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Bad times ahead..

Discussion in 'Swansea City' started by Norway-jack, Jun 4, 2013.

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  1. Norway-jack

    Norway-jack Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    ...if Even half of the news i received today is true !

    I Will be shot down for this but thats ok ,i cant go into any details yet and wont betray confidence but i Will say that the canas deal going ahead or not Will be a vital pointer.

    Those that know me on here Will know that im genuine enough .

    The term graveyard of ambition is very accurate IMO.

    ****ing gutted boys !
  2. Dilligaf

    Dilligaf New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I reckon I know what you're on about. I don't see why anyone would shoot you down mate we all know how passionate about the Swans you are. If the news is bad then whatever will be and life will go on.
  3. Norway-jack

    Norway-jack Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    Thanks mate, im sworn to the news on this one at the moment but I wont be the only one who has heard the goings on at the club, there is no smoke without fire as we all know but there is a major inferno inside them walls of the Liberty !!

    I hope things get sorted out.

    Life goes on of course, the Swans are so close to being a solid prem team, sometimes a little faith is needed by everyone I guess :)
  4. Yankee_Jack

    Yankee_Jack Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    I don't know .... why would things be so ****ing complicated. Best manager ever. A ton of real money on hand (relatively speaking). Profitability. All we need to do is invest to keep the train on the tracks. WTF

    LIBERTARIAN Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2013
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    Oh,you are a tease Norway.

    Funnily enough, about ten minutes ago I was wondering if the Canas deal was under threat.
  6. ValleyGraduate12

    ValleyGraduate12 Aberdude's Puppet
    Forum Moderator

    Aug 3, 2012
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    Because Yankee by the looks of things the board are a bunch of fcukwits with a small minded approach who do not harbour the same ambition as us the fans, or the best manager I have seen at the Swans.
  7. ValleyGraduate12

    ValleyGraduate12 Aberdude's Puppet
    Forum Moderator

    Aug 3, 2012
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    Sniper rifle at the ready :emoticon-0105-wink:
  8. ValleyGraduate12

    ValleyGraduate12 Aberdude's Puppet
    Forum Moderator

    Aug 3, 2012
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    What made you think that Vetch? Seems rather worrying now given that Arsenal have been reported in today's papers that they have put Michu as their number 1 transfer target.
  9. campionijack

    campionijack Member

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Can anyone remember the Board under Malcolm Struel in the late 70s / early 80s? Tons of ambition there...

    They bankrupt the club and it's taken us 30 years to recover.

    For anyone slagging off the current Board, remember it's down to them that we are where are today. Long-term sustainability HAS to be the way forward.

    Listening to some of the hysteria on here you'd swear we were on the brink of the abyss.

    Get a grip! And have some faith!!!

    FFS it's like being in a Women's Institute meeting on here these days!

    LIBERTARIAN Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2013
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    No particular reason,Valley,it just sort of entered my mind. Then I come on here,and see this thread. Strange one,but I have not been told anything by anyone "in the know".

  11. ValleyGraduate12

    ValleyGraduate12 Aberdude's Puppet
    Forum Moderator

    Aug 3, 2012
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    And the best way for that to happen is by becoming an established PL outfit. And given our current squad, should the board provide ML with the funds agreed prior to his signing a contract extension, then under ML that's what we will become as we ain't many signings off becoming a really good side in this division thus ensuring the long term financial stability of the club.
  12. ValleyGraduate12

    ValleyGraduate12 Aberdude's Puppet
    Forum Moderator

    Aug 3, 2012
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    Well judging by Norway's post the Canas deal will be the indicator to how things are going to unfold at the club. When is he actually supposed to be putting pen to paper?

    LIBERTARIAN Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2013
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    "When is he actually supposed to be putting pen to paper".

    I was under the impression that a pre contract agreement had been made,but that means nothing until a formal contract is entered into. I guess we will have to wait a while.
  14. Norway-jack

    Norway-jack Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    Im sorry im so vague, it smells of a wind up or an attention seeking exercise but I was shocked when told these things earlier today.

    My own view is that the Swans are now at the point where they sink or swim they must start to trust and believe they belong at the top table.
  15. Matthew Bound Still Lurks

    Matthew Bound Still Lurks Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    His (Canas) current contract doesn't expire until the end of he month, perhaps thats why theres no news on that topic
  16. Norway-jack

    Norway-jack Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    Remember that Campioni, what is your point ?

    There are three sides to every story, one side the other side and the truth that lies in the middle.

    Im not nieve enough to think that every body is perfect. There are plenty of screw ups made by our board over the years that have been forgotton about because of the success. They have dropped plenty of bollocks along the way as well as making some inspired and special choices also.

