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Off Topic Conspiracy Thread

Discussion in 'Hull City' started by Building 7, Aug 7, 2016.

  1. Steven Toast

    Steven Toast Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    I've shown this picture to a lot of people outside the UFO community, just posted it on social media and asked them to see what they think. At no point did I say there was anything to look at, nor did I state that there was anything paranormal. I had over 100 responses on Facebook, plus numerous others from first hand people who I showed it to who pointed out the alien stood behind the sign, asking if it was real, if it was a dummy etc. Maybe I should've gone down that road here.

    There are many reasons I know this is real and it's a shame I'm going to have to go to such lengths to prove it is genuine, but among others, it matches a lot of other photographs I've seen of so called aliens. The guy I know who worked at Fylingdales who I mentioned earlier, he just looked at it and said "Well, ****. There you go then." Having had so many respected people look at this and say "yeah, this is 100% genuine", scientists, military people, astrobiologists, I literally can't sit there and say it's a trick or it isn't real.

    It's a shame though, that this is exactly the reaction I expected. I admit that with such a topic comes a need for hard evidence, but I can only go so far, people have to take the step for themselves. If I put this forward and people are still questioning it (which is fine), then I've done all I can. I've said "here's something to look at" and people just don't want to know. It's like they look at things, decide it's not real and that's it. No follow up, it's just flat out bollocks.
  2. Des Head

    Des Head Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2011
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    No offence, but there's nothing there, mate. A random collection of pixels, emphasised by your close up, only serves to fire off those neurons that are preordained to recognise human(ish) shapes. I **** you not, I have a damp patch in my house that looks like Khal Drogo, ponytail and all.

    Considering Fylingdales is a radar station, who there has experience in alien photography?
  3. Chazz Rheinhold

    Chazz Rheinhold Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    And i believe Im going to sleep with Halle Berry one day. And not one of you ****s can say i wont. Go on prove it. You cant can you. It will happen.
  4. bum_chinned_crab

    bum_chinned_crab Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    It's like they look at things, decide they're real and that's it. No follow up, it's just flat out truth.
  5. Steven Toast

    Steven Toast Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Plenty. If you ever go round, make sure you visit the main operating room.

    On the tour, a woman asked about tracking ufos. The bloke was smiley about it and explained that the radar is programmed only to track things that follow the trajectory of a launched missile, otherwise it would pick up birds and all sorts.

    10 minutes later he was going on about how they tracked a renegade low orbit satellite that came down in the ocean. He didn't even bother backtracking.
  6. Steven Toast

    Steven Toast Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    But that's not true is it? That's not what I did at all. I took the picture and showed it to people who know more about it than I do. I had it analysed, scrutinised and tested.

    You took it at face value. Which, yes, one could do as you said, but it's certainly not what I did. Any of the stories, interviews, photgraphs or reports I look into I always follow it up with research and questioning, you have to.
  7. bum_chinned_crab

    bum_chinned_crab Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Showing some people a photograph does not make it FACT.
  8. BlackAndAmberGambler

    BlackAndAmberGambler Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    please log in to view this image

    Say what you see.
    bum_chinned_crab likes this.
  9. bum_chinned_crab

    bum_chinned_crab Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Not the point but I wouldn't, always thought she was a bit rough.
  10. Des Head

    Des Head Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2011
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    Well yeah, they'll track and record anything on a ballistic trajectory. So there'll be plenty to discount, the Earth gains 100 tonnes of material every day so there's a lot to ignore.

    I find it interesting that you interview people with abduction stories but I'd be looking for a common trait or even a gene to explain why these people believe so strongly in what they 'see' and what ties these cases together.

  11. bum_chinned_crab

    bum_chinned_crab Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    If you were an alien looking to abduct somebody to carry out probes to determine the genetic attributes of the human species would you choose somebody gifted, highly intelligent, world-class skilled, perhaps even a famous person or world leader - or would you choose a gap toothed lank haired yokel from Arkansas?

    Similarly would you hang around on corners of deserted southern roads or would you go to Manhatten?
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2017
  12. Steven Toast

    Steven Toast Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Of course not, but it goes a long way towards verifying the content. I'd never look at something and accept or debunk it based on what I can see, not without first hand research and details.

