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Aldo's autumn selections

Discussion in 'Television' started by A.L.D.O 4.1, Oct 12, 2016.

  1. A.L.D.O 4.1

    A.L.D.O 4.1 1 of the top defendants in Europe

    Apr 16, 2013
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    The nights are fair drawing in so i thought i might bring to your attention some shows that you may want to watch whilst you while away those long winter nights.


    There is far too much that is excellent about this show for me to pay it justice. A must watch.

    The Exorcist.

    Surprisingly good adaptation. Some genuinely scary bits in it and a very good story line. Like the book and film it's a slow burner heavy on dialogue bit very much worth a watch.


    I really like this show though admittedly the premise is a wèe bit far fetched. Great cast though and plenty of gratuitous violence and nudity. Can be bad eh.

    Designated survivor.

    Very watchable political drama starring Kiefer Sutherland. The President and the senate get themselves blowed up and Keefur is plunged into the big seat.

    Ye i know but it's well made with a good cast.

    Van Helsing

    Standard post Apocalypse fare tbh. This time it's vampires. Good way to kill an hour is about as much as i can say about this one.

    Falling water.

    Jury's out on this one. Saw the pilot the other night and while i enjoyed it i was also left a tad confused by it. Again, very well made and an excellent cast. Some pretty freaky **** goes on is the best description of this one tbh.
    Treble likes this.
  2. DevAdvocate

    DevAdvocate Gigging bassist

    Jan 21, 2010
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    Westworld looks promising.

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