    Not dealing in contract issues with senior players took them years to get right.Costing the club millions in potential fees.(robbo,pratley,de vries etc)
    Not getting the correct amount of replica shirts ordered for consistant seasons meaning they had nothing to sell at Xmas is another blunder,costing the club valuabe monies and potential new fans .
    Signing players like Beatie for 800k without the managers recommendation,bringing in trundle when he wasn't wanted was also a farce.
    Failing to send the correct fax when registering foreign players is something that has happened more thn once at the Swans, unforgivable for a football club.

    These are a few minus points,i believe the good far out weighs the bad but don't pretend that the board are super human and don't **** up or get things wrong,they get plenty wrong with their small minded approach, ask Martinez about it!

    Its also worth noting that if they choose to pay themselves millions in bonus then they then become more open to scrutiny,letting things meander on and not sorting out transfer targets promptly may be due to them having a small minded amature approach or it may be something else..

    This is not an attck on how Swansea is run, we are what we are, but if you want to pay your selves an executive wage running into millions than you need to walk the walk as well.

    going into the most crucial season in our history and having so many question marks about whats happening is quite frankly a disgrace. The sound of silence is deafening , the board are great but not perfect so don't think they are and don't be daft and compare them with the struells either <ok>
  17. ivoralljack

    ivoralljack Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    I'm guessing that by "everyone" you are referring to Huw and the Board. Laudrup obviously does have faith and he is looking for the backing that was promised to him.

    This begs the question of how and why this situation has cropped up in the first place. When Laudrup signed his contract extension, it was accepted by all parties that it was done on the understanding that adequate funds would be made available to him. Surely the amount of the money available must have been discussed in principle - if not in very great detail? I cannot believe that experienced football businessmen would have omitted to do this.

    Consequently, we are left with the scenario that one or both parties (Board and Manager) have reneged on the agreement that was reached. I am wondering if the Board's faith in Laudrup was shaken by our less than impressive final run in and have decided to adopt a more cautious approach as a result.

    There are pros and cons to this. The Board are right to be concerned about the results, which were tantamount to relegation form. They might be worried that investing heavily in transfer fees, and the salaries involved, might not guarantee the results to warrant the spend. There is no doubt that the Europa Cup will stretch our resources to the limit, even to the point that our Premier League survival could be jeopardised.

    Michael Laudrup, however, could rightly argue that the performances, for the most part, were deserving of much better. We all know that our rightful position was 8th (curse that moron of a ref at WBA); Spurs hung on like grim death and had to kick lumps out of us to get a result and the Fulham result was..... a farce, a freak by Martin Jol's own admission. Perhaps 5 or 6 points from those games, plus others from matches where we didn't get what we deserved, it could be argued that this present wrangling over money wouldn't be happening. Fine margins indeed.

    But the kicker for me is the word "promise". If our manager was promised adequate funds then he should be given adequate funds. No more and no less. The Board cannot mess about with this, particularly with a man of Laudrup's stature and, even more particularly, after his experiences at other clubs. The consequences don't bear thinking about. Key members of the team will leave along with the manager and we can forget players who are in the pipeline such as Canas. We would be in complete and utter turmoil with relegation almost a certainty. As for our credibility as a football club......

    So, to sum up, the Board need to back Laudrup with every penny that was promised. If Laudrup has suddenly decided to up his demands to a level that would place our club in jeopardy, with a heavy heart I'd have to say he should leave and ply his trade elsewhere. If it comes to that, we can save more money by knocking the ground extension on the head - it won't be needed, certainly not in the Championship.

    It's sad that things have come to this (I'm taking Norway's post at face value) but I'm hoping that this is more rumour than fact. Perhaps it can be resolved through compromise by Huw and the Board showing faith in Laudrup by upping the money available and the manager harnessing his requirements to a level we can afford. We can but hope.
  18. campionijack

    campionijack Member

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Yes you're probably right on all that NJ. We don't know the half of what actually goes on inside the club.

    The only point I'm trying to make is that we don't really know the financial details on any of these deals, and if (say) some of the new players are asking for a huge wad of dosh each week, then it's correct for the Board to turn them away. Otherwise w'll have a runaway train of expenses that we can't afford.

    By the same token, none of us really knows what ML was promised, or what the current situation is. All we really have is the hysteria in the SWEP (which is a just a pitiful local rag) and the inane ramblings in the Daily Nazi.

    We should just cool it and see what happens.
  19. Norway-jack

    Norway-jack Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    Campioni- I understand your views mate, they are fair enough and valid.
  20. Norway-jack

    Norway-jack Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    What do my fellow Jaks think about Laudrup in the transfer market ?

    If you were chairman would you trust him with a big wedge ??

    For every Michu there is a shector
    For every chico there is a lamaar

    Nothing been said about JDG lately either ?? wonder whats happening there :)
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