Ref
  8. Albert's Muffin Top
  9. StJabbo1
    Life is just a bowl of All Bran.
  10. ......loading......
    Xenophobia is rife in the UK today
  11. FadgewackeR
    Not that cvnt again...
  12. redcgull
    There's no point in asking, you'll get no reply
  13. chinacanary
    China by name Norwich by Nature
  14. StJabbo1
    StJabbo1 ChilcoSaint
    Have to say I'm a bit surprised, no warnings since my last ban and my reply was no stronger than many. Felt I needed to make a point about the made up quote.

    Is this permanent or a couple of weeks on the naughty step?
  15. william5551
    Ponty born Ponty bred and when i die i will be Ponty dead.
  16. audrey.s.thackeray
    audrey.s.thackeray Spurf
    Has there been any sighting of Maggie Blanchflower this season? She has always been such an enthusiastic approver of my songs that I've noticd her absence. I do hope she's ok. We oldies have to keep an eye on each other! Your thoughts would be welcome.
  17. audrey.s.thackeray
    audrey.s.thackeray maggie blanchflower
    Hi Maggie - I've missed your name on the prediction leagues (comments only) this new season. I hope you are well. And I hope you haven't dropped out. Do let me know if/when you get the chance. Not the same without your loyal support!
  18. OLOF
    Where are you mate?
  19. Tony Angelino
    Tony Angelino
    The singing dustman
  20. Gessa