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This should make brb laugh ( or cry )

Discussion in 'Gillingham' started by alwaysright, Aug 20, 2017.

  1. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    At the Bradford game, a friend who usually sits next to me was missing ! When we boarded the coach to MK Dons he told me what happened last week.
    A couple of days before the game he received 2 complimentary tickets, from GFC, in the post - but they were in the Medway Stand - not the GRS !
    He decided not to make a fuss that he didn't get his usual Stand let alone normal seat - and duly tried to use them for the game.
    He had not long settled into the seat designated on his ticket when along came another fan and asked my friend to move - " you're in my seat - I'm a season ticket holder." My friend was a little surprised by the request and explained his own 'position' - and showed the ticket to the other fan - - who promptly showed my friend two tickets he had been sent by the Club - they were duplicates !...................................................................

    oh - by the way the actual season ticket books, I am reliably informed, won't be ready for collection until Tuesday ( not that you'll find that information on the Official Site ).
  2. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    OMG! What a shambles....come on Mr Chairman or whoever else reads this site from the club when it suits them. Sort out this joke of administration and please oh please dispense with the excuses!

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