    If I thought or knew this was a visual trick, a doll, a person or anything other than what I said it is, I wouldn't have bothered putting it up. What would be the point? I don't know any of you, I don't want anything from you, I don't need anything from you. I have no cause to trick you because I wouldn't gain anything from lying about it. That's what you have to ask yourself. What is there to gain from it? What would I get from posting this on a football forum? Nothing. I expect nothing.
  13. bum_chinned_crab

    bum_chinned_crab Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Personally, I think the error you're making is thinking something is there. I don't think anyone is suggesting a doll, a person or a faked photograph, they just can't see anything resembling a figure.
  14. Des Head

    Des Head Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2011
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    It wouldn't matter to me how I abducted the human, but I would always hide behind a road sign and make sure I was out of focus.
    bum_chinned_crab likes this.
  15. Chazz Rheinhold

    Chazz Rheinhold Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Cunning bastard.
  16. look_back_in_amber

    look_back_in_amber Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2011
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    <laugh> That just made me laugh out loud Chazz, Mrs LBIA thinks that I've lost it, again.

    Personally I'd love to see some proof of alien life - as long as the ****s aren't after killing us all off - unfortunately I can't see it on that photo, but I appreciate the fact that it's been posted so that we can all draw our own conclusions.

    One thing that I certainly wouldn't do is attempt to ridicule someone for posting such a photo.
    Steven Toast likes this.
  17. Kempton

    Kempton Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2011
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    Tommy mate, I can see there's a body shape under what I think you seem to view as a face of some sort. The body shape is dark, like the 'Alien' is wearing a black coat or something. All of that is on the left side of the signpost. Carry your eye over to the right hand side of that signpost and you will see that black coat/Alien garment continues and no longer looks like a body shape.
  18. Steven Toast

    Steven Toast Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Logically speaking you'd abduct anybody who was a vulnerable target. The idea isn't to pick and choose the best, it would be to research the human anatomy. If that were the case. Aside from Travis Walton who was a logger and Betty and Barney Hill who were modest folk, many abductees are level headed, smart, decent people. In fact it's a complete myth that it's only hill billies that get abducted, perpetrated by the Walton incident. Many famous people have reported alien encounters or abductions; Jimi Hendrix, Rob Thomas, Dave Grohl, Leonard Nimoy (lol), Tom DeLonge, Will Smith, Dan Ackroyd, Herbert Hoover ... many are people with highly creative talents such as acting or music (and yes, access to hard drugs and booze on tap). You couldn't abduct a world leader, otherwise you'd have no plausible deniability. That being said, Reagan, Carter, Eisenhower and Truman all acknowledged the existence of extraterrestrials, Reagan famously at a summit in front of millions on camera. Nobody batted an eyelid. The former defence minister of Canada has admitted his part in dealing with aliens and discussing it with the US, nobody is bothered. And that's the real issue. It's that nobody is bothering to ask the question. Everybody is so concerned about how they look or who they swiped on tinder, nobody is forcing the issue. If you asked people if they wanted to know the truth, they'd more than likely tell you yes. But ask them what they were going to do about it and you'll get a blank look. Seems we're happy to look for answers to things that don't seem silly, but can't be bothered to look into something that could potentially shape and define humanity for our remaining days.

    Which is exactly what I've done. There doesn't appear to be anything in location, most of the countries in the world report at least 1 abduction case in recent history. Interestingly, there are a lot of genetic traits. Many abductees have blue eyes, fair skin, red or blonde hair. Very few are over the age of 55, many if not all are in good health and have reported very few debilitating illnesses (cancer, MS, diabetes, especially things that are thought to be hereditary). Out of 291 cases, more than 70% had blue eyes and fair skin, and a staggering 85% considered themselves to be in peak physical condition, with a strong immune system. Some even claimed to have heightened intuition, resistance to pain and toxins. One young lady I spoke to was Ukrainian. She was magnetic and could stick stuff to her skin. Most if not all have heightened empathy levels, which can lead some to avoid other people for fear of 'contracting' some emotions from others.

    Most that I have interviewed have an above average IQ (not all abductees do, just the ones I've spoken to) and tend to do well in their fields, although many are secluded and take jobs that don't require much human interaction, such as librarians, hospital file stores and the like.
    look_back_in_amber likes this.
  19. Steven Toast

    Steven Toast Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Very true, although the same shade of black is visible in the archway of the tower.
  20. DMD

    DMD Eh?
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Aye, and while you're wasting the opportunity by sleeping next to her, I'm going to shag her arse off. <ok>